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Posts posted by tokyoeroking

  1. Looking for a Takatoku 1/55 GBP Armor. Preferably the GBP only, but will consider the GBP-1S Set also. Dont care about the case but the armor should not have any yellowing (color change). Can pay with Paypal. Thanks.

  2. If you're in Tokyo, go to Kichijoji Yodobashi, they have the "Origin of Valkyrie" sets there, and they're only 4 years old or so, not thirty. In fact, they are by no means rare. You don't need any more reissues, they have been reissued enough times to saturate the market.

    I already bought all reissues including origin of valk (some of them double as they were cheap). I was talking about the yet unre-released toys (VT, VE, strike, GBP)

  3. You know, I see the same thing happening with Transformers. There are so many new lines now with more articulation and more cartoon likeness. But Takara still reissues the original G1 toys in their encore line.

    For someone like me I don't see 1/55s as direct competitors of newer Yamato models. They are two different things altogether. Bandai should understand that like Takara has. Just my opinion...

  4. It would be really a shame if Bandai doesn't reissue the remaining 1/55 toys. I refuse to buy the vintage ones not because of the price, but because they are already 30 year old toys. Specially with the diecast on it, degradation in any toy is inevitable. I have many Yamatos, but for me, a Macross collection without all the 1/55s is not complete. They are the reason why I started collecting Macross toys in the first place...

  5. I wonder if this sale has anything to do with these meltdown rumors... then I guess all exports from Japan would be severely damaged.

    HLJ is deep inland (not near the sea) and quite far from the tsunami affected areas or the nuclear plants. If there is something you should be worried about is if the boxes fell of the stand from the earthquake. But then again, international shipping is probably 10 times worse (in terms of damage) than a box falling 1 or 2 meters.

    As for the meltdown rumors, I have come to the conclusion that western media sources are just plain being inaccurate, using scare-tactics and with a bias against nuclear power.

  6. After viewing HLJ warehouse location maybe i should invest in a geigercounter first :rolleyes: ... i do hope Japan gets the N-plants crisis under control soon, it looks a big mess on TV.

    I haven't posted in a long time, but I think this deserves a reply. I do not know why the International media is trying to MIS-inform (I guess for ratings), but there is absolutely no such "meltdown" problems here. I am in Tokyo but even speaking to friends in the northeast region there are no serious warnings or such (at least not like CNN or other such media is trying to convey). Some might say that the government is trying to cover it up, but I spoke to Earthquake professors at my University (Tokyo University), which are advisors to the Prime Minister and they also say there is no problem. I guess a magnitude 9.0 earthquake alone is no match to Charlie Sheen in ratings, but making stuff up...

  7. Just filmed (or tried to film) the three transformation video guides as follows: -

    1) Fighter to battroid.

    2) Battroid to fighter.

    3) fighter to gerwalk.

    Each video is supposed to be 5-6 minutes long. Unfortunately, I didn't know that my camera automatically powers down after 3 minutes (no way to set it longer) and I didn't realise this while I was filming. I was filming without an assistant so had nobody to tell me the camera was powering off :angry: .

    Unfortuantely, this means that each video is incomplete as it's missing the latter half.

    I'll try again tomorrow, perhaps at a higher resolution as well.

    I've only uploaded the first one so far.

    You can see it here:

    YF-19 Video Transformation Guide - Fighter to Battroid Mode (incomplete)

    Let me know what you think?


    Thanks for the video Graham, but I just cant believe my luck. The video just cut where I have problems. I will wait for the next video release.

    Thanks again, I apreciate it.

  8. I'll try and get a transformation video done at the weekend.

    I don't have a toy infront of me right now, but basically: -

    With the cannards, you might find one or both of them a bit tight at first (I did). You need to pulll them out away from the body and then rotate them down. As they may be tight at first a bit of wiggling may be needed initially.

    To break the fighter neck, pull forward infront of the parting line while simultaneously pulling rearward tothe rear of the parting line and then break the neck forward. IT'll be easier to show on video.


    Thanks Graham for the reply. I will try it this night and if there is still no success I will just wait for your transformation video. Up to now the biggest demerit of this toy is the manual. :D

  9. Graham thanks for the review of the toy, although I actually read it after I had the toy and tried to transform it for the first time, it was a fun review which in my opinion points "problem" areas that for me at least, are nothing that big a deal. This is PERFECT toy in every way. Some people are complaining and pointing things from the pictures of the review but after having it in your hands all fears will be lost and nothing but full satistaction will follow, at least for me.

    Anyways, my concern is the following:

    Could you please describe me in detail (or maybe give me some pointers) on how to turn the small wings near the cockpit down? One had no problems but the other one just doesnt want to go down and Im afraid of breaking it (although I know it is made of some special strong plastic and there are replacements in the box).

    The next thing is how to "break" the section of the neck of the plane when turning into battroid. I stayed on this part of the transformation and just gave up afraid of any possible break. The instructions in the manual just show an arrow going down but it doesnt help me at all. The part Im talking about is in this picture on the first image.

    IPB Image

    If you could help me with this I would appreciate it since I really want to turn it into robot mode.

  10. This may be a stupid question, but why are alot of people asking if there's a bundled YF-19 with fold booster and if there will be a VF-0 with ghost booster etc.

    Does it matter if there will be a bundle? You'll still get the toy if you buy it seperately and knowing yamato, even if there is a bundle, it will be the same price as buying 2 seperate pieces. So why are you guys wanting them bundles?

    For one thing, two Yamato boxes are bigger than one Yamato bundle (at least that is what I saw with the VF-1J set). You have to imagine to live in a room as small as me.

    Next, the price might be cheaper. At least in some stores in japan, were the retail price means absolutely nothing to them.

    And finally, there might be fixed and tweaks with a later release.

    Also, with the girlfriend, you can pass a bundle as 1 buy instead of two...less explanation to do.

  11. I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but will a FP special set come bundled with the YF-19 during its release next year (ala VF-1J FP set)? Maybe even a Toysrus version? If it is I think that would be cheaper for me to buy here in Tokyo than the two separately. Also there is not much space left in my room as it is.

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