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Posts posted by Myc

  1. Here's a bit of trivia: The Tomcat is the last of the Grumman "cats", Navy fighters with feline names:

    F4F  Wildcat

    F6F  Hellcat

    F7F  Tigercat

    F8F  Bearcat

    F9F(1-5) Panther

    F-9F(6-8) Cougar

    F10F    Jaguar (prototype only; never went into production)

    F11F/F-11 Tiger

    F-14  Tomcat

    Here's a picture of several of them in flight together: http://www.visi.com/~jweeks/aircraft/cats.html


    May I add one of the more obscure names, but one of my favorites. The F4F-3S Wildcatfish. Basically an F4F Wildcat with pontoons.

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