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Robert S the 2nd

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Posts posted by Robert S the 2nd

  1. I am watching to see of course but I also still have to finish unpacking the model room!

    Don't see many pitfalls at all. I like the missle covers and am going to use them (hope that you don't mind). I may try to give them a little bit od a bowl shape though. More like the covers on a nuc sub but we will see. Also going to do the 3 rings on each gun. Was planing that anyway with paint but I like the look of yours with the thin styrene.

    Paint scheme is going to be a Navy low vis style complete with corosion cotrol patchwork painting and all.

    I really just want to see what else you do to it

    Thanks for building it so quick

  2. I say yes. Actually planing on doing something like that myself. BTW on the Samurai-Monkey board you mention an artwork or pic out of the perfect memory book. Know of anyplace online that I could see that?


  3. all I can say is WOW! :o:o:o:o:o:o:blink::blink::blink::blink::wub::wub::wub:

    Even knowing how big this is suppose to be you really can't comprehend it until you have it in your hands. This is a masterpiece of casting. If you want one and are waiting DON"T!!. It is worth every penny. Thanks Mike. I look forward to seeing the instructions.

    Off to buy a new sander. The one that I have is to small for this job :D:lol:

  4. Thanks for the sig update HWR! :lol::lol::lol:

    I can state (for me anyway) having watched this thread (and the other one too) that I can not see a way that I would be disapointed. Just having this be done is a wonderful thing. Having it doen with such skill and caring is more that I think any of us could have hoped for.


  5. No HWR is not pretending to be me. I just wish he would update his siganture for the day count :lol::D

    Just trying to be fair. Of course if I don't respond to Robert S I hope that will help but the again using logic I could have him tied up so he can't awnswer. Of course that would mean I was tieing myself up and I ma just not into that :lol::lol:

  6. Hi all

    I had to re-register because I could not get my new email (moricon@tampabay.rr.com) to validate and I had to create a new one (moricon2@hotmail.com). Please send the PM to this handle or email me at moricon@tampabay.rr.com or moricon2@hotmail.com with the payment instructions when you are ready.

    Thank you so much and sorry for the trouble. I would also be happy to awnser any questions to validate that I am the owner of the Robert S login as well.


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