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Posts posted by mph2501

  1. I appreciate what they were trying to do I just hate what they've done.

    This. THIS SO MUCH.

    I've only got the Sylvie version; for people with other versions, are there connectors and refinements Sylvie's doesn't have? It's a floppy mess!

    Also, something I encountered with the standalone SAP: if you dare open the gunpod door on the arm armor, you'll never get it to stay closed again. :( I'm considering embedding magnets in them and the legs just so the thing will hold together, but I'm thinking it'll be more worthwhile to just sell it off.

  2. We will find out if Loopaza is legit or not. Took the plunge, and paid in full, the bad is that they only accept paypal, so I won't have buyer protection. Total price for the item and to ship to Southern California = $240, making this the most expensive DX I have bought at retail. Hopefully Loopaza comes through, if not I may be asking for some help from HK members early next year.

    Took the plunge on one too. Fingers crossed!

  3. What really breaks my heart about the quality of the plastic and finishing is when I see what other small companies are putting out these days, like Sentinel.

    I MUST have a VF-2SS in my collection, maybe just not this one.

    The tragedy there is that their ZOE toys are brilliant, more so than the Revoltechs, but sadly, less zoomable. I'm always nervous taking my Jehuty from the stand, and didn't take the plunge on an Anubis.

  4. I've just about given up on Bandai. With the fantastic quality of this YF-19 release (well, besides the neck cover) Arcadia deserves my money more than them. Plus, they were already on thin ice with me for turning out better versions of the VF-25, versions which they should've turned out in the first place.

    Screw you, Bandai.

  5. Because you'll need to be an american company to use the kickstarter and you'll hit the Harmony Gold barrier if you do that.

    Can someone use Kickstarter to just buy Harmony Gold and get rid of them for all time? Cuz that'd solve A LOT of problems and get us things like PS3/Vita games and all sorts of other Macross goodies..

  6. Between the constant renewals from Bandai and the fact that they instantly sell out, I'm about ready to give up on the Frontier series entirely. Plus, these YF-27 and 29 super parts don't do anything for the designs anyway, IMO. A backpack and some leg armor is dropping the ball compared to the Tornado parts (and those are hard as hell to find, too). If Yamato had picked up the Frontier series..... well, who knows, but at least they have their process down, if the VF-4 is any indication (even though the little missiles drop off if you look at it crosswise).

    Sorry for being bitter, the combination of all these things and the uncertainty about the Yamato switchover is leaving me frustrated....

  7. :D Thanks Exo!

    On a side note - got a rejection letter from Shapeways for the Vaj-tastic needle missiles... I skirted to close to the min tolerance for the material by 0.2 of a mm in the thickness of the missile walls (it's hollow) - so I'm now uploading the fixed version.

    Apologies to the ppl that purchased it, it is being uploaded as we speak.

    If I may be so bold as to suggest something, how about a set of ARMD carriers for the old Matchbox SDF-1? I know they're not widespread, but maybe other folks besides myself who own the thing would be willing to shell out for a set?

  8. A Yamato VA-3 Invader, VF-0D, and VF-14 Vampire.

    Also. this:


    For Bandai to institute a buyback/trade-in program, 1 to 1, for the first-gen Macross F Valkyries. Their "renewal" improved releases almost made me burn all of my Bandai Valks in disgust. a-holes.

  9. Got mine yesterday from HLJ! It's so damn awesome I could just spit. I suppose the only VFX designs left now are the Pheyos and VA-3 Invader, either of which I wouldn't mind at all ....

    That modded head is pretty sweet. Any chance you'll release castings for mod kits?

  10. My thoughts:

    That post is Fail. If it needs that to stand in Gerwalk, then yeah, sorry, I'll stick with my loosey-goosey Yamato one. At least that one has decent-sized cannon, even if the legs and floppy arm joints are terribad.

    Overall all three modes are generally headed in the right direction. The shoulders could be larger, the cannons are way too small, and the fuselage looks a little too bulbous, but I think it's a solid design. If it rachets together solidly and stands on its own, it may win out over the Yamato version. The backpack sectional pegs on mine broke entirely, and I had to glue in some metal ones, which makes me sad. My last hangup is the size, but on the other hand, if the VF100's had been miniaturized DX versions and not partsformers, I would've been cool with it.

    If I had the cash, I'd get it.

  11. How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the VF-25, Part 3 (or whatever): the VF-27.


    Bandai Finally Makes A Thing Correctly.

    My VF-27 took 4 days to get here from HLJ. I have no complaints or issues with it at all. The metal (!!) landing gear are long enough and recess smoothly. The color is fine. It holds a pose. It transforms smoothly. The massive beam rifle holds onto a clip that folds out of the fuselage. It's like Jesus, Buddha, and some other guy, probably Howard Hughes or Ronald Reagan, descended from Heaven and made a toy that was worth every penny I spent on it. Sure the gun is long, and it's gonna sag without the other arm to hold it up, but hey, who cares.

    In short, every damn thing that was wrong with the VF-25 was fixed in the VF-27. It even makes up for the Macross Quarter's shortcomings.

    Are you listening, Yamato? This is how you fix things. I hope your design people and quality control department buy a case of them, take 'em all apart and take copious detailed notes, b/c this is a perfect Valkyrie toy.

    Till next time....

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