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Posts posted by me3

  1. Then what exactly was "Clash of the bionoids"? How did that horrible version released here in the U.S.?


    IIRC, Toho was responsible for that train wreck. They had been awarded (before the legal FUBAR) distro rights outside of Japan. Those rights are either gone or on legal hold pending a resolution of the BW/HG-Tat legal circus.


    So, is it then impossible to buy in the US a copy of DYRL? I would like to see a version of this that isn't on a 15 year old vhs tape with sound that resembles talking inside a tin can, and a dubbing so terrible that the voice actors must be mentally challenged.

  2. I didn't realize that HG claimed to OWN a stake in Macross through Tat.  That puts a wrinkle in there.  But, if the Tokyo court ruled that BW owns the rights to SDF doesn't that make HG's "right" to Macross void?  And how does their perceived ownership of SDF extend to DYRL?  They have yet to try and release their copy of that (even though they had that web page a couple of years ago).  But, they release toys (and are making more) under the DYRL name?


    Then what exactly was "Clash of the bionoids"? How did that horrible version released here in the U.S.?

  3. I'd bet good money that HG was making threats, and Bandai didn't want to deal with the legal bickering. Without concrete proof it would be a major blockbuster(which would've REQUIRED a release), it's easier to just drop the release, take the tax writeoff, and find something else to recoup the losses. They knew there was enough market to justify a localization, but not that there was enough market to commit an unknown but signifigant quantity of resources to courtroom brawls with no guarantee of victory, or a known and signifigant amount to an HG license(which might result in a pulled Big West license).

    This is, to me, the bigger issue. There's no real way to fully enjoy the recent games without a translation, and the fan translation scene hasn't stepped up. That, of course, assumes either a modded system or emulator to render a fan translation playable(even if you actually own the disk, you'll have to rip an image to patch, and then burn a new disk that the system's copy protection won't like).

    I wish the two worlds would seperate. Robotech fans got thier versions of macross valks, while at the same time macross fans could buy macross valks and games. Everyone getting what they wanted and leaving the fanbase to decide with thier wallet. I mean in macross we don't have Jack Archer! :p

    If you are a fan of both robotech and macross you got to take sides due to the legal probs. They really need to sort this out lest the very macross franchise gets old and worthless for the sake of the fans who have the money and don't want to waste it importing.


    Yes, and at the same time, Robotech fans don't have Major Nex... :lol: I did like the Battlecry game- much better than Invasion. But it would have been nice to be able to get the imports as well without having to mod a console and pay up the butt.

  4. Well, actually, having legitimate Region 1 Macross 7 and Macross Zero DVDs would be nice. As would easier access to the better Macross toys. There is also the potential for the series to do well enough internationally that it could promote more Macross series.


    Exactly. If I recall, the old robotech toys said UN Spacy on them anyway. I just have a hard time seeing why we aren't allowed those products in the US if robotech is not even using any macross images in the shadow chronicles. The characters in the new comics aren't recognizable as macross, and even the SDF-3 looks like a mospeada ship now. They both would only stand to gain by generating interest again. Instead, they continue bashing shields while macross and robotech collect dust.

  5. There may be enough for coke and pepsi but for

    years we had the cola-wars and it was one

    mishap after mishap after mishap.

    How so? And since when did the consumers of either Coke or Pepsi start insulting each other’s products and each other’s consumers? Someone who for example prefers Coke over Pepsi is not going to be gleefully waiting for the day when Pepsi goes out of business and vice versa for the Pepsi Drinkers.

    I think potraying Robotech as either Coke or Pepsi would actually quite a compliment to Robotech. To me that analogy would be more approporiate if likened to RT to Tab or one of those generic brands they sell at Wal Mart.
    Watered down and not quite the same.

    You can portray Robotech and Macross in both lights depending on which fan you are. A Robotech fan may say the same about Macross

    Well, since HG is so heck bent on distancing itself from Macross, why not raise the white flag and try to bring Big West to the table again? Or is this some elaborate, and annoying, no way "to save face" situation? Does neither company have the ability or the finances to settle the matter?

    Who cares? And what does it matter to you what HG does and does not do? How is your life negativley affected by HG not brining Big West "to the table?"

    You purists out there on both sides of the fence are going to have to learn to live with the fact that both genres exist and they aren't going away. Just because you may be a fan of one genre does not mean that your fandom means more to the world than another persons fandom. Nor does it mean that your belief in one product being your favorite mean that the genre that you do not like must not exist.


