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Posts posted by valkyrie13

  1. Hi folks! Long time~ That FB cel reminded me of the cel collection I have been holding on to for more than 13 years now. I have not bought a single cel since but I have not parted with them either.  So I figured I would dust off my binder and browse through them which are pleasing to the eyes.  Some of you who have been here long enough may recall my previous threads from more than 10 years ago that pretty much showed all my collection.  At any rate, the following are the FB cels that I have. The second photo is of two cels overlayed with each other, since I keep them in the same folder.  Enjoy~



  2. It's been a while since I signed in and sorry for not responding to your text earlier Fortress_Maximus.

    I for one have not quit collecting cels, but with all of the stuff going on in my life right now, it is on an indefinite hold and I simply did not have the time or the peace of mind to resume. However, the collection of cels I have right now are indeed my personal property #1.

  3. I have not been back here (not just this thread but to MW) in close to 3 years, which is when I left Hong Kong. There seem to have been quite a few new additions to Mokman's collection. Congrats!

    I have traveled to Tokyo and Osaka a few times over the past 2 years or so but really were not able to find any Cel of interest. Hopefully, things could change with the 30th anniversary hype~

    Wishing you all the best for 2013!

  4. Nice collection, guys! I haven't been here in a while... long holidays and trying to pay my taxes given my bonus had pretty much disappeared. As they say in the industry, my job is my bonus.

    Anyways, once things go back on track (only God knows when), I will resume this expensive hobby of mine and also upload the cels here and RS. I promise.

  5. 1) "Michael" in English is not an unfamiliar name in Japan. Therefore it would be recognised and pronounced as such without too much hassle, had that actually been the name. EDIT -- I remembered, there is a character called Michael in Macross 7. See the difference in pronounciation between his name and the MacFrontier character?

    Not to wander off topic too much but let's not forget that English is not the only language that uses the Roman alphabet... French, Spanish, Italian, German, just to name a few. Wouldn't "Michael" read in German sound something like "Mikhail" or "Mihael"? Note that the English influence into Japan is only a relatively recent post WWII turn of events. Prior to that, Japan's exposure to the western world came from its contact with the Portugese in the 15~16th century. Post WWI, Japan had very close ties with Germany from which it imported weapons technology as well as its legal system.

  6. Valkyrie 13 i really like the 2nd last Misa cel you got there. :D nice!

    Thanks a lot. I recently saw another one quite similar to it (probably a scene before or after the one I have) on Yahoo Japan going for a reasonable amount. It seems that the economy is hurting cel collectors just as much.

  7. Whoa that's cool!!! I would want one, but I'm saving up my money for my home ent system when I get my house.

    Buying a home and buying an ent unit is cool! But those can always wait. This is like a "once in a lifetime" opportunity though!! :lol:

  8. Got my Frontier Memories book a few days ago also.

    Disappointing if you are a Frontier mecha fan.

    I got one myself yesterday and I have to agree as a mecha fan.

    The story guide was ok and there is even a reference to "pine" cake and Ozma... how this might have caused the older fans to go "oh-oh~" in light of what happened to Focker and his pine salad.

    Also picked up the December issue of Dengeki Hobby with the good article on a modified VF-25S. Too short though.

    Graham, where can I find these lingering copies of Hobby Japan (November issue)? I can't seem to find them any more in HK?

  9. I messed around with the kit a bit more, taking closer looks, maybe parts could be wrongly placed or something to help close those gaps on the hip and shield in fighter mode.

    I guess if you just align the limbs right, and make sure the shoulder bits are leveled correctly, along with the arms as they tuck under the body, and the legs are tightly secured into the hip joints...you sort of close the gaps on the hip kibble and the shield to the body.

    HOWEVER I've seen that by doing so, you completely ruin the purpose of having the gunpod stowed under the belly.

    Then again, I thought the whole idea of having extra parts to keep t he damn thing in place was stupid to begin with.

    Although you really just need that back part if you're going to set it onto the ground.

    The first piece that goes onto the gunpod which acts as the important piece of the stand isn't going to go anywhere if you securely tighten the areas that I just typed above. It just wont fit securely onto the under belly and thus the gunpod really just wobbles.

    This is getting really annoying and I so wanna know what these modelers are doing to help close out those damn gaps.

    Real modelers would buy 3 kits and make them in each of Fighter, Gerwalk and Battroid mode and glue each of them in place. :lol:

  10. Oh and on thing they never resolved was the idea that Alto was running away from something. I mean really that part of the story almost seemed useless to me.

    I might change my mind on a rewatch of the series but can anyone tell me what the purpose of having this in the story was for?

    Clearly Alto enjoyed flying. Yet you had this constant message that he is just running away. Michel constantly reminds him at the start. Now if they had removed these parts of the character from the show and put in more mecha porn (something like the destroid monster beating some bugs in robot mode for instance) would you have even noticed it gone? Would it have made much difference? I think that part of the story just went nowhere. "Please come home alto! Be nice to your dad and stop flying stupid valkyries and realise you are an actor not a pilot. Blah blah blah" ....but it got very little development.

    I was thinking what was going to happen was his dad gets abducted by a vajra, he must use gerwalk mode to rescue him, and then his dad realises how important his role as a valk pilot was now that he was put in this situation where he didn't really like killing things or abandoning his dad but now there is little choice. Perhaps develop the dad a bit and show him do something like come to a realisation that you can't always get what you want. "You were right son! Your mother and I are proud no matter what you choose!" ...then maybe have him die suddenly from a stray bullet or something. (just like misa's dad died in SDF:M where he releases control over her and apologises)

    I actually had a different take on this and perhaps because I was raised in an Asian culture. Alto enjoys flying as a means of an escape from fate, destiny or instincts, etc. Alto clearly was a great actor and was born a true artist. He can touch the hearts of others with his acting (Kabhuki actor - a princess). But some reason, whether it's because of his mother's death or juvenile rage or just puberty, he is discontent and runs off trying to do something else. He's good at flying technically but doesn't get to put his "soul" into it like he did for acting. Towards the end, he realizes his role or his part in the overall scheme of things, and flies his valk not for the fun of it or as a means of escape but to reach out to Ranka who needs his help at man kind's most gravest moment. He is able to elevate his piloting skills to "art" by uniting his artistic mind with his technical abilities, taking it up a notch to a whole new demension. Sort of Alto breaking his own spiritual and mental barrier... if you will.

  11. It's not made yet. Demand seems to be pretty disappointing up to now.

    Sorry... I haven't been here in weeks due to business travels. I am in for 2 at least and possibly 3. Hopefully, this will boost demand. Thanks, Cap't.

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