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Posts posted by Dervish

  1. Before the internet became widespread, I satiated my Macross fix at Kinokuniya (in Yaohan) and some small store within a larger room filled with stores in Yaohan shopping center. This was in Edgewater, NJ. I later rented some Macross II at a local comic store, but for some reason, I was not into it. Sadly, I figured Macross were sequels were not for me, so I missed out on seeing M7 until just a couple of years ago. By the time I was able to buy an imported version of DYRL for the PS1 at an import store in NY whose name escapes me, the internet age was upon us.

  2. what wallpaper do you have? maybe Macross:F that have Pizza hut logo on the right top?

    I saw that one, it didn't take full advantage of my resolution plus I didn't care for it. :p Thanks for pointing it out though! Also I've seen some of Zinjo's offerings, and I'm using one of them right now.

    Also, SpacePirateNeko posted some offerings recently on the MacF final episode thread.

    If there's anything else in my resolution, I'd love to see it :)

    The recent DYRL offering here seems great, but since the length exceeds the width, I don't think it would look so good on a widescreen.

  3. Star Wars type? Hehe. Well, if you insist...

    Shery: Alti, all I want is your love.

    Alto: I won't lose you the way I lost my mother. I am becoming more powerful than any SMS has ever dreamed of, and I'm doing it for you: to protect you.

    Sheryl: ...I don't believe what I'm hearing... Ozma was right... you've changed!

    Alto: I don't want to hear any more about Ozma. SMS turned against me; don't you turn against me?

    Sheryl: [crying] Alti, you're breaking my heart! And you're going down a path I cannot follow!

    Yikes. :ph34r:


    Alto: Love won't save you, Ranka. Only my new VF-25 can do that!

  4. I also find this "spoiler" pretty hard to believe (maybe kresphy finally snapped), but am I the only one who can see a "kill them all" ending actually being uplifting?

    Like, maybe when you get vaporized around the Vajra planet, you go to a happy place in fold space. Then Michel and Klan could be re-united, just like wolfx & company want. :D

    Maybe they'll find Hikaru and company there :p Perhaps it's like the Nexus from Star Trek: Generations :D

  5. I've got a question, being serious for a moment; Could somebody explain to me exactly WHAT SHERYL SEES IN ALTO? I mean with Ranka, I can see that it could just be a crush( given her age) but why is Sheryl going after him? What does Alto offer Sheryl that somebody else could not? :huh:

    He is the only male who doesn't fawn all over her, but treats her normally.

    Vaguely reminiscent of Hikaru being one of the few guys who wasn't intimidated by Misa, his impetuousness was a challenge to her.

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