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Posts posted by magikalslave28t

  1. bump

    12. 1/48 Strike armor - $65 Shipped in the US only plus add the 5% paypal fees

    13. Gakken cyclone complete with gun loose missing kick stand- $75 shipped in the US only plus add the 5% paypal fees


    Pm you =)

  2. a couple of Minmay Guards using Anasazi's waterslide decals. as you all know, devin is no longer producing these awesome decals. :( it's a shame coz for anyone who has never seen them in person, you've missed out.

    these are only 90% done. guess you can say i got lazy. :p i decided to make the Minmay Guard Paris Act fastpack armor a little different as you can see. it turned out okay... just different i guess. i also decided to make these Super FP Minmay Guards instead of the usual Strike FP Minmay Guards. i must say one thing,,,, these are definately unique looking valks once finished. they are quite a challenge especially with all the various decal placements. some were quite challenging to place but i must give credit to Kurt and Devin.

    btw, all critiques are welcome,,, good or bad, i can handle it. :ph34r:


    Love these custom valks great job. Just one question are those original heads and visors or customs?


  3. 1. VF-1A Vr.2TV max (NEW) - $110 shipped in the US only plus paypal fee

    2. VF-1D Vr.2 (NEW) - $115 shipped in the US only (SOLD)

    3. VF-1S strike Vr.2 box has some covers bent and dirty from storage (NEW) - $115 shipped in the US only plus paypal fee

    4. VF-1J masterpiece milia - $50 shipped in the US only plus paypal fee

    5. 1/144 Gundam Saviour - $18 shipped in the US only plus paypal fee

    6. 1/12 blowsperior lancer - $20 shipped in the US only plus paypal fee

    7. 1/12 blowsperior lancer - (SOLD)

    8. 1/12 blowsperior Ran - (SOLD)


    PM you :rolleyes:

  4. yippie, just got mine. thanks EXO

    Missed out on this baby damn :angry: Hope there will be another run. I wounder how many of us missed out on this kit. Great looking Hammer madox13 :rolleyes:B))

  5. I always here people mention 1/55 parts not fitting, so I've got to ask: What is differently sized btw/ original and reissue Chunkies that makes accessories not fit?

    Check out SILVERDRAGON thread on it. He has made almost all the 1/55 armor's for the reissues. Look up his topics on armor's and you will find out. He has made the Strike, Ostich, Gbp-1s, and the Elintseeker i think. Check it out and send him a PM.

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