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Posts posted by brakk

  1. dont you leave the sholder part folded down to get past that bump, then fold it out once you get past it?because if you leave the sholder part folded up you would have to apply alot of pressure to get it past that bump. thats what i do when i transform my 1//48.


    I would have thought so, but I found it wouldn't fit around the legs. :)

    Now that I have it in Battroid mode I'm pondering purchasing another. Apart from that one issue, the rest of it was reasonably straight forward. Converting the cockpit down to the front made me want another pair of hands as it felt a bit fiddly but I'm sure it's easy enough to get the hang of.

    I'm impressed with the build quality. This is the kind of stuff I wanted back when Robotech was screening during high school for me.

  2. I have attached an image to illustrate the bump that is preventing the arm assembly from moving downwards. I have tried lifting the assembly, twisting the part closest to the bump but there's so little play that it won't budge.


    update: Sad but true, out came the screwdriver to unscrew the arms (just above the start of the arrow), tilted it inwards and then it moved into place.

    I'm not going to say how old I am, but at my age you'd think this wouldn't be so hard! ;)

  3. Mine arrived today. I'd be impressed if I could get it to transform without exerting a silly amount of pressure on one stage. Transforming to Gerwalk has me stuck at moving the arms around the legs as there's a small bump either side that keep the arms locked in place (step 11 in the new instructions). I have already used what I consider to be a larger-than-is-reasonable amount of force and it won't budge.


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