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Posts posted by REX-203

  1. Welcome REX-203!  B))  :D

    As for the cracking issue, I'd just make some dup sets of the originals and play the copies. Just my two cents.


    Thanks FM! It's good to see a familiar face, but it's even better to see an old friend. Good to see you bud. B))

    Thanks for the advice. I needs to gets me a DVD burner. :p

  2. Thanks for the info regarding the AnimEigo release JBO.

    I guess I can't really say ALL repeat performances are inferior, as that would be too generalizing. I am just wondering if Mari may have been chosen to do the English version for the wrong reason - for the sake of a repeat performance, and not her actual ability to perform in English. That's all.

    And it's tough for me to say that, being as big of a fan of Mari's as I am. :(

  3. Hi everyone, I'm new here, but I've been a Macross fan for a pretty long time now. Like so many others, I started watching RT in 1985, but hallellujah, I have seen the light as of a few years ago. :p

    Anyway, I just got volume 1 with the box today (from Best Buy, for $25.99). While I'm glad to have a dubbed version, I'm disappointed in many of the completely careless mistakes made with it, that could've been so easily avoided:

    First and foremost... MuhCROSS?!

    When I first heard this coming out of the female narrator's voice in the beginning, I was like, "what the...?" Have I been saying it wrong all these years? But I see now that you guys have pronounced it the same way I have (MA-cross). So then I ask...

    What the hell were they thinking? Were they TRYING to screw it up from the get go?

    Same thing goes for "Roy FAH-ker". Why oh why on Earth...?! It really may seem trivial and insignificant to casual fans, but to me, and I'm sure 99% of you, it really is a major blemish.

    Voice actors selection, on the other hand, is slightly more of a subjective topic. I personally think they could've chosen worse for all the VAs. No dubbed VA can ever live up to the original, even Mari. However, it is kind of awkward hearing Mari's prominent Japanese accent when everyone else sound like English is their native language. It's just that Minmay doesn't seem to really fit in with the other cast members. Don't get me wrong, I love Mari Iijima as much as the next Minmay fan, I'm just not completely confident she was the right choice for the English adaptation this time around.

    So yeah, those basically are my only two gripes: Macross and Focker pronunciation, and heavy accent Minmay.

    Now to go a bit off topic...

    Regarding the AnimEigo version, there was a problem with the discs cracking? How does this occur? Is it by negligent handling? Or do they just crack with age? I have the entire set, and last I checked, they were still in flawless condition. How can I avoid them from becoming damaged?

    Thanks in advance fellow citizens of Macross. It's great to be here. :)

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