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Posts posted by deathdealer

  1. those converted model kit pics have been going around for some time, and i'm hoping the yamato sv-51 will have better proportions than those....

    well, yamato spends considerable effort in making it as close as possible to the line art in all modes, let's all just hope the end result will be the best compromise....i don't mind a little beefiness in the interest of playability and appearance tweaking :D

  2. Am I the only one that noticed that the SV-51 is FUGLY in every mode other than fighter?

    hahaha i don't think FUGLY properly describes it....I prefer the term "GNARLY"

    we pinoys call it "MAANGAS"

  3. That would be so sweeeeeeeet! ^_^

    I'm more interested on the Ivanov Type. Great color scheme.

    Transformation i guess would not be that complicated right? Go Yamato go! :lol:

    made up your mind yet on what to get? the yf-19 or the vf-0s shin? :p

  4. guys, not sure if there's already a topic about this....if so kindly delete.....

    hmmm.....a new yf-19, vf-0a, vf-0s and a ghost......why not the sv-51???

    how bout it yamato???? i'd surely buy an ivanov type :D:D:D

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