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Posts posted by rosedoggydog

  1. Hiyo,

    I'm in the market to buy a PS3 and thinking of getting a new Slim version, but i thought i'd ask around here to see if anyone has an older PS3 model that is backwards compatible with ps2 games for sale. I'd be willing to buy it for a good price, and also have some Macross items i can trade for it if you're interested.


    I don't think they made a 40gig that was backwards compatible. They did make a 80gig that was though.

  2. I just checked out the site....but I failed to find Toynami on the roster.


    They, themselves, won't be there but it has always been a place that seems to have things very early. I'm sure I may be paying some scalping price but at least this is worth a shot.

  3. Thanks for the kind words, but this one is no big deal. For this one, one needs to gather up all his/her artistic talents and set them aside, as they won't be needed. All one needs to make this are the items in the pic. In case anyone is wondering where the shiny Sharpie streaks are, the flat clear coat makes them disappear.


    Optional supplies for the boxing gloves:


    edit: One can substitute any beer or alcoholic beverage of one's choosing. Or, although I can't imagine doing so, one can skip the alcohol. :)

    That looks good, I like it. I used Krylon to seal mine and when looking at the enlarged pics, I'm not too thrilled about the way it dried. I thought about lining mine in pencil then sealing but I might go over in Gundam.

  4. Looks like an excellent job. The 1/100 Toynamis make great fodder for custom jobs 'cause you don't have that fear of destroying a $100 toy over your head.

    Nope just the $60 it cost me between the two figures I used to do this. I know better now and would only do one. By the time I got everything I needed just for this job it cost me $100 just in parts.

  5. skyfirefrontlr0.th.jpg skyfirerearmx8.th.jpg

    skyfirefrontleftjr0.th.jpg skyfirebirdseyefy4.th.jpg skyfire1px1.th.jpg

    skyfire3cn0.th.jpg skyfire4lo5.th.jpg

    skyfire2qg6.th.jpg skyfiregerwalkat8.th.jpg

    I had entered a contest for kitbashing on a transformers site and I decided on doing a 1/100th Skyfire. I'm really disappointed that the Super & Strike parts weren't availble yet from Toynami. I had fun doing this it was challenging for such a small scale. Now that it has been offically entered I may spend to time and finish the rest of it.


  6. I read in Toy Review (I think thats the name of that magazine) that wave 3 will be availble this February 08'. I really hope so. I like these little guys for what they are.

    So far I have:

    SDCC exclusive Hikaru 1S


    1-Hikaru 1J

    I NEED those fast packs.

  7. Still Interested if someone has them MIB and want to get rid of them!



    I just so happen to have a MISB set that I am selling. I will shortly be posting my list in the "For Sale & Trade" section.

    What am I asking? $110+s/h

    Smoke free, out of light, blah blah...

    You can check my feedback at www.tfans.com (same name) and at www.tfw2005.com I'm sure I have some feedback under the Junkion Exchange Feedback (same name).


  8. Or do you want to argue that Robotech is exactly the same thing as Macross?

    They are the same thing, everyone knows this!


    I thought that way too until I watched my first Macross DVD last night and I couldn't get my son to stop say macross all night...(why is eveyone looking at me?)...Yeah so um who likes 80's Go-Bots?

  9. That's not a knock off.  These things are the next variation on the BT line.  Tiny BTs with 6 inch little kiddy porn figures.   :angry:


    Are you serious?!? WTF?!?



    You think? :p I posted that link was to a japanese toy shop after all. XD

    Its like BT asterisk but the roles reversed i guess.


    Okay I think I remember reading something about that but I didn't know that they were creating new characters all together. They have already done police (BT-Prowl Honda) and fire (BT-Red Alert Subaru), unless this is Streetwise from the Protectobots.

    Well here's to hoping that they start working on an Alt. Camaro...BumbleBee?

    BumbleBee is going to be a new Camaro in the movie after all and VW is still be b!tches about not wanting to license their name to toys of war.

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