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Posts posted by Samis

  1. hmmm interesting, cant wait to see wneh someone makes valk with and without a fast pack


    Already been working on it for a few years now in my spare time:


    Go to Source code on the left, then follow download.

    The current download is a raw VF-1 with a control system that still needs work (new version coming in the next few months I hope!). So if ya fly it, it's not hard to flip yourself around entirely.

    It's not much yet, but orbital will eventually happen. Orbital is actually a lot easier than atmospheric flight, lol. And sorry, no it doesn't transform yet, have to get fighter working, then come Gerwalk, then the one that'll cause real problems, battloid :blink: .

    BTW, if there are any pilots out there who wanna play test pilot, email me on the site. I work on flight simulators for a living, but I only have but so much time to practicing flying there, hehe.


    Holy crap, thats still alive?

  2. I've only seen macross, and i absolutely loved it. Ive seen a little bit of Macross 0, but like someone said earlier, some stuff in that seems more high-tech than in Macross. Im not 100% sure, but last time i checked the VF-1 couldnt shoot down missiles by just having the pilot look at them..

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