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Octopus Prime

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Posts posted by Octopus Prime

  1. A Malaysian toy store is apparently still taking preorders for VF-1S RF at not much higher than retail price (around $211 USD):

    They themselves express doubt about fulfilling their orders, so it sounds more like an expression of interest than a solid PO.

    But no deposit is required, so there's nothing to lose I suppose for anyone who's still searching.

    And after the debacle regarding my previous post, I must clarify that this is not my shop, I have nothing to do with them, nor have I ever bought anything from them. Just sharing what I stumbled on in the off chance it helps someone.


  2. Is anyone going to just settle for the DYRL super parts with their TV Roy?

    I already bought four sets of the DYRL ones in preparation for Skull Squadron, and feeling reluctant to buy more just for some minor differences. 

    Plus the previously released missile set already has reaction missiles, albeit yellow-tipped ones...

  3. I remember during past POs, Amiami would sometimes open up a few more orders in the minutes and hours AFTER the initial batch was sold out.

    Not sure how or why this happens. May be something to do with fraud or flagged accounts.

    But if you haven't got yours, continuing to refresh Amiami could be a decent hail mary...

  