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Posts posted by sc_planet

  1. This is the carrier in Macross VF-X2.  The resin has a lot of bubbles.  The solution was then to sand the deck and then customise the decals. 



    Photo 1.jpg

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    Photo 5.jpg

    Photo 6.JPG

  2. Finally finished the project of YF-25 Paladin Prophecy in Macross Rider.  It's not an easy task to find the parts, especially when I damaged some parts and hence needed to find extra spare parts.  

    And special thanks to a friend who passed me the resin parts, otherwise this project wouldn't be complete.  

    Photo 1a.jpg

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    Photo 7.JPG

  3. 9 hours ago, TehPW said:

    nice work...

    Now to nitpick.

    The first thing i see that might be/should be wrong is the size and placement of the Jet Intake warning. Unless it would be common for that inlet cover to be at a higher angle when on the ground, the markings should extend along the outside of the inlet covers in some manner along each edge, merging at the front of the plate (see PIC #2's angle).

    The second thing is that there should be No Step markings on the UNDERSIDE of the wings as well (because the JA's wings are hydraulically hinged to flex in both directions when in Gerwalk mode)

    Third? No 03 high on the tail (because when you are an AD working in Power Plants WC in a futuristic Fighter Squadron and Maintenance Control sends you out to do a 30-day inspection on those Inlet Covers, MC would have told you Modex # 03, so you're looking at the highest point on each aircraft, to make sure you are working on the CORRECT fighter)

    were there any pics of either fighter, on the ground and idle, in Macross II: LA?

    Very impressive comment and much detailed than then official specification. Look forward to seeing your prefect work

  4. This is a 1/72 VF-2JA resin.  I think it should be a WF kit back to 2013.  

    This took me almost 1 year to finish especially due to the horrible holes on the surface.  

    Hope to finish another project in 2 months.    


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    Photo 10.JPG

    Photo 11 copy.jpg

    Photo 12 copy.jpeg

  5. Initially planned to make use of Orguss parts to fit into 1/72 VF-1A, but found that the scale can't fit it. So finally tried to source some parts from other models to fit into 1/72 VF-1A.
    Can you tell what models I used to build this?
    The last photo is 1/72 VF-1s in battriod form that i collected over the years. Some were from yahoo/ebay, some were built by professionals.

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    Photo 8.jpg

    Photo 9.jpg

  6. Thank you so much for the comments, support and appreciation.  Perhaps i should tell more about the mistake.  There was a drop of paint that damaged the surface at the final stage.  I tried to sand that part and paint again, but it was not totally unnoticeable.  But I should be glad that it is not too obvious.  

    i will consider to paint the canopy frame.  Thank you for the suggestions.  

    Other projects in pipeline: VF-2JA, 3 x VF-17, YF-25 with parts of Frame Out Model.... and many others to follow 



  7. 10 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    Ooh, very nice clean job! Indeed the Delta kits are particularly fragile, and Bandai's decals have never been the greatest.

    I quite like that base. Very simple and elegant, and adding the emblem is a nice touch. What is it and where did you get it?

    Sorry. Used a wrong account to reply. Yes pls pm if you are interested.  I can buy for you 


    Finally completed the Bandai VF-27 1/72 model, with resin parts for the booster. 

    A painful but fruitful journey to build this.  The most terrible part is that the decals were vanished once they were put in the water.  Finally I had to scan the decals and stickers, remove the background in photoshop, and then print them as decals again. 



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  9. 14 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Amazing amount of effort, with incredible results. You nailed the Meltradi vibe 100%, and your photo collage choice is top notch.

    Thank you.  I think they took me 3-4 months.  The custom decals really made a lot of difference 


  10. More than a year after the newly re-designated SDF-1 Macross restoration project commenced, construction began on a second super dimension fortress in November 2003. Designated simply SDF-2, this second Macross Class vessel of Earth origin was designed with an almost identical hull configuration to the SDF-1 currently being rebuilt, but the vessel was notably larger.  SDF-2 was significantly altered into that of a massive colonization ship, Megaroad-01.

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