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Sweet Zombie Jesus

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Posts posted by Sweet Zombie Jesus

  1. Is there some reason why people seem to assume the Supervision Army is just a remnant fighting for it's life? (Other than the fact they have not shown up on screen). Because I get the impression from the way they are discussed in SDFM that they are a significant force, possibly a match for the Zentradi.

    I mean, Bodolzaa's fleet was the 118th Zentradi Fleet and had 4.8 million ships, and his reason for wanting the Reaction Weapon technology was to gain an advantage over the Supervision Army. (I can't remember the exact episode where he said this, but he did, I watched the whole series again last weekend). If a warrior civilisation with a total force in excess of half a billion ships is desperate enough to risk contact with miclones (which they believe could potentially cause their downfall) to gain an advantage in their war, then it stands to reason that their enemy must be formidable.

    As to why they have not been encountered, in episode one, Britai mentions that the Supervison Army vacated the region around Earth 8 terms ago (how long is a term by the way?). Who know how big this region he refers to is. It could be that the war is concentrated in other parts of the galaxy and 50 years and 55 fleets does not give enough time or coverage to encounter them.

    I don't think Macross 7 contradicts this. I haven't watched it for a while though.

  2. hahaha! Okay Roy Focker said a couple of charming things. Everyone else... including Roy, made me want to commit suicide.


    I'm pretty sure Hikaru, while flying through the rings of Saturn, exclaimed "it's the emeny!". And later, just before the final battle, Minmay was heard to say "the others doesn't matter, everyone dies sometimes!"

    Those lines have to be worth something.

  3. I like both... they're not so bad.

    Macross 7 is fun, despite so many issues. The "Fleet of the Strongest Women" episode was cool, due to the inclusion of the bad ass Quedlunn Rau's launching obsene numbers of missiles and crazy flying. And how much better are the Meltran ships than the Varauta ones? Some non Fire Bomber instrumental background music would have been good too, like SDF:M, DYRL and Macross Plus had.

    Macross II would have been improved somewhat if the Marduk were replaced with the Protoculture, or the Supervision Army, and if the Macross had been where it's supposed to be, instead of rotting on a hill out of town, and had not been that Alus crap. It would have fit with the continuity better...

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