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Posts posted by rhfilipino

  1. well, does anyone have the ability to validate my fightinfilipino account since i can't use my comcast address?

    i also just tried changing the address tied to that account to my recently opened e-mail account on a shared webserver where i'm getting hosting (Alwayswebhosting). i'm still not receiving the validation e-mails after requesting it be resent!

  2. I've confirmed DH's findings. Comcast is not in the ban list. So, I'd guess that the problem is one of these. . .

    1. The MW server/provider's IP subnet has been banned by comcast's mail service because of possible abuse by other (not MW!) users/customers on that net.


    2. Comcast provides spam filtering for its customers and for some reason the filter hates (a)MW or (b)IPB activation emails in general. In which case, whitelisting macrossworld.com in your spam filter's settings is the best solution (if possibe).


    3. Much less plausible is this scenario: The attack on the server (over a year ago) was indeed perpetrated by a Comcast customer (though the IP might have been spoofed). It's possible that perhaps a filter was put in place at a lower level of the server to block the same subnet upon which Comcast runs its mail server. This is probably very unlikely, but perhaps worth mentioning. :unsure: But either way, only Shawn would know about and/or be able to correct it. But it's so unlikely I'd hesitate to even mention it to him.

    I'll see if I can replicate the problem with my brother's email address. He's on comcast.

    hmm, guess i should mention that it doesn't appear to be spam filtering.

    i've checked my spam filter folder through Comcast's webmail app and saw nothing. i shut off spam filtering altogether and still received nothing (after having the revalidation e-mail resent). i don't think it's a spam filtering issue...

  3. Hmmmn. Comcast isn't on the ban list (only 3 specific emails from there), and your IP isn't anywhere near any of the ones on the ban list.

    "Redfinger" is still in validation limbo awaiting confimation of the comcast email address, but I can no longer manually validate it--that could likely solve your problem, but most mods (including me) have been unable to access the validation controls since the server upgrade.

    i too am having trouble registering an account with the MacrossWorld forums. i originally tried registering with the username "fightinfilipino", with an e-mail address of "rherreria80@comcast.net". for some reason, i never receive the validation e-mail.

    i ended up creating a new account (this one) and used my work e-mail address, which seemed to work. i would like to be able to use my first account, though...

    any help? i've tried e-mailing the "mwf@macrossworld.com" address but have heard nothing. i also attempted e-mailing Shawn through the Whois lookup information for the site.

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