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Posts posted by kamotekid

  1. “The CFTs have very little adverse effect on the F-16’s renowned performance,” said Maj. Timothy S. McDonald, U.S. Air Force project pilot for CFT testing at Eglin. “A set of CFTs carries 50 percent more fuel than the centerline external fuel tank, but has only 12 percent of the drag.” The CFTs are designed for the full F-16 flight envelope – up to 9 g’s, maximum angle of attack and sideslip and maximum roll rate.

    here's what i found regarding its performance impact.

  2. yup. i believe it was shown in episode 6 (or the episode where sheryl wreaks havoc in alto's school because she wanted to get a feel of how it is to study there) where an ex-gear's arm was open and it showed the wearer's hand inside, gripping a control stick with different buttons which i suspect might be to trigger action macros.

    ex-gear control was shown in the very first episode when alto was folding sheryl's poster into an airplane. :huh:

  3. Nice finding on the earring! :o Didn't notice last night.

    @grss1982: Most surely a family thing, which will most surely be related to Mao Nome.

    And also, very good catch on the detail that Mao was injected with APHOS blood just before its awakening. That could explain why the military are examining blood of those that were close to the Vajra. They suspect the Varja follow some one related to the PC/mayan somehow. I had totally forgotten about it.

    So, from this point of view, we have a close relation of the Vajra with both SDFM and M0. Ranka's had 2 encounters with Vajra. Too many for just luck. So, on one, the Varja follow PC remanants, Sheryl being the target here. Ranka seems to be somewhat Zentraedi, so there may also be something there. And the Vajra react to music in general, and particularly to Ranka's feelings? A nice soup for a good twisting story. :)

    how do we know that the earring is from mao of macross zero? dunno must've missed that scene...

  4. No, definitely Battle 25. You can see it at around 11:09 in the DE, right after the "Shell" graphic.

    hi, been lurking for a while. actually, you're both correct. city area is named Battle 25, and the macross class ship up front is called M25. will try to post screenshot once i get home. :)


    oops, i guess i was wrong with Battle 25. here are the screencaps:


    shows "macross 25"


    and here it shows "frontier"

    dunno if battle 25 (connected to macross quarter & frontier) is actually pointing to the city area. oh well. :p

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