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Posts posted by Lo-pan

  1. Besides I have people banging at my door for my impending Galactica kit.

    ...and some just waiting quietly in line.

    In regards to the stand for the Oberth...would you be using a thicker pylon for the support? While the stand is perfect for the Lancer, might the Oberth be a bit heavier? Other than that, the overall shape, along with the logo, wold be spot on.

    I could put the Oberth next to my Lancer and point proudly at representations of a combined 5.2 seconds of screen time. :blink:

  2. All 4 figures (2 finished and painted, 2 finished and unpainted)

    the last time 4 were in display it was 4 figures but it was the same 2 figures as painted and unpainted. Did it indicate that the 6500Y was for all 4 figures? If so that would be just great... depending on QC of course!

    The figures on display were all 4 of the suits, Priss, Sylia, Linna, and Nene. Priss' (blue) and Linna's (green) suits were completed, while Sylia's and Nene's were grey plastic. Each figure had the (essentially) same placard stating the July target release date with the Y6500 price tag.

    But dude....they were soooo shweeet. The paint jobs were fantastic, rich colors with subtle metallic flake. :p

  3. Stay away from the American version like the plague. The Japanese original is full of wonderful harsh language and crude humor that cannot be shown to American kiddies. Sanji, for example, is a chain smoker--not a lolipop afficianado.

    If you don't speak Japanese and can read subtitles quickly, the best place to go for One Piece episodes is Kaizoku Fan Subs http://www.kaizoku-fansubs.com/torrent/index.php.

    I just got back from Tokyo and saw the latest movie in a theater. Sure, I couldn't understand a word of it, but I got the basic idea and still had a few laughs.

    Adventure, comedy, more adventure, lots of fighting, insults, lots of eating, even more adventure, and virtually no romance. And more eating.

  4. I don't know what version of the hard suits they will be releasing, but I saw these figures at the Tokyo Anime Festival last weekend. All 4 figures (2 finished and painted, 2 finished and unpainted) were in a display case and labeled with 7/05 for the release date and about 6500 Yen as the price per figure. Each figure seemed to be somewhere around 6/7 inches tall. Not very big, but the detail was excellent. They're on my list...

  5. My boosters arrived late last week. I can honestly say that is the highest quality resin kit I have ever owned. The molding is phenomenal, even the lightest panel line details are faithfully reproduced. The main engines are complete works of art. I think I found 2 pinholes on one engine mounting piece and a bit of flash in the vent holes on the main halves.

    Seriously, John, this is shweet. I've got some stuff by Tanmen, Club-M, Horizon, and various other U.S. producers of garage kits, and yours is by far the most impressive.

    In another thread, there is discussion of justifying a $100 add-on to a $25 kit. Let me put it another way--

    The $25 kit is the add-on.


  6. Recast: any copy of a kit not produced by the original or licensed manufacturer.

    In other words, if it's a Club-M kit, but isn't from Club-M, it's a recast.

    As for Club-M parts, their Macross fighters came with resin pieces, white metal landing gear, vacu-form canopies, and decals. Some other odds and ends may have been white metal as well, depending on the kit in question. As far as I'm aware, only the VF-4 had a non-fighter configuration option, and that was only for Gerwalk.

  7. Thanks for the update. I'm glad I picked up the one I saw in Akihabara on Sunday, then. At least I saved on the shipping cost and saw what I was getting.

    Now I have to keep my wallet in the fridge to let it cool off for a while...

  8. Yeah, I've been watching it daily. The auction ends at the worst possible time for me...8 hours after my flight leaves Tokyo for home. I could try for the kit on Yahoo, save a couple of bucks and have my buddy here receive it should I win, OR I could try to pick up another that I saw the other day at full price (which may no longer be at the store where I saw it...). Of course, the decision will be based on the usual question: "How BADLY do I really want this kit?"


    Must think it over while munching down on Soft-serve Green Tea ice cream. Yummy yummy.

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