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Posts posted by Sazabi

  1. :ph34r: Hello guys!.

    been atleast half a year or something since i last posted on these boards. Im glad to see so many of the "old folks" still posting.

    Anyways, my girlfriend is flying over to New York on the 14th. I just wonderd where you can go pick up some anime in the Manhattan area!.

    Would be glad to get some adresses to places.


  2. ...still nothing....

    WMP doesn't even KNOW the format..... this is immensely frustrating..... Should I just re-download it?

    Havent anyone heard of FFDSHOW here?! , or NIMO CODEC PACK?! , omg people! . www.google.com , search for FFDSHOW and d/load , search for NIMO CODEC PACK and find version 5 build 9 , that WILL work!.


  3. OH MY GOD!!!!! this keeps getting better and better :p , i just chuckled through the entire episode, while my girlfriend just said "ewwwww" every time one of the pilots/destroids/infantry bit the dust :p , the destroids really rocked :p , VERY AC-ish :p , the GPB armor also kicked major ass :p , i love macross!


  4. Well Well! , a nice SEED discussion.

    my thought of SEED 49 - 50

    Pro :

    Isaac is a damn killer, he iced both Shani (Forbidden) and Crot (Raider) , and he did it looking COOL! :p , for the first time i saw the beautiful Duel kicking some serious ass.

    Shani (Forbidden) Death, VERY COOL!, the 2nd best death of the series (Mwu death in 1st, and Nicol in 3rd) , first off getting his PS-shield smashed by BUSTER , and then having his arms cut of and the second later getting impaled by DUEL.....awsome, a good ending for the 2nd best baddie.

    Crot (Raider) Death, Buster got kicked in the arse by Providence´s funnels, Isaac goes to help, Crot (now insane from the drugs he was fed with by the Blue cosmos scientists) comes and gets BLASTED by Duel using the buster-rifle :p

    Providence, turned out to be the second best suit of the series, always loved Funnels, and ive always loved the NT-1 (which i thought it resembled the most, the colors where nice to), i liked the backpack alot, seamd to be the ideal ramp for Funnels

    Rau Le Kruuze, the ULTIMATE baddie, had the 2nd coolest suit, said some VERY VERY TRUE things while giving Kira the fight of his life, his death was alot like Shanis and Nicols, getting scewerd on Freedom´s spear....the scene where the helmet cracks and the mask gets torn of was nice!, i didnt care to much about never seeing his face, i do think that he never intended to survive the last fight (throwing away his drugs and saying all those things)

    Fllay death , it was an awsome scene that made me think of MSG once again! :p , oh jolly!. it was sad

    Kira finnally getting his arse kicked again, for the second time we saw him get a royal beating, but ofcourse he won <_<

    Justice self destruct, was a very cool scene that came out of nowhere...i remember i was VERY shocked seeing Providence,Justice and Freedom get blown to "smitheriens"... Kira of course survived miraculousley, Strike Rouge also survived.

    Mwu La Fraga death, OMG!!!! THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE SERIES!!! , he got the death he "deseved" , diving infront of the mighty LowenGreen (The mother of cap-ship lasers) , and dying with "im the guy that makes the impossible, possible" as his last words.

    Azrael and Nataru death, VERY nice!, finnaly azrael gets what he deserves :( , i pitty Nataru tho .... didnt want her to die...


    Cons :

    Oruga (Calamity) death, WAY to easy, i couldnt never imagine him dying THAT easy, sure he was outnumbered, and up against 2 METEOR-units, but he had the biggest of the 2nd generation Gundams, i thought hed put up MUCH more of a fight.

    Astray trio killed of, MAN!, wasnt that FAST?!, sure we never got to know them but suddenley they where all killed off in 5 minutes , one being impaled by a Zaft unit....very icky!!.

    Freedom and Justice stopping all nukes from hitting PLANT, cmon?! , all of them?!, sure they had the S.E.E.D , and sure they had the METEOR-units ... but all of them?!, it must have been up to one hundred nukes flying, and they where all stopped....i didnt like that....

    there are alot of other cons....but i gotta get up for school in 3 hours , so ill leave it like this....


  5. OMG! , just watched EP49 , and WOW! @.p ...... probobly the best episode yet in the series!. SEED has really become one of my favorite GUNDAM series now that theyve started killing of people in large quanteties :p , and EP49 was just a slaughter! :p , i felt the rush through the entire episode ..... man! , i cant wait to get my hands on a chopped up Forbidden :p , man i loved that mobile suit.


