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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. I'm not worried about it, they're only cheap stands. I was going to buy some of the newer ones until reading this thread.

    I would rather have the official yamato macross stands anyway, to bad they're out of print.

    I might try those plastic risers some people use.

  2. $235 from Nippon Yasan probably isn't worth it. It will probably come into stock at HLJ and Hobby Search just like the VF-171 did. Well hopefully !

  3. Sounds like bad luck, man :(

    Someone just got the order in before you did so the system couldn't stick anything in private warehouse. Plus they're ironing out a lot of bugs with the new system. I've had these in private warehouse for a good week now.

    It sounds like it. I managed to get one of the last ones off Hobby Search though. So everything's sweet.

  4. I just ordered one from Hobby search. With the above link.

    The one I ordered yesterday from HLJ didn't go though. Probably because I choose the private warehouse option instead of the ship it now option. I think people who ask for ship it now option have priority or something. Screw that site.

  5. Just got shipment notice from Nippon Yasan. Pretty awesome for having ordered 2 days before release. I guess Nippon yasan just got a lot of stock...

    I ordered mine about a month ago and it still hasn't been shipped, weird.

  6. Most anime is hardly watchable now. The character designs are just awful in most shows. Most male characters look like girls and act like it.

    Even Macross isn't spared, we get characters like "Princess Alto" and Luka who looks like he should be in Pokemon or Digimon or something.

    There are still a few gems out there though among a sea of crap shows.

  7. I ordered the VF-19 Kai. I needed to have one after seeing so many good pictures of it in the macross collection display thread. The bright red color makes it stand out so much.

    I almost pulled the trigger on a VF-17s, but will hold out for a bigger discount.

  8. I think if it comes into stock, and you don't notice it, and don't realise to 'send instock items', it sometimes disappears. I have had that happen. But also occasionly it will show 'discontinued' on the item page, but 'low stock' on your status page, as if it has one on hold for you.

    But yeh, its kinda confusing to say the least. I'm happy they have finally got a "Pile of Private Warehouse Loot''


    I never really remember to press the "send instock items" after I've ordered something, but they still send out most of my orders. Hopefully after this new system change I won't have to worry anymore.

  9. I've ordered lots of stuff from HLJ, but i've never really understood how their system works.

    I've pre-ordered things and not even received it. It just goes into discontinued status. Its like they don't hold your orders or something.

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