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Posts posted by joke-machine

  1. Been a long time since Ive been part of Macross collecting.  Sold out the vast majority of my toys quite a few years back, but I found a box of some leftovers I had apparently forgotten about including a few Transformers and Macross goodies.  No idea what the current value of anything is anymore, so any advice is appreciated. 


    Bandai 1/55 re-issue Super Valk with box and all parts.  Transformed a few times, nothing broken.    Could only find one on Ebay, so that doesnt seem to be a great source of info on potential value 



  2. Mods, I also placed an ad for this in the wanted section, so if you feel it is inappropriate here feel free to delete-

    My wife is a big My Little Pony collector and at this years Comicon convention there will be an exclusive superhero pony at Hasbros booth.

    I am looking for a member who is going to the con who could pick up 2x of the pony for my wife. We would of course pay you in advance, plus a little extra for your time, and shipping to my house. If there are any members gong to the con who can help a fellow MW member out please let me know--

  3. HI-- I am looking for a member who is going to the Comicon 2008 convention. My wife is a big My Little Pony collector and there is going to be a convention exclusive at the Hasbro booth.

    I was looking for someone who is going to the convention who would pick 2x up for my wife. We would pay you in advance so you would not be out of pocket anything, plus give you a little bit extra for your troubles, and of course cover shipping to here.

    If anyone is going to the con who could help a fellow MW member out, please let me know--

  4. HI-- Been out of Macross collecting for several years now and am finally liquidating some of my older Macross stuff that is not my all time favorites, but since I have not been collecting I have no clue on some values-- Got both of these from Yahoo Japan years back (Probably around 2000)

    Any help would be appreciated

    Item #1 complete set of 6 Arii SD valk kits, unbuilt, parts still in sealed bags.

    Item #2 Bandai RoboChanMan motorized SD strike valk kit. Has big west sticker on it. Has a 1985 date. parts still in sealed plastic bag, with slightly damaged instruction sheet and unused sticker sheet


  5. My wife is big into collectijkng My Little Pony and apperently there is going to be an exclusive there (pony dressed as a superhero) If anyone is going, I would be happy to pay for the item, plus extra for your time. Send me an Email (easist way to get in touch)

  6. Well I think I may be getting into another! collecting field. I am seriously addicted to being a collector, but that is besides the thread topic. I am looking to get into the miniture military model collecting. Like 1/32 WWII armor mostly, but possibly some 1/18 stuff as well (the planes in that scale are just freaking awesome). I am an absolute history nut, especially WWII, so the subject is perfect for me.

    The ones I am looking at are the kind like Ultimate Soldier, and Forces of Valor. They seem pretty well detailed, good paint apps and such. Here is an example of some of the 1/32 armor from Ultimate Soldier Cold Steel line-



    I am hoping that some of you out there are collecting these. Are they worth getting into? Are they a huge money drain (doesn't seem too bad, maybe $20 each for 1/32 armor) Any advice on them from colelctors would be appreciated, as I am still kinda undecided on the whole affair--

  7. High School Social Studies teacher in a juvenile prison near Cleveland, Ohio.

    It's the only teaching job around where part of your orientation training is in hand to hand unarmed combat. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  8. Yeah Mercenaries was an absolute pain in the #&@

    I stopped trying after a while. The Chicago Typewriter and Infanite Rocket Launcher were good enough to whet my bloodlust for senseless violence.


  9. I need some of the sage advice from you old school Macross collectors.

    As I was trolling through Ebay, I came across a very reasonably priced BIN for Jetfire parts, with a unknown Macross jet added to boot. I think it may be a 1/100 from Bandai, but really I don't know. Anyone have a clue what it is I just bought :p:p:p


  10. I am looking for any of the Ps2 DDR games for my niece for Christmas. She is getting a pad, but no game. So I said I would get her the game. Anyone have one for sale or trade? Any of the Ps2 ones will work (DDRMax, DDRMax2, DDRExtreme, DDRExtreme2)

  11. I'm through episode 12 on the series, eagerly awaiting the last one!

    The two girl assasins just plain rocked with that cold sense of cruelty and heartlessness to others, juxtaposed with a warmth and tenderness in regards to each other. The ultimate yin and yang, all wrapped up into one. I have gone back and rewatched those episodes with them in it again and again

  12. I sooo much more liked the series than the movie. The movie was altered considerably from the series, and felt very rushed, and pieced together.

