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Posts posted by tninfko

  1. I now own every Yamato Scopedog release except the Scopedog II w/ Round-Move pack. I personally haven't applied any of the stickers, but that's bc/ I've had decal sheets printed for almost everyone of them (but this is not currently available anymore), and am someday going to decal and weather and detail them all up... in theory. In reality the stickers probably aren't that bad... but then again, they ARE Yamato stickers. Stickers are never going to be any more permanent, and adding a clear top-coat to stickers only makes them worse (makes then thicker, and can cause them to yellow or discolor)

    Got my DMZ RabidlyDog last night, and it is fricken KILLER... I am again in love with the DMZ line and trying to figure out how I didn't get in sooner...

    Darn :(

  2. All this talk about the DMZs makes me wish I purchased them instead of getting a Yamato one :angry:

    I have a question to anyone who has/had a Yamato Scopedog. Did you apply the stickers? If so, did you do anything like a clear coat to make them a little more permanent? Are there any waterslide 1/12 Votom decals out there or will I have to suffer?

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