    Ladies and gentleman, I believe we just heard from Tommy Yune... B))

  6. And yes, I thought people here would share some of the disappointment with HG. Instead I just get mobbed for pressing the wrong tab, then harrassed/called names by EXO. Relax, B))  people...


    Idiot... don't try to play victim. You're the one that started with the mom jokes. I'm jus not above playing your games. But you're just too stupid to realize it. Much like MGREXX, when you can't win you start trying to be the persecuted saint. No one is telling you to leave, we're just asking you to make better use of yourself. Seriously, the more you cry the more you prove my point. Now you'll be known on the boards as the useless n00b that likes to whine.


    STILL name-calling? Pathetic...Actually, you did try telling me to leave several times, and continue your juvenile name calling. Too bad if my presence here bothers you so. It is an added benefit for me now since you started acting like a little child. :p

  7. Army eh?  What unit?


    407th Civil Affairs Battalion


    Where are you stationed?


    I was in Bosnia a few years ago, now back in school to make some real money. Motivations change when you get older, or you just want more money.

  8. Hurin,

    I quoted many people in that post and use saracism for all.

    Explainations can take time away from other things here.   Some situation require an explaination but it isn't need for everything.   Some times people are just looking for an explaination.   So they can argue about it.   "See everyone they're not fair" or "That topic was off topic too but you allowed it."   Some people see others against them and have to point finger at abuse of authority.   Call it flame bait against the mods if you will.   Really were not gonna all stop and give a reason for every close thread or edit to a post when the reason is known by common sense.  There is no need other than to help someone ego.   Take  a poster in this thread for example some new blood here will come with a slight chip on their shoulder.   Just takes one mod to mod something and the person may feel there being wrong.   If a reason was given the member might be pleased with it.   Remember when reasons that are given is gift.   No one actually deserves one.   A member doesn't like the reason they may think that a mod is out to get them.  Why else would someone moderate them?   These members either mellow out or become a constaint pain.

    I think we mod forgot to warn the mini-mod that they know they made it when they get their first public complaint about them.


    So, all I'm saying is that it's nice that we have some newer blood around here who aren't so burned out on moderating. Because non-burned-out mods tend to do the little things that keep things from getting out of hand.

    Why do people think we're burnt out?   I've been like this before I became a mod here?   Why is that mod mean?   Maybe their burned-out.   No he just is.   How many times must I express that I hate everyone of you and feed on your yummy tears?   The burned-out mod are the ones who retire.   Not because they are sick of people here but things outside are eating their time and they don't feel that they have enough love to hate you all properly.


    I feel the same way about explanations now. I mean look at this guy, me3. He was told countless times by different people why his thread was closed, yet he ignored the explanation each time and continued his complaints and cries about unfairness. If that's the way people are going to take it then, I wouldn't waste my time in the first place.


    So, who is now unable to let it go and move on, EXO? Still trolling, I see? ;)

  9. Roy,

    You seem to have lumped a quote from me in with the quotes from Me3.  Anyways, my only point is the the mini-mods (and still a few full-mods) tend to spend the time to write a sentence or two of explanation in order to head off problems before they occur.  There used to be more of that around here.  There was very little of it recently until you instituted the mini-mod program.

    I don't think anyone can seriously say that no explanation is a better way to go as long as the moderator is willing to spend the time to write a sentence or two.  So, all I'm saying is that it's nice that we have some newer blood around here who aren't so burned out on moderating.  Because non-burned-out mods tend to do the little things that keep things from getting out of hand.

    Not that I dont understand the "they're all idiots!" mentality.  After two years in a small ISP's tech support department (long ago), I know the "bunker mentality" of these situations pretty well.  I also remember how cathartic it was to sit around and bitch about how idiotic all the customers were with the other reps.  So, I empathize.  The only difference is that we weren't allowed to actually show the disdain we had gained for our customers.  But, since this isn't a business situation, you are free to do so.  And you do.  Often.  :lol:


    I didn't say all that stuff. Only the last quote was mine.

  10. Me3, why all the attitude? Is all this anger coming off of you just because we closed a thread you started about a topic that we already have a special pinned thread to cover? You have an arena for the topic you wish to discuss and you have free reign to be angry over HG and their business practices in that pinned thread which I see you have already found and joined in. No one is actively trying to persecute you here, we are simply reacting to your hostility over something that should be a non-issue.


    Could it just be the he was just so angry with Robotech's boards that he assume that MW would be the exact opposite? I admitt alot of things are different but message boards are still gone censor people. We might do it for different reasons but its still gonna happen. When it does happen it not be because the board might have something against them.


