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Posts posted by Wing

  1. The mod is at a virtual standstill as far as I know. The problem is not that we do not have the models but that we do not have the crew (or enough crew with enough time) with the right skills and knowledge to put them into HW2. Most of the models were made in MAX or other 3d programmes, but they need to be converted first to maya and then exported into HW2. We haven't even begun to animate, and I'm not sure how easy that is to do either. Personally, the HW2 side of stuff/maya is beyond my current skillset, and I don't see it going to change anytime soon.

    It sucks. But until there are more crew working on the HW2 side of things, I don't see the mod going anywhere soon - despite the models being more or less done.

    Perhaps we ought to release what we have so far. Who knows, maybe someone playing the mod will get enthused and join the team working on that side of things.

    The replenishment vessel is an official design for the DYRL game designed by Studio Nue (probably Kawamori). We try to use official macross designs where possible, but due to the nature of the way HW2 plays, we had to take a few liberties with resource collectors and the like, and filling out the Meltohlauendy army units.

    You don't really absolutely need Maya anymore, there's a nifty little tool that can get you around it. http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=101507

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