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Posts posted by Sturmvogel

  1. 7 minutes ago, DYRL VF-1S said:

    A few more sites will pop later.  It hasn't been released by p-bandai yet so these two sites are early.  It'll officially drop at 4:00PM JST.  So, like 3:00 AM ET/12:00 AM PT over this evening into tomorrow.

    Cool, thanks.  I ordered from Okiniland anyway.  Couldn't help myself.

  2. I just wanted to chime in here too.  Many kudos to you Shizuka the Cat!  Your links during the VF-1J pre-order last year were the reason I was able to snag one, and this round was very helpful as well.  Thanks!

  3. I struck out this time.  Ami Ami pre-order button appeared a couple of times, but it didn't work.  I had it in the cart at HLJ, but it showed an Order Stop after processing PayPal.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Duymon said:

    I don't think it's a removable canopy. I just think that proto they were transforming didn't have clear parts on it. It doesn't even have the landing lights for the shins installed.

    Exactly.  There's no way to tell until we actually see a transformation video (of the final product).

  5. My NUNS triangle is in four pieces. I tried to fix it with standard Crazy Glue but it didn't hold together at all, like I was using water. I'm really curious what kind of plastic these black parts are cast in if Crazy Glue wont hold it together. :huh:

    As for the guy selling replacements, I wouldn't waste my time or money on getting exact replacements for the triangles because the same breakage would probably happen. Until someone makes a Shapeways replacement my 171 is going to look a little strange without his shoulder pads.

    Try the Tamiya thin liquid cement (it's about $5 at hobby stores), it fuses the plastic together nicely (it's ether PVC or ABS, not sure which). It melts the plastic a little at first, you'll need small tools like a tweezers or small needle nosed pliers to place the parts directly after applying the glue, otherwise you can smudge the plastic permanently if you get a finder print on it.

    I'm not sure Shapeways will work on this, the parts are very small.

  6. Earlier in the thread someone said that they contacted the guy and he said negotiations broke down and he wasn't selling the parts.

    As a side note, I repaired my NUNS triangle with Tamiya extra thin cement. So far so good, although I only had a crack and a small piece broken from it...

  7. I did not have to pry off the green shoulder cover. From the bottom move the black triangle pieces out of the way as if you are going to transform it. That will expose the tiny screw holding the two halves. Loosening/removing the screw will decrease the pressure on the metal shoulder ball joint, allowing one to remove the shoulder intact.

    Thanks, I think I see it now. I've been afraid to transform it until I loosened the screw first. Now if I can only do step 2 without breaking the leg off!

  8. Yup agree. I know of the issue, so I check all of mine and saw one with a crack. The moment I remove the shoulder piece, the NUNs black triangle bit just crumbled. The leg pice was a bit funny. I pulled it out first from fighter and it was still okay but a side piece of the knee joint coming off. I just though no biggy as its a simply fix as it was originally glued so just glue it back. After checking all the potential QC items, when just bending the leg back, not even twisting it, the leg just fell off. When you turn the leg where there is restriction, you can actually see the thigh area plastic piece separating a bit.

    The crack on the inside of the black triangle piece below the NUNS is not noticeable unless you take the shoulder apart. Folks may not realize that it is there at all.

    What I did exactly was remove the green shoulder piece first. It is just pegged into the black piece with two tiny pegs.

    After that was off, then I had full access to the screw on the black piece. Sorry for the confusion.

    I need to check the right shoulder piece on mine, it looks like it has a stress mark and a small crack forming above the U. I'd like to also loosen both screws on the left and right shoulders as a preventative measure. I'm not seeing how to remove the shoulder piece (is that the one with the big "171" on it?). I don't see a green shoulder piece. How are you guys taking the shoulder apart?

  9. Thanks for doing this, my VF-0A is one of my favorites and I've kept it even with a broken arm.

    My VF-0A's left shoulder/bicep is broken. Will these parts be for both the right and left arms?

  10. The 'alternate source' advises that the replacement shoulder hinges are on schedule for delivery to him sometime in the first 10 days of February.

    However, due to work related issues and the upcoming Chinese New Year Holiday in mid-February, it is anticipated that the replacements will begin shipping out to MWers starting the last week of February.

    For those that have already contacted the alternate source for replacements, please PM me your shipping address, so that the database can be updated now to save time later.

    Once shipping costs are known, the 'alternate source' will be in touch with a payment request for the shipping (this shouldn't be much, as the hinges are light, but padded envelopes still need to be purchased.


    Is it too late to place an order from the alternate source? Would there be any extras?

  11. Picked up the Max VF-22S yesterday and noticed the blue plastic of the back section seems to be a slightly darker shade that the rest of the VF.

    Anybody else notice this on theirs?


    I noticed this on mine. But it looks like the back section has a smoother finish, and the rest of the plastic has a little more of a matte finish. I think this gives the illusion of a shading difference.

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