    Look, I got over it already. I pressed the wrong reply tab when I made my first post is all. My mistake. This EXO wasn't even the one who did it, so who knows what his problems are?

    And yes, I thought people here would share some of the disappointment with HG. Instead I just get mobbed for pressing the wrong tab, then harrassed/called names by EXO. Relax, B)) people...

  11. Me3, why all the attitude? Is all this anger coming off of you just because we closed a thread you started about a topic that we already have a special pinned thread to cover? You have an arena for the topic you wish to discuss and you have free reign to be angry over HG and their business practices in that pinned thread which I see you have already found and joined in. No one is actively trying to persecute you here, we are simply reacting to your hostility over something that should be a non-issue.


    Dude, you misunderstand. I was initially just wondering why that happened and who these mini-mods are. This >EXO< seems to have taken a personal interest in harrassing me, so if you interpret any hostility, I was merely responding to him and not taking any crap from the troll. Unlike him, I'm not calling people derogatory names or being mean, or trying to drive people away. It really doesn't look good for the site to have a mini-mod doing things like that. The topic closing isn't a big deal- just seems funny how some are so intolerant of new people that they need to resort to attacking them. :ph34r:

  12. If that's how you really feel, your life must be in a pretty sad state to have to go online to an anime message board to find someone to 'kick around'. :rolleyes:


    Life is actually pretty good, but I have to come back to my roots because I owe it to them to point out morons like you.


    Ahh, he has run out of options and has resorted to name calling. The last resort of the weak-minded. I'm sure this doesn't look good for the site, coming from a little person, er, mini-mod... B))

  13. Do an IP check on this guy.. Where is Max? he is good at nailing the double handle homos.


    Go right ahead. This is my only account. Why are you people so scared of this MGREXX guy?


    scared? that only makes me think you are him when I didn't even think that in the first place... :rolleyes: I'm glad that you're here to take his place though, we all needed someone new to kick around. :D


    If that's how you really feel, your life must be in a pretty sad state to have to go online to an anime message board to find someone to 'kick around'. :rolleyes:

  14. See, that's exactly what I was talking about. YOU read/talked about it before, so therefore it is old and unworthy of discussion. Keep up that way if you want your precious board to stagnate. Incidently, I explained my issues in replys, if you read past the initial post. The same could be said of anything you post- what is the point of you posting it? It's a message board- you generate discussion, not just read one person's old posts and go "OK, it's been said before, time to find a new site." Think about it... <_<


    Great- another one of THOSE people. I'll take the wine and cheese to your mother's house then...


    yeah, ummm... you're taking the whine and cheese to your own mother's house?


    Man, if anyone needs one of those STFU n00b pics, it's this guy. :rolleyes:


    No, YOUR mother's house. You really need to work on those reading/listening skills, and less on attemting to chase 'noobs' away. It really isn't good for the board...


    HAHA, but you quoted yourself and proceeded to say you going to your own mother's house... kinda creepy dude... :ph34r:

    As far as I can tell you haven't contributed anything to the boards except one useless thread and screwing up this one. So chasing you away would be no big loss. I welcome any other Macross fan except for the whiny type. ;)


    Whiny type? You mean you despise those like yourself? All we've heard from you is complaining about me for trying to start a topic. If that upsets you so greatly, you should try to get out more. Oh, and call your mom- she says she misses you... B))

  15. Thats kinda harsh man... MGREXX is a retarted troll, but this guy is just turbo opinionated, big difference.


    True. The "Your Momma..." comments just brought back some fond memories.


    Only when he tells that he is former special forces and has a PhD in chemestry, as well as being a professional model will he be in the MGREXX category.


    Well, I was in the army, but I'm no surgeon...could be a model though...

  16. Aren't you a mod?  Give him a member title: "Keith 2"!!


    How about MGREXX 2: Electric Boogaloo?


    For the first and last time, I am not MGREXX. I know who you're referring to...


    There was another time? Jeeze, sorry for not reading all 15 of your posts, and replies to same.


    No, but other people thought I was him for some reason.

  17. See, that's exactly what I was talking about. YOU read/talked about it before, so therefore it is old and unworthy of discussion. Keep up that way if you want your precious board to stagnate. Incidently, I explained my issues in replys, if you read past the initial post. The same could be said of anything you post- what is the point of you posting it? It's a message board- you generate discussion, not just read one person's old posts and go "OK, it's been said before, time to find a new site." Think about it... <_<


    Great- another one of THOSE people. I'll take the wine and cheese to your mother's house then...


    yeah, ummm... you're taking the whine and cheese to your own mother's house?


