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The Grey

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Posts posted by The Grey

  1. Well recieved by whom? A bunch of internet speculators who haven't even seen the model yet complaining about the legs being too small?

    These are the same people who complained about vader's hands being too small.

    What Vader hands? (Interested, as I collect SW)

    As for Wave's SDF-1. I like it myself, but am hoping the apparent lack of detail is due to the amount of die-cast used. I'm hoping it's a HEAVY toy. I don't mind the size, actually.

  2. dnd:

    Here's another 1/60 supporter. Mainly because they are cheaper, I'll admit. But I also really dig their size and proportions. Only real downer, as I've said before, is the look of their legs. The rest is great in my very humble opinion. I don't mind the lack of a perfect transformation system.

    But, well... seems like it's one of them endless debates. The original poster has already made up his mind and that's perfectly fine!

  3. Maybe the apparent lack of detail is due to the amount of die-cast present in the toy. We all know that die cast parts often lack the detail plastic can give.

    If so, from the looks of it, this thing should have its fair amount of metal.

    If so, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Assuming it's durable enough. The jury's still out on those arms.

    If it's mostly plastic, then... yes, it's lacking in detail.

  4. In "Graham's sig" someone suggested a Soul of Chogokin VF-1...

    Is that even remotely possible? I really dig the idea.

    But, truth be told, I'll agree that what we need the most is a new SDF-1. Wave's die-cast SDF1 hasn't been well received (and it's not even out yet). Plus, it's the DYRL version. I guess we could really use a new TV SDF1. Hell, it will happen. It's just a matter of time.

  5. Hey!

    I'd like to thank all of you who PM'ed me about this in the last couple of days.

    However, I'm already getting the Hikaru, Max and Millia valks from another fellow MW user. He contacted me about a week ago.

    Didn't want to update the topic till I got them, but the sudden wave of offers I got in the last couple of days made me realize I should update to let y'all know what I'm getting and, thus, no longer looking for.


    thank you all again!

  6. In my very humble opinion, the only real "downside" about the 1/60s are their horrible legs. I'm not even complaining about the lack of a perfect transformation system (you have to remove the legs and re-attach them, same goes for the chest cover).

    Other than that, I really dig their looks, their proportions, their size, their playability...

    And, as some have said, it's the most "complete" Macross VF-1 collection.

    Of course, there's also a "budget" issue. Depends on how much you can or are willing to spend.

    But, say... if you were to own only one valkyrie, I'd pick a 1/48 (in my case, a Hikaru VF-1S... always been my fav. With Strike parts, too).

  7. Gotcha. I'm fairly certain that the Hikaru valk that comes with the GBP is exactly the same as the one that came with the Super Parts. Really, you can't go wrong either way. Crappy thing about the 1/60 super parts is that they don't fit on every 1/60 whereas the GBP does (excluding 2 seaters of course).

    Good to know... thanks for the info! And the good thing about the 1/60 armor parts is that they are relatively cheap. Yep, I'll get them later on.

    BTW, I checked your webpage. You should be glad to know that I had actually been there before thanks to Google. Good stuff! Congrats.

    I was PM'ed yesterday by a fellow argentinian! I knew I wasn't the only one around. He told me he bought some items from MW members in the past, so I'm confident I'll have his luck.


  8. Just curious, why are you going for the 1/60 Super Hikaru instead of the 1/60 GBP Hikaru? After all, the 1/60 GBP does appear in the show whereas the 1/60 super does not.

    Actually, when I said I wanted the cartoon versions, it was just a way of making it clear I wasn't interested in the DYRL versions Yamato released at the beginning with no strike/super parts. I know Roy's valk looks almost the same in both DYRL and the tv show, I guess I was mainly referring to Hikaru's and Max's valks.

    As for the GBP Hikaru - I really dig it, but I can get the armor parts separately later on. That, plus the fact the pricepoint is a little higher in comparison to the super Hikaru. And I like the super/strike parts anyways (that's why I'm going for the super Roy instead of the DYRL Roy, despite the fact they're almost the same, except for any upgrades Yamato could have implemented, of course).

