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Posts posted by Prons

  1. I don't have acces to a drill, and ive read in a fine scale modeler book that if you take a knife and push through the kit and spin around you can do some good bullet hole damage, how ever I think my knives are to weak or something, I can't push through a kit, I can cut slashes on them, but cant cut through them. so can anyone tell me some bullet hole tips?

  2. Actually, its not hard to get a good effect with an airbrush, my measly 59.99 did good things on my Aile Strike gundam, it was my first time using it though, it took me 80% of an air can to master the thing though.

  3. About Yamatos VF-1A Max, and Bandai's VF-1D stealth valkyrie (I think its VF-1D, not totaly sure) now, Ive heard from gundamstoreandmore that the Yamato Valkyires are kind of fragile (It said in YELLOW BIG TEXT in the descirpiton) so does that mean Im going to get my VF-1A, it will fall of the shell, and be destroyed instantly?

    About the Stealth Valkyire, im wondering if that things worth the money?

    Please notice I have not bought a toy in 3 years, the last toys I have bought were DBZ action figures, so I have never experianced a lovely Yamato before, so don't kill me for questioning its durability.

  4. Its been a while snes ive seen the max or millia valkyries, so does anyone like have a picture of the max or milla VF-1js so i can see how Id need to paint them? I asume thered be at least 20 people here with pictures of them....

  5. Hey all,

    Loved some of the models you guys have made and decided to start a new hobby making macross kits(besides collecting the toys) I've started out with the a.r. II 1/100th vf-1s model which I think is a pretty good model for a total newb to start with. Anyways a few questions if you all don't mind....

    As I've been breaking the pieces off the plastic tree thingy I notice there are stubs at the end of the pieces how do I go about removing this?

    This model I think will require some glue to keep everything together will any super glue work? Is there a good way to apply this? (not sure how I'm supposed to put glue to keep the canopy of the cockpit on without making it look terrible)

    Paint I've been reading, but painting itself I have no clue as to how to apply. Do I just use a brush? Marker? q-tip??? (don't laugh just a thought)

    I've been looking for a good magazine to keep me up to dates with models/techniques/etc. any good ones? I saw some japanese ones...but i cant read japanese at the moment.

    I've also been looking for the hasegawa models that I've seen like the yf-19 battroid and other mecha types but I've been unsuccessful finding these any places you guys know of?

    Lastly, once I finish this model I'd like to go on to something a bit more challenging what kind of model/brand do I go to next? (I'd prefer making either the fighter model or battroid)

    Thanx all I hope to be posting more with other newb questions.

    Use a knife to remove the stubble.

    Qtips work great for painting, airbrushes help but thats something you should look into later...

  6. :blink:

    I can see where your going with your argument Mechleader, my favoraite model kit is my Gundam X 1\100th which I painted, I personaly don't agree with calling snap together kits toys, I hate the people who complain about the color mold though. But with that said, if you cut off the pegs in a kit and glued it together and painted it would it then be a model? <_<

    Anyway Im preety much sold on my VF-1 thanks for the tips.

  7. Probaly in January im going to buy a VF-1s Strike Valkyrie in Fighter mode from Hasegawa, it looks very high quality so I was wondering, how much experiance would you need to build one, ive built about 20 gundam models before and im preety good with painting, should I try and tackel a VF-1s?

    Also Ive seen somone convert there fighter mode valkyrie Hasegawa kit to a Gerwalk, has anyone ever done that? I bet thats hard to do :ph34r:

  8. id love to see a new bandai line of pre colored snap together models, maybe some with transformation, or master grade models from bandai.

    Oh and anything that involves a remade gluag would be good.

  9. man i love that animated image, his face kind of flies off lol that article is neat to, however the thing though is (i didint read all the post) if your talking about how the zentradi's head blows up like that, max shot his head btw.

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