    Man, if anyone needs one of those STFU n00b pics, it's this guy. :rolleyes:


    No, YOUR mother's house. You really need to work on those reading/listening skills, and less on attemting to chase 'noobs' away. It really isn't good for the board...
  18. See, that's exactly what I was talking about. YOU read/talked about it before, so therefore it is old and unworthy of discussion. Keep up that way if you want your precious board to stagnate. Incidently, I explained my issues in replys, if you read past the initial post. The same could be said of anything you post- what is the point of you posting it? It's a message board- you generate discussion, not just read one person's old posts and go "OK, it's been said before, time to find a new site." Think about it... <_<


    Great- another one of THOSE people. I'll take the wine and cheese to your mother's house then...

  19. See, that's exactly what I was talking about. YOU read/talked about it before, so therefore it is old and unworthy of discussion. Keep up that way if you want your precious board to stagnate. Incidently, I explained my issues in replys, if you read past the initial post. The same could be said of anything you post- what is the point of you posting it? It's a message board- you generate discussion, not just read one person's old posts and go "OK, it's been said before, time to find a new site." Think about it... <_<


    I agree with you. I like the repitition of Macross discussion. There are always new fans so they should be allowed to have the same discussions that we have been having.


    Thank you AgentOne. At least you realize the value of keeping things fresh. Does anyone actually read every old post from 3 years ago before making a topic? Maybe they should, to keep from getting jumped on by the senior board lurkers. I have seen a lot of the posts and many don't have anything useful or anime-related to say, and some are even kinda sick.

  20. See, that's exactly what I was talking about. YOU read/talked about it before, so therefore it is old and unworthy of discussion. Keep up that way if you want your precious board to stagnate. Incidently, I explained my issues in replys, if you read past the initial post. The same could be said of anything you post- what is the point of you posting it? It's a message board- you generate discussion, not just read one person's old posts and go "OK, it's been said before, time to find a new site." Think about it... <_<

  21. I heard a few days ago that Harmony Gold U.S.A. has stated,some time back, that it is through with using Macross imagery in Robotech. HG will concentrate on Mospeada designs from now on (assuming that the Shadow Chronicles works out).

    Is there any truth to this? And does it somehow relate to the Japanese court decision that Studio Nue is the owners of the imagery/artwork in the original Macross?

    If so, this is a tacit admission on HG's part that their Macross licence doesn't cover all the bases that they claim. Even in regards to the original series.

    It would also give more credience to those who feel that FASA had some legal ground to stand on in the suit with HG, hence the conspiracy theories of the real reason for an out of court settlement and non-disclosure deal.


    None of that would surprise me greatly, Spacy. IMHO, it seems that outside of the original RT series, most of the animated efforts (leaving out all of the subsidiary merchandising/tie-in comics and what not) every RT effort seemed to capitaliuze more on the Mospeada property (which was Tatsunoko's) and Southern Cross (which none of the warring parties seems to give a hoot about). Now, you'd have to get out the rubber hose and put Room 101 on standby to get anyone from HG to explicitly admit that it may have to do something with the BW/Tat legal mess. I'd say "maybe," as, OTHO, most of their attempts from Sentinels on have also been intended to be re-imported into Japan as well, where Tat would then re-dub them to make them direct or indirect sequels to Mospeada, necessitating an almost total excision of any Macross imagery. perhaps, if they did make the statement, it was to say, in effect: We're not going to go back and do a "prequel" about the "SDF-1," since we'd also like to sell this shite in Nippon.

    As for FASA vs. HG, maybe there was a legal conspiracy. But Occam's razor could still hold: Nobody in a legal battle wants their dirty laundry aired (even if it isn't particularly damaging) and HG had some legal power behid them (they had PlayMates and, tacitly, Tat on their side) and so to prevent trade secrets that may have been part of discovery from leaking, they asked for the records to be sealed. It's not, IIRC, an uncommon part of a settlement deal in corporate litigation.


    Perhaps this is why HG avoids the big questions. Sentinels was stripped of everything macross. The recent comic series is almost unrecognizable as robotech, except for the alphas. The macross characters are also unrecognizable. But why then did they have to change the sdf-3? It looks like two tokugawa cruisers strapped together now. Was this just the artists' decision, or part of the legal battle as well? Could this be part of the reason that they cannot find a distributor for the Shadow Chronicles? Nobody wants to touch it until this mess clears up? B))

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