    Is there any difference between the 2 Hikaru valks themselves, besides the accessories? (Super VS GBP)


  9. Hey, welcome to MW!

    I don't have any of the items you're looking for, but I think you should be able to find them at those prices.

    Good luck with your search, and happy birthday! :)


    Good to hear that the pricepoints are correct.

    so your looking for the tv versions of the 1/60's? the hikaru, max and millia are correct, but they never made a tv roy. The strike valk roy is actually DYRL. The strike cannon never made it to the cartoon series. Only super valks were in the series. Anyway, welcome and good luck in your search! ;):D:p:lol:


    Y'all know what I was talkin bout anyways :p

    thank you for replying!

  10. Greetings!

    Allow me to introduce myself.

    I am a 23*cough*24 years old collector (today happens to be the 24th anniversary of my birth) who hails from the distant land of Buenos Aires, Argentina (South America to the clueless).

    Considering how scarce foreign items have always been to come by down here, I’ve been rather lucky in the past. I even owned a Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Hikaru Strike Valk complete with box and everything. Only ever owned one Yamato though, the very first 1/60 DYRL VF-1A Hikaru.

    But all that is gone! I still definitely collect toys (have amassed more than decent Star Wars, Star Trek and G.I.Joe collections), but the Macross toys are long gone.

    I’d like to reverse that situation.

    And the favoured scale happens to be 1/60. I don’t doubt the reign of 1/48, but 1/60 means 2 things for me: less money and better scale!

    Upon losing the perfect auction on eBay for just a miserable 3 bucks a couple of days ago (I wonder if the winner is among us! Congrats), I have determined that the MW Forums are my last and best chance at acquiring that which I need.

    The items auctioned were 4 1/60 Super Valks:

    Roy’s, Hikaru’s, Max’s and Millia’s (All cartoon non-DYRL decos of course).

    And that’s what I’m looking for: The main 4 valks (w/ super/strike parts) from the cartoon on 1/60 scale (wish a VF-1S DYRL Hikaru existed on this scale). Once I acquire these 4, I’ll hunt for the cannon fodder and trainer valks. I don’t really care too much about the Ostrich or Elintseeker really.

    Anyways, there’s one catch. Or more. Read on:

    Customs taxes down here are ridiculously high. We end up paying taxes close to 60% of the item's declared value plus its shipping fee. Suppose an item sums up to $100 ($80 for the item itself plus $20 for the shipping), they'll charge you something like $60 (i'm not kidding). That makes it $160 total. And one U.S. dollar equals 3 argentinian pesos! It's no joke for us.

    In other words, my benefactor would have to be willing to declare a lower value for the items I’d buy from him/her. Suppose the items sum up to $350, he/she would have to be declaring a value of no more than $100-$150 (for example) when he/she ships them down here. In other words, I pay $350, but you state a much lower value for the items when you ship them.

    That’s the first catch.

    The second is that $350 (dollars) is what I have at my disposal. I’m not including shipping, but it shouldn’t be more than $40-50 (assuming you’re in the U.S.). So, I guess you could say I have $400 for the 4 items plus shipping. Does it sound too crazy? I know the Max and Millia valks can go for $100 each, but Roy and Hikaru aren’t that salty. I’m assuming $75 each? That sums up to $350 for the four. Does that sound too crazy? Let me know.

    As for the condition of the toys: They don’t need to be MISB. If they have been taken out of their boxes for display purposes but are still in perfect condition and with stickers unapplied, it should be more than fine. And I’d be willing to consider not-so perfect conditions too (like a minor scratch in a place that nobody should care about :p).

    The payment method would probably be Paypal. My reputation doesn’t really count in this case, because the money is the first thing that needs to be available, and it will. The problem is dealing with a trustworthy seller / fellow collector.

    So… talk to me!

    I’m all ears. Any offerings, suggestions, whatever. Perhaps you own 2 of the 4 items, or 3. Well, talk to me all the same!

    Thank you for your valuable time.

    Hope I posted this in the right place and everything. Hope I didn't brake any rules! :p

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