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Posts posted by SCN-3_NULL

  1. 8 hours ago, Captain Global said:

    This is soo cool, I will probably get myself aother 31J and do the mod asap. Thanks. 

    you actually can just take off the unmodded wingtips and fit this one in, take note the wing tips hasnt tested so I dont know the surface and peg alignment fits or no, I did try to make a slight anhedral for the wing tips. And you have to scribe your own panel line

    The H1 replacement join was tested by reddit users they say the fit was perfect a bit off your mileage may vary. Only work best with FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling) ABS fillament at 100% infil, PLA has the tendency to crack.

    Edit: actually a issue reported the peg was a bit too big I've already updated the design see if that could resolve that issue.

  2. As you all know these kits have the cursed gold plastic as major structural components as these go badly with age and fast too as you all who build these transformable kits will and have known the H1 ankle/engine nozzle mount pieces always will snap. When I build mine they did snap, a double whammy might I add and after failing to put the pieces back and making sure they stay tight (enough to pull out the feet/engine nozzle extension mechanism) with various glues and plastic cement, and unable to get the fabled metal milled H1 pieces I've resorted to 3D model + print, the only problem is that I dont have a 3D printer handy nor close by services are responsive enough.

    This is where I hope this community comes in, this account maybe new but I've been stalking this forum for a while now and I'm might impressed with the workshop section and you guys did very well on the VF-31 weapons packs. Some of you mmight be handy with a 3D printer and I hope you can test these piece and record the necessary modification for these to be perfect fit and hope whoever who also broke their  H1piece and refer to this forum thread.

    While I'm at it I'm also making a few quick mods replacing the Delta flight's forward swept wing tips for those of the VF-31A delta wingtips, see have I modeled these well enough to fit the kit's dimensions. The H1 pieces should be okay but required a few testing and tweaking with a hobby knife, hope it wont break the H3/5 piece above it and grip the F38 piece tight enough. I have experience with CAD modeling but most of these are for chassis/frame mounts and not aeronautics wings thus I need a bit more feedback on the wing tip(you might have to mirror it for the other side and maybe carve panel lined out yourself, the software I used does not line curved surfaces)

    Edit: the VF-31A wingtip was estimated from a Aoshima VFG kit of the same model which I estimate is about 1/100(more accurate) or 1/96 scale and yes I cant find my protractor and all my tools are only eyeball.


    IMPORTANT EDIT: H1 main peg was too thick recommend shave down afterhand before inserting into H3/5 piece while an update to the sketch is being workied on!


    Edit 2: forgot to mention if your assembled kit have no problem dont disassemble it, H1 ankle joint will snap especially with age, if you're either building it or have already broken your H1 pieces then feel free to test the STL to print

    Macross Wing.STL Macross H1 bootleg.STL

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