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Posts posted by Brewtal

  1. I got my two sets just now at Best Buy. They have a special this week if you buy both sets they are only $50 for the pair... plus Season Three has a $3 off coupon for Season Four on it. Grand total out the door should be $47 plus tax for BOTH this week.

    I wish I heard this before spending $85.....

    The new disc format is a welcome change though. I'm still happy that season 2 didn't have those annoying dvd holders that required violence to get a disc out.

  2. There was a cyborg that the crew encountered when they boarded a derilict ship. Turned out it was pre-programmed to do some bad things once it was taken aboard the ship.

    Damn, I need to see this again. If only I hadn't accidentally recorded over my VHS tapes.

  3. I was totally trying to remember what that was called like a month ago. Thanks.

    BTW, didn't it have pre-borg like aliens?

    I had been trying to remember the name of this for years. It took posting on IMDB's message boards for some movie addict to finally point out what this was.

    I still haven't had any luck tracking down a copy, but on the IMDB page someone posted a link to Disney's page to request a copy.


    I don't remember any Borg's at all. At most I remember Space Pirates.

  4. I just picked up one of these bad boys at a Walmart in central California after walking away empty handed at a local Target.

    To be honest I really was skeptical about how much fun this might be, but Wii sports alone more than lives up to expectations. My Dad, who's really not into video games immediately started getting into it as well.

    Now Nintendo needs to make a Jedi Simulator, and also some other decent games. I just rented Red Steel.... ugh, why did I rent Red Steel...

    Zelda looked kind of interesting, but I'm not to keen on the whole transforming wolf thing. I'd prefer it to be more serious like the first two games on NES, not the more kid oriented ones from the SNES on.

    So, all told, I think I ended up waiting in line about a half-hour before picking one of these up.

  5. Well, I thought the movie was decent. Collin Ferrel or however you spell his name didn't get on my nerves. I didn't care for the soundtrack at all though. Jaime Foxx was his usual dependable self.

    Not a bad way to spend a weeknight, but Heat is still my favorite movie from Mann.

    By the way, I really don't think this movie will ruin the original tv show for many of us. The differences are as great as the two Battlestar Galactica shows. Completely different tone.

  6. I really liked Space Ghost. Sealab 2021 was great too, but I haven't watched it in the last three years or so. Family Guy is sometimes funny too.

    But what really grinds my gears is those stupid little blurbs in between commercials. That just instantly makes watching AS less cool, as it gives the entire block of programming a sense of junior high group think.

  7. I've been lurking there for the last year or so. Totally fascinating forum. The people there do some of the most amazing work I've ever seen. Where they get the money for $5k props is beyond me. Though I plan to build an artoo sometime......

    My username is Brewtal over there too.

  8. I've got pretty eclectic tastes.

    Everything from Peter Gabriel to Judas Priest. to JS Bach.

    As for driving music - depends on mood. Sometimes John Coltrane, or Miles Davis, others Pantera.

    I'm also an eighties metal nerd. I own and love every single Winger album, and Metal Mania on VH1 Classic has a permanent season pass on tivo.

  9. Have to agree with everyone on BSG and Doctor Who. Battlestar Galactica is easily one of best scifi tv shows I've ever seen.

    I don't think, however that scifi will probably ever translate well to the bigscreen again. As has allready been stated these movies are cash hogs, and the studios are geared for creating a product (an hour and a half commercial), instead of content (insert any great movie.) As a result of this I never go to the movies and usually just buy dvds of tv shows and movies from 15 years ago+.

    Comic books, manga, and standard novels will undoutedly be the last sanctuary for this medium. It sure as hell won't be movies, or anime.

    The last bit of SF I've read lately (last 2 years) were The Foundation novels from Asimov, and The Five Star Stories. When I find the time I'lll probably start reading more Philip K. Dick.

    So any good american SF comic books come out lately? (non-superhero)

    Also, what happened to Itano and Mikimoto's Titania project? I haven't followed anime in the last two years (too busy watching Miami Vice to watch anime aimed at little kids.)

  10. Yuck. That's practically forever and a half. Where did you order it? Online store? I thought we're generally supposed to phone orders in?

    I want all three replicas. Graflex, MPP, and Obi-Wan's grenade. The only thing is that they cost quite a bit of money. Perhaps a group buy is in order, but we might have to wait, what, several years?


    www.buystarwarsstuff.com, their the online store linked to on his website. I think what also played a factor in my order taking so long initially was that Ep3 was about to come out at the time so everybody and their mother ordered one, just like me.

    To hold me over until it showed up I bought a anakin force-fx. Definetly worth the money. But I'll probably get another graflex and install all the hyperdyne mods.

  11. Wow. The Graflex looks great. Excellent choice. Glad to know the thing doesn't come with drilled and tapped holes.

    How long was the turn around time when you ordered that thing?


    10 months, and I had to pay up front too. There was some screw up with the online stores inventory. On another forum I've heard that it's generally faster to order directly through Jeff Parks, but with the exception of possibly a MPP, there isn't really anything else I'm interested in buying there. Much rather spend my money on a Luke ROTJ V2, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan ep4, Dooku, etc. Looks like I'm starting to get that prop collecting bug.

  12. My parks graflex finally arrived.


    The rest of the little peices are from Blast-Techs' ESB kit, and I picked up a extra red button from ebay. Putting this thing together was slightly labor intensive, but considering I've been wanting one of these things for the last 20 years it was worth it.

    Drilling the holes for the hex screws wasn't to difficult, www.partsofsw.com has templates for the ANH and ESB configurations. But the circuit board that came in Blast-Techs' kit was a little too big - the graflex clamp wasn't closing tight enough. So I pulled out some old model saws and cut off a small chunk. Luckily the clamp covers a decent chunk of the board so if you accidently veer off a little too far chances are it won't even be noticeable.



  13. Toonz had this to say:

    anyone has hasbro obiwan or yoda saber pic to share?

    The ep3 obiwan has a nice handle, but the blade doesn't glow all that well and the force rumble thing gets annoying fast. If I had a digital camera I'd take some pics.

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