  6. Sorry! , i didnt think it was DC comix ... always figured FLASH as a Marvel....sorry...very noobish error. Thx for that info!Captain! , very appreciated!. The Transformers : Armada series is REALLY bad. Why cant they make it as good as the comic .... i read the comic, its released like this in sweden : 1 chapter of G1 - Transformers (it was VERY good last time G1 was in it!) and 1 chapter of TF : Armada , but in the last release, the August release , they started with "the war within" series, which i liked alot to.)

    I do like that "channel 5" (the local channel that air these cartoons, they air all sorts of em in week-mornings) makes an effort in bringing in quality cartoons for the kids over here. only thing im missing now is the new Spider Man cartoon that ive heard so much about .... JL , He-Man and the new SM cartoons would rock ... does Spiderman air on american Mtv? , at what time?!: ill try to catch it on my cabel-tv sometime :p * have allmost every channel in the world. so theres alot of flipping the channels @ my place! :)*

    another thing i like about the new He-man series is that the fighting is VERY Anime-ish with all its slowmotion , jumps and martial arts, compared to the old series that i cant remember had any swordfighting in it! :p , Skeletors double swords kick major ass! :p , and he looks AWSOME! :p , and the swedish voice actor (that also does the Joker in the dubbed BatMan) really makes him feel and sound ass evil as he looks! :p , very cool! :p , and can anyone tell me what that blue cyborg guy with a claw as an arm´s name is?! , i cant remember....im holding his 20 year old action figure in my hand ..... another thing im HOPING for is that Hordac (dont know if he was known by that name in the US) makes an apperance , he was my favorite Baddie back in the 80´s :)


  7. Hello!

    3 new "cartoons" started airing a few weeks ago here in sweden. "Justice League" (something involving marvel heroes ... batman,flash,superman,Green lantern etc etc) , "Transformers: Armada" (I Only watch it since its after Justice Leage and before He-Man. ive never seen such a poor show...it sucked big time , and finnaly "He-Man And the masters of the universe" .... to tell you the truth i was so thrilled to see He-Man again (and in such a glorious way for that matter) i cryed in sheer joy! , when was this series made?! , i havent heard anything about He-Man getting a makeover .... the series is at part 5 (next saturday) and sofar ive grown madley in love with the quality of the animation and the new character models :) , when did He-man air in the US?!


    [EDIT] some spelling [/EDIT]

  8. for once im acually happy to be in sweden :p , we have no natural disasters , maby some floodnings a year or something ... but never something as big as a hurricane .... good luck to all of you who are in the path of the hurricane.


  9. The specialists beta 2.0 !! HL mod

    Try it if you don't know it !


    i downloaded it just to throw an eye but since i began to play wooohohoho :blink:

    John woo's gunfight style mixed with matrix combat and time bullet. Thanks for the sleepless nights.

    pic added Morpheo....wide lobby..... is that remender anything to you ? ;)

    <img src=http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/3f676dc7_dac5/bc/Mes+documents/__hr_specialists.jpg?bfTYCa_AjKhKL0ww >

    Please, try this mod and tell me what you think about it.

    ay! , i play this game to! , really fun if you want very fast action and cool effects! :p , The Deagle + 3rd person rocks! :p


  10. YES , ive been waiting for SO LONG! , i downloaded the demo a few days ago and i was totally blown away! :) , the new graphix and the new control-panels KICK ASS! , everything i wanted in HW is in HW2 , this is definatley a MUST BUY!.

    Hope to see some work on the DYRL?-mod on HW2 in a year or so! :p , so DANG COOL!


  11. im following SEED, its my favorite AU series ... the mecha designs are REALLY cool. the character designs are good to!. Id love to see an upgrade to my favorite suit in the show (Buster Gundam). it would rock to see it get an armor upgrade >:F. The story has gotten really intense now and with only 4 episodes left ... i cant say i think there will be a good ending. a "SEED2" you say? , where can i get info on this?!.


  12. hehehe. i watched this series as a kid. i remember loving the american guy coz of his cool helmet (a cowboy hat) , and i acually picked up a tape of these serier a few months ago :p , and it totally owns! :p , im currentley on the looks out for the rest of the swedish dubbed tapes. swedish dubbs OWNED during the 80´s :p


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