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Vintage Fanboy

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Posts posted by Vintage Fanboy

  1. .. i'd just talk with some guys who got their Revival ver., and some said that the Renewal ver., has (still) better assembly (for each) parts and better mold (?!?). As they didn't say in details, i thought (maybe) Bandai uses the same (more than a decade old mold of Renewal ver.) and therefore the Revival ver., feels like "deteriorated" in some parts?!?

    ..please shre with us any inputs / the comparison if any of you got both of them.. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  2. .. currently i'm following SDF (one eps., each night) and as i've been delved into it, this curioisity emerged; what Harmony Gold gonna do from here (as the IP dispute is (totally) resolved).. are they gonna "adopt" the rest of Macross series from SDF onward; making tremendous changes within each series? (character names, mechanical names, etc.)
    And are they gonna mix each series with another (totally) different IP to fit into particular target audiences too? (Let's say, maybe, mixing Macross Plus with Evangelion or this or that, and thus change the entire IP main line),..

    .. the way i see, Harmony Gold did to is so pretty screwed up, unfixable, and it's very understandable if some (if not many) fans were getting so annoyed with.. it's as if they adopted Spider-Man and changed (almost the entire character names) and mix the IP with, let's say, Pacific Rim or .. ๐Ÿ˜‚ for whatever reasons..

    Honestly, i was born in the early 90's, and my very first is ZERO, for many, it's not even among the best, but however, it is part of my growing up and left me with permanent impressions that would last my lifetime. And yeah, will be felt pretty screw up if Harmony Gold adopt it into Robotech Zero, making many changes, and (especially if) mix it with another totally different IP.. i know that for many, "Robotech" is also part of their growing up, well ok, .. but i personally felt like with "Robotech" they disrespected / dishonored the SDF IP creators, fairly speaking..


    No offense to anyone here,..

  3. .. i think it will just be the same with the 2018 Full Set Pack ver., Bandai just "Revive" it so fans who missed before can get it with normal prices, because DX YF-19 these days are ridiculously overprice.. i personally feel like between Arcadia and Bandai they had "an under the table agreement" not to cross some particular/specific characteristics when they produce the same fighter jet..ย 

  4. As long as you keep them MISB; really never been openend and moreover never took it out of box; never been displayed (even just for considered short period of time), we can hold the value high.. indeed, Macross IP is not as famous as Gundam or Transformers, but in case or rarity (and "vintageness"), i think it holds it more than both of them.. last time i checked on eBay, some collectors sold their's relatively pretty high (above $.300, some even above $.400) but all of sold items are really MISB..

  5. that "revival ver." would exactly be the same with "the renewal ver.", only the finishing paint (matte instead of glossy).. i think the glossy ver. is more durable (and dirt resistant) than the matte ver.

    But it is indeed a gold opportunity (for those MFrontier fans) to get the VF-25G at way more reasonable price,..

  6. 2 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    I havenโ€™t messed with any of my YF-19s in a while but not sure what you mean when you say gapless. If literally, Arcadia Valks usually have much better fit with little to no unsightly gaps. Bandai Valks in general tend to have wider tolerances that leave gaps and parts that donโ€™t fit or tab quite as nicely. Anyways, sounds like you made your choice and it was probably a good one if you had to choose one. Thatโ€™s what I would have done if I had to choose.ย 

    .. yeah, found that DX has noticeable gap between both legs and shield on its fighter mode. But on its battroid mode, it smoother and every part seems fit more nicely than.. Both have their own pros and cons, and i really want to own both of them, but DX is very overkilling these days even for pre-owned ones.. just more talking, i think the best of Arcadia is their Macross Zero renditions..

  7. Thnk u fr ur opinions, guys.. so appreciate thm.. i'd read and wtchd the review about DX YF-19 frm Anymoon and also wtchd some rviews about Arcdia YF-19, and personally feel like the DX YF-19 is based more into engineering - focus made; how a sleeky petite and precisely gapless mechanical figure could smoothly transform into 3 different modes?!? And i think to achieve those, they sacrificed the aesthetic appearances (the resembling of anime line arts accuracy), or maybe Bandai wanted to seperate from the Arcadia's and therefore they made their "own version" of YF-19!?.. Mechanically, it is indeed an excellent made yet feels quiet delicate (and therefore need more extra care to transform it, as there are quiet more gapless parts in-between go through sliding mechanism, even gapless than my Rubik's cube!) than Arcadia's .. Arcadia is truer to the Anime line arts arts and looks more robust, quiet easier to handle and most importantly, it is cheaper!!! =D

    m goin' to frequently change into 3 different modes to put it on display, so Arcadia is the best for me, it's more anime acurate yet somehow less risky and more affordable ..

    and consider to own the other one later..

  8. Hi, guys..


    I decided to buy my first Valkyrie, and it would be YF-19 .. i found some of them from somw different companies, but i'd fallen to only two; between Arcadia or DX Chogokin .. which one should go? Aesthetic appearances and mechanical gimmicks are first two my priorities..

    Please, share with your experiences and thoughts..

    Thanks and much appreciation.. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  9. 56 minutes ago, Anasazi37 said:

    It's unfortunately been that way since the Armored Parts set for it was announced in 2019. Bandai had been hinting that a PO for the set might happen soon, so I took a chance and bought a new 31S on Mandarake for about $250, thinking I would pair it with the armor. The PO was announced a few days later and the 31S price on the secondary market instantly shot up to about $450. The price for the DX VF-1J Hikaru was similarly high for a long time. It only started to come down when the GBP combo set was released. Why pay $450 for just the 1J when you could get it (with some improvements) and GBP armor for $150 less? If Bandai ever reissues the Kairos, still arguably the most highly-priced, recently-produced Macross toy on the secondary market, the value of the original release would likely come back down to a reasonable level.

    .. after thorough checked, VF-25S/Fย  Armored Messiah and that VF-31S Armored Siegfries are very very tempted for me, especially when some scenes from Macross Frontier still fresh on my mind.. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜… .. but no, had to be restrained 'cause too late for me .. and yeah, i would definitely wait for the next and hanging on luck to put me on a very fortunate moment to ..ย  ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  10. 6 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Maybe the OP can narrow down what it is that he/she would be satisfied in collecting...for example, only "Main hero" valks...or only "DYRL", "M+" or "MF" valks...then it becomes easier to "complete" a collection and much less expensive...if it is all or nothing, then this is probably not the right hobby to be in...especially if you did not get started on some of the lines from the beginning...

    Probably not popular to say this, but I like knowing that part of my collection, including the toys, have increased in value....at some point we will all need to either sell or plan on having it all tossed into our funeral pyre....


    My lust to collect valkyries merchandise emerged after i played SRWZ3 and watched Macross Frontier (recently).. And yeah, i had to damit, that i'm too late to begin, and especially, with DX and Arcadia, even for Deltas, they are overkilling already, weewww.. pre-owned items are still unbeliveably in hundreds! T__T .. btw, thank you guys for your inputs, i will try to go for Hi-Metal R, and while Zero is the franchise i love the most.. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  11. Hallo guys..


    I am a new member and i have one particular questions regarding about Macross merchandises (toys): why they are d*mned expensives?!?

    Is it because fans and collectors "cooked them up" to high prices or it has something to do with productions cost or IP royalties or know-how prices to make such high-end merchandises or??

    I am not new to Macross,ย  and for long, i really wanted to collect / at least, own some of their models, but boy.. weewww.. the price is overkill..

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