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Posts posted by the_foul_fowl

  1. Nice! Time to get myself a copy. šŸ˜¬

    I think the appeal of the VF-1 is also how itā€™s based off the F-14 which was probably one of the coolest fighters in the 80s, in no small part to Top Gun.

    Have always wondered how well the more modern designs from the VF-25 to 31 would resonate with those whoā€™ve never experienced Macross before. Is the appeal of the VF-1 really evergreen or is it colored by our nostalgic lenses? šŸ˜‚Ā 

  2. I guess the same could be said for many franchises? RX-78-2 for Gundam to X-wings and TIEs for Star Wars.Ā 

    Thanks for the headsup on HJ!

    Btw, is Perfect Memory still good buy if I already have Macross Chronicles and the Macross Designers Notes? Just wondering if the material in Perfect Memory has already been reproduced in some form or other in reference materials. That said, SDF Macross is still my favorite part of the franchise, so more materials are never a bad thing šŸ˜¬

  3. For my switch version I ordered from Amazon.jp that Iā€™m playing on a non-JP account, Hikaru and the DYRL stage are there too. Maybe the DLC is if you buy from the JP eshop directly?

    has anyone figured out if there are any unlocks in the game? Given that the boxart shows a VF-1S with fast packs, and there are ??? on the mecha gallery, Iā€™m thinking there should be. Completed the Hikaru and Isamu routes, but no unlocks so far.

  4. 8 hours ago, Convectuoso said:

    I got my Limited Edition too.



    I'm wondering how to get the DLC since it's only available on the Japan eShop

    For the switch, while you could change your location to JP and your account would be linked to the JP eshop, the easy way would be to create an user with a Japanese eshop and use that to download the DLCā€¦ is there already DLC available?

  5. Despite my excitement with the overall exclusives, i have to agree with Mommar. Controls donā€™t feel as tight as it could be, seems to be some lag, which is a really a downer, cos I was hopeful it would be at least something like Macross arcade.Ā 

    Iā€™m usually decent at shmups but so far havenā€™t really been able to get beyond the first stage for each pilot (each pilot seems to be in a mashup area, so Hikaru appears in a Macross Delta stage while Hayate seems to appear in a Vajra stage etc).Ā 

    More practice is needed! Whatā€™s nice is that BGM seem to kick in at the boss phase, so Bokura no Senjou starts playing when Keith windermeer appears, which at least feels cool šŸ˜ŽĀ 



  6. 9 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    Did it not come with a clear file?

    Nope, I ordered the non-exclusive limited edition from Amazon.jp, no clear file and I didnā€™t get the Amazon.jp exclusive version which I thought to be some downloadable material. Did you get a clear file with your order?

  7. Itā€™s in! My package got delivered today, pretty fast. Ordered on Wednesday night too!

    A shot of the whole package here, much bigger than expectedĀ 


    Acrylic poster, some metal pins to hold it, quite hefty!


    This is the ā€œspecial bookā€ that comes with the limited editionĀ 


    Contents include story, system, mecha, works, area, and rival mecha


    Some shots of the main sections


    Was wondering where the weiss Schwartz card was when I opened up the case and there it was!

    Though I donā€™t collect the cards, must say the foil card looks good!IMG_7253.jpeg.2f93f4da11db76310748148d98fc71a6.jpeg

    I donā€™t usually get limited editions of games, but Iā€™m really happy with my choice to go with it this time, largely for the special book šŸ˜¬Ā 




  8. Ugh, Bandai got me:(. I picked up theĀ HMR VF-1A HikaruĀ from Yodobashi Umeda last month and opened it up to check just yesterday. Lucked out and I think I got two right leg back armor covers. My very first HMR VF-1 too.Ā :wacko:

    Anyone up for a trade? PM me.Ā 



  9. Aye. Kinda esoteric costumes too, so have been saving my gems. Other than DYRL valks, the only other mainline valk would be Mylene's VF-11. And Max and Miria's VF-22 from Mac 7. Songs wise, I think we've got most of them already?



  10. Looking back at my valk list it seems we have got most of the valks already from the featured macross series.Ā 

    I think whatā€™s conspicuously absent so far is Royā€™s VF-1S, and the other VF-1As from DYRL. AlsoĀ strike/Super packs. Seems introducing the packs with the DYRL valks would be a good fit. Maybe the packs would go on the valks like how the costumes are going on the divas so we can mix and match!

  11. Is there a difference for ticket drop rates if you play on harder difficulties? Currently grinding normal but wondering if I should go for higher difficulties.Ā 

    so far been playing about 3 weeks, level 33 but still haven't unlocked anything other than the frey's tutorial costume. Based on my episode plates, still far from unlocking stuff. Hope to get a durandal from the current event.

    Basara on Ninjin loves you yeah is a riot!Ā 

  12. Was browsing Amazon when I saw this:


    SDF Macross with English subs on Amazon Video! Too bad I can't access it due to geographical limitations, but wasn't it that Macross couldn't be shown in the US cos of HG...

    Mospeada and Southern cross also available with subs.Ā 


  13. 23 hours ago, Sandman said:

    Just got my Shipment from amiami with the on sale Monster. Wow i knew the monster was big but not this big.....



    LOL! There is actually a back to the future floating delorean in there as well which i got at a deal as well. Unfortunately shipping this cost me $120 US.

    This is what was inside. Wasn't expecting the delorean to be in a bigger box than the monster.


    Awesome loot sandman!

    Could anyone let me know how big the box for the HMR Monster is? I'll be In Tokyo next week, thinking of ordering from amiami to my hotel to save onĀ shipping butĀ not sure if this could fit into my checked luggage.


  14. That too----I still can't quite figure out what the proportion issue IS, but it does look wrong to me. Simply literally not tall enough?

    I'm thinking the kit replicates the huge thighs and legs of the lineart too well actually:


    The broad thighs are quite distracting on the gunpla. Perhaps if there was some artistic license to thin the thighs a bit it would look better.

    I've been leaning towards an MG Epyon or Tallgeese too for quite some time now =D

  15. Pretty cool Bub, thanks! I'll be sure to check that out when i'm in Akiba next week.

    OT, but did you spot any Cosmo Fleet SDFs? Still thinking on whether I should try my luck in Akiba, or just get it from HLJ..

  16. I can't remember much of Targaryen rule, but I wonder if the 7 Kingdoms under one Targaryen rule would have stood a better chance against the White Walker's than the post Robert's Rebellion Westeros?

    Remember, Dany wants to claim what's hers by birthright, fighting the White Walkers for Westeros fulfils that as well, it's what happens after the white walkers are defeated... :ph34r:

    Till now, I still can't see the point of Sam's plot line... given we are at most 2 seasons away from the end, it's highly unlikely Sam will be able to train as a Maester to make a difference... unless there are other secrets to be found in Old Town...

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