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Wing Commander Chen

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Posts posted by Wing Commander Chen

  1. The writers have gone to the dogs I tell you. Further proof that there was a 3rd planned season its gone...

    Not really. Apparently, R2 hasn't been going the right way since the start; due to the change in timeslot they've had to remove the original idea for R2 and remake it, among scrapping certain plot points, etc. Kind of explains a lot about the way R2 has been going... source here.

  2. Hm... just the last interview I read contradicts "3 seasons" idea since Sunrise didn't want to go with the director/writer's original plan of 50-ish episodes and put it at 25. If Code Geass didn't do as well as it did, the original ending at 25 was going to be some kind of pseudo-Eva ending... just the way it was talked about sounded like it was "officially confirmed to be dropped" and confused me.

    To contribute to the thread over my confusion, here's lineart for Galahad, Precival, and the ...Gareth(production type Gawain)?


  3. Wow, old topic. Lessee...

    Chances are you haven't heard about OGS's sequel, SRWOGs Gaiden. Gaiden features the originals from SRWR, Compact 3 (I think) and the Compatible Kaiser as key parts to the story, amongst other features.

    There's a new SRW project with no name at the moment, no specifics other than the fact it's a SRW game. There's also the SRW Advance port, for the PSP. It features animations both recycled from PS2 SRW games and new animation.

    Otherwise there's Endless Frontier: SRWOG Saga, which isn't much of a Super Robot War (but they put SRW in the title, so...). It's an RPG mixed with Namco X Capcom elements (if I remember), featuring names and designs from SRW, characters from NxC and Kosmos...

    Otherwise... lots of Original Generation model kits. I know the Grungust Type 0 is being worked on, but I forgot what else was coming up regarding kits.

  4. Those are the figures that you have to order from Dengeki Hobby magazines/yahoo Japan auctions . . . and a few of them are also orderable on the Volks site. Their price on toy-wave is pretty much how much they go for on some auctions, but their posability isn't what I'd call great from my experience with the Huckies. Then again I only have the Huckebein Mark II and Mark III, so I can't say much outside of those two (that and pics of the Alt figure make it look on par with the kit, unlike the Huckie MKIII).

    Speaking of which, I still have yet to get any of the models apart from the Huckebein 008R and 009, and the Wildwurger. The Huckebein is nice, but the joints felt a bit loose (then again it was the first SRW plastic model, and I had the initial run), and I didn't do a great job on those colors . . . the Wildwurger freaking demands glue . . . touching it makes it fall over and fall apart. And my 009 Huckie (aka black hole-less Huckie) is still in the box.

  5. The reason for the title being "Taisen" instead of "Wars" is because there is already a GBA US title called "Robot Wars". Otherwise it would have been kept as SRW.

    So that it can match up with "Operation SRW", and Excellen's later interpretation of SRW.

    Speaking of Excellen, there's going to be a lot of fun involving her and the Huckie.

  6. I heard Gong was actually supposed to be a prototype song for Alpha 3, but some events (time?) led them to use Gong as their song for Alpha 3.

    I still need a PS2 to play both this game and Alpha 2, especially with the number of awesome original characters in this one. I've only seen videos so far, and read far too much information on the game.

    Also, to anybody who has recently obtained this game . . . upgrade Strike Gundam early. When Kira moves on to Freedom, it passes the upgrades to 4 different suits (not including "Mwu Strike", which is pretty much Strike anyways) . . . or 5 if you get Duel, I think. The same goes with the first Sky Grasper (passes on to the second), and main character upgrades pass on to other original characters as they join up, but saving money for 4 different units by upgrading Strike has got to be the best cost-effective upgrade ever . . .

  7. The Huckebein Mark II and Red Astray FACE OFF for the better katana wielder . . . Shishiou blade vs. Gerebra Straight!

    what Huckebein MK II is that? i have the 1/100 resin version which i have yet to start and that looks very similar to the one you have.



    It's actually the second version of the Dengeki action figure (which comes in a blue box that, along with the normal weapons, comes with the Gespenst's beam launcher and the Shishiou Blade from SRWOG/OG2). Placed for size comparison, the Red Astray is the 1/144 version.

  8. I have never seen any action pictures with the Wildwurger Display model . . . and now that I notice it, the Wildwurger seems to be missing the M90 assault machine gun (rifle w/grenade launcher). From the picture of the single version [link] it doesn't look like it has any posability, even with the semi-simplistic moving Stag beetle crusher weapon.

    Although I'm guessing the sword is equippable, but that's just because it doesn't seem to be attached to the 3 shot gatling arm.

    And, like the model, no Victim Break capability or variation . . .

    Well, it's good as long as you like static, standing-straight objects that are missing the trademark rifle.

  9. Bandai made this. Isn't it SRW?

    Volks made that . . . says so on the box (not the transport box).

    Was it Shin SRW was the one that had anime mechs and was non-SD?

    Yes, along with SRW Scramble Commander.

  10. And here's somthing called SRX.....I nto sure what it is but it looks cool.

    The SRX (Super Robot X, the X I still don't know the meaning of) is of Super Robot War fame as an original Banpresto creation; it was first features in Shin SRW, then in Alpha, Original Generation, Original Generation 2, and it might appear in the new SRW Original Generation animation.

    I won't bore you with the history of the actual machine or the really technical details (unless you really want it [and this]), but I can say that they are sold under Dengeki Hobby magazine as special limited figures, along with the rest of the SRW limited figures.

    Thanks for the pics!

    is the R-1 in the lower right corner being released as a action figure? i like that figure alot


    I suspect the SRX will be released individually . . . unless they will ship all 3 in a big box.

  11. I keep seeing this stuff everywhere nowdays . . . if anyone here ever goes to gamefaqs, on some of the more-active SRW boards (and the Gundam board) the link to the actual site is seen every five days, if not in minutes or months. :lol:

  12. I'm attempting to download it now . . .

    Otherwise, here's the direct video (not the cam version) of the 20 minute video on Bit Torrent! 130 megs, download is going pretty quick.


    Any Macross mecha in this game or not?


    Personally, there might be another SRW with Macross when Macross Zero gets released all the way.

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