    Anime has shown us time and time again that you shouldn't cram the equivilent of 8 1/2 hours of anime footage into a 2 hour movie. It would be like saying that you could fit all of the Lord of the Ring trilogy in one movie. Sure it could be done, but you loose so much of the character development, the interactions, and all the deep layered storyline. It would feel cheap, and incomplete. And that was the biggest problem I feel with The Vision of Escaflowne. No real chance to really develop the characters, the love Quadrangle interaction between Hitomi, Van, Allen, and Merle, or even the bond between Van and Escaflowne.

    Also, I didn't like the "new" direction the movie went, with a decidedly shift to grittier, angst ridden characters. It lost much of the original fantasy and love themes that the series featured prominently.

    To top it all off, we don't get to see much of the best character in the whole series, Dilandau.


  13. Okay here is the deal. A while back I started watching this series and stopped watching both almost at the end. I just couldn't stomach it any more. I stopped watching after episode 20 (I think) of this horrible EVA clone with franeknstein symbolism literally crammed into our throats.

    Even though I don't want to waste any more of my time on it, I still have that vague sense of incompleteness that I would like to know a quick recap of the ending. So if you have seen it, and would be willing to throw me a paragraph or two explaining how the series ends, I would really appreciate it.


    The last I remeber is that the Funeral team had just figured out that the EVA's, (darn it, I meant ot say SARGS), were made up of alien pieces parts (actual alien creatures?) and the base had been destroyed via the latest incarnation of the angels..... whoops, I mean aliens. So If you know the deal with pilgramage point and what happens at the end, please spare me the grueling mind numbing two hours I have left and just tell me---

  14. Wow, thanks guys.

    I am definately going to pick that up and see it again. It was the very first anime I ever saw (probably at age 7 or so) and it still sticks back in the crevices of my memory. It will be interesting to see it again after 25 years and to see if it was as cool as I remembered it being as a child.

  15. Well after coming from Otakon this year I saw something that stirred a long repressed memory in me of seeing a wierd anime a long, long, long time ago when I was much smaller. The reason I remeber this is that on a generic AMV I saw, it featured a quick clip of a train flying throuhg the sky.

    Now, if I remeber correctly, it would have been sometime in the late 1970's or early 1980's. It featured a train that would fly through the sky. It collected peoples souls that died I think. And I am pretty sure it featured a little boy whose mother died and he has to take this train to find her soul (?)

    I know this is a long shot, but if any one has a clue, let me know---

  16. Just picked up a Shadow Alpha for $60 at Otakon convention this weekend. I really wanted Scotts or Lancers Alpha, but all those I saw were still running $80. I had the shadow out and it is really, really cool. After all the crap I have been hearing I was expecting alot worse. It feels surprisingly heavy with the diecast. And my paint and joints are just fine.

    Now I just have to wait for the blasted Shadow Beta to come out to really make it shine--

  17. Well another option is to use Celga I have used them for years now and can say they are pretty good. They are somewhat expensive to use (can add anywhere from $5 and up to your auction prices) but there really aren't alot of other options besides Rinkya and Celga for buying items from Yahoo Japan.

    Keep in mind that by the time you add in Celga fees, and the often insane shipping from Japan, you usually pay alot for items from Yahoo Japan. But on the upside, you can find itmes that are rare, or non-existant in the US market.

  18. Lets hope we get a good slot again this year. Last year having it on Friday just rocked

    Hmmmm... I just realized I was asking for a good slot. There's so many slots you won't know where to begin :)

    (Only really funny if you have seen Beavis and Butthead Do America)

    well,we have to wait till they assign us a slot.doesn't seem like the panelists get to much say on their timeslot,at least not the small fries.i'm just happy we get to do it again this year,so ANY slot is fine with me.we'll tell you guys ASAP soon as we hear,so you can arrange to be there for us.


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