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Posts posted by sbarrett4

  1. People... I see a helluva opportunity for cheap mods!!! Off to Walmart!!!

    I think these are long gone from WM. I never even saw one here in the Philadelphia area. WM had the other bots from the Galaxy Defender line, but no VF-1S. I got one from eBay way back and reviewed somewhere here. Its a decent bootleg and definitely a unique piece.

  2. jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous

    because i don't have one <_<

    I have one for sale. Interested? PM if so.

  3. I was like 14 or 15 at the time (does that still count) but I would go to K Mart and buy an armful of GI Joe 3 3/4" figures... then trade one of them to a guy I knew at school who had these small really tough rubber bands (I think he used them for model airplanes, the remote control kind that is) and I would then proceed to pull the joes in half and cut their center rubber bands. I would then take my dad's small metal snips and cut a link in the torso loop so I could thread on a new rubber band. Then I would play "musical pants" with them until I got combinations I liked. Then all I had to do was reassemble them and set them up. I had Duke with blue jeans, snake eyes with camo pants, the bazooka guy with the beard had duke's pants and so on and so forth. It was pretty cool for about ten minutes.

    you know, you could have saved your self a lot of effort by just unscrewing the torsos and mixing and matching the legs, right? :p

    I did a similar thing to my straight arm Joes as a 7 or 8 year old. Snake-eyes and Cobra Commander (mail-in with the Mickey Mouse logo) got their torsos glued their legs because the o-rings broke and I had no idea where to find replacements. Fortunately, I was able to restore them to almost perfect condition years later. Elmer's glue just doean't last forever thankfully.

    On a Macross note, this was not my work, but I bought it. An Elint painted red with a paint brush. It was cleaned up and now sits in Kanata's collection as the "Ragu" valk.


    I'm sure somebody is going to post up Nanashi's site link. I do recall that the body types look the same, it's just the heads and avionics that differ between the models. I believe that when (if) you ever see a pic of a CF (brown valkyrie) with a VF-1S head, it's a VF-1B.

    wow, I made one of these and didn't even realize it. I needed the 1A head for my Low Viz, so I popped a leftover Jetfire head on the CF body.

  4. is it a "golden fighter" custom?

    I ask because I see the golden head

    I think its brown and is a cannon fodder 1S. lol! :lol:

    I made one of those, too. Just cause I thought it looked cool. I have tons of Jetfire heads lying around, I needed to use one since the 1A head went to my 1/55 Low Vis.

  5. Ok people, I'm still looking for some parts to complete this sucker. I just won an ebay auction for the strike box with some parts in it. Now all I need left is:

    Left booster tip

    Doesn't it have the complete left booster? I was at work and unable to bid again, dang it. <_< I am glad you won though, congrats. I still need a bunch of parts that weren't in that auction.

  6. One question about the decals - did you have a small leftover "tire tread" piece?  I did and couldn't figure out where it goes.  :huh:

    The only decal I can think of that you might be referring to is the one that appears just to the left of the chestplate decals on the sheet. It's designed to fit on the piece that sits under the chestplate (only visible in fighter mode). Here's a picture of it and where it shows up on the original 1/72 model:

    Ah, thats it! Thanks Devin.

  7. 1. For primer, I find Rustoleum sandable grey to be good. I use whatever brand is available in the color I am looking for as far as paints go.

    2. Airbrush or spray paint (my choice as I don't have an airbrush). Brush paint only for detail work.

    3. I would add step 1A - sand areas that will rub

    4. Takatoys and Anasazi37 both make excellent custom decals. Both are MW members.

    5. I have used any number of clear sealers, Krylon makes a good one. Future is a floor wax. Never tried it myself.

    Hope that helps.

    edit: fixed my reply to #5

  8. very nice, I like the weathering. After seeing the last two MG customs, I think I'll repaint the nose on mine yellow, as opposed to the pink I painted it before.

    One question about the decals - did you have a small leftover "tire tread" piece? I did and couldn't figure out where it goes. :huh:

  9. I've wondered what my GI Joe Skystriker would look like as a valk. Its probably not a true 1:18, but it works just fine with 1:18 scale figures. I'd buy one in a second, assuming it was reasonably priced. Make it all plastic, without gimmicks, and it could probably be had for $100 or so.

  10. Here's my very first custom. I'm working on two right now, but this one has a VF-1D head by chris as well as heat shield, and cockpit. The pilots are scratch built, and the decals are of Anasazi's great work. I used Tamiya sand for the brown and Tamiya orange. The green is a mix of two bottles I found of Tamiya paint that I knew would look good if mixed.

    Great job on that! Thats your first custom? If so, I can't wait to see what else you can come up with.

  11. here's a pic of two 1/100 boots I got from eliwin a ways back. The boxes look like the joons boxes and the quality is on par with joon's... actually pretty below joon's, and they don't have a name on the box. Are these taiwanese or was joon's just so ashamed they didn't label them?

    I see my restored Elint has a nice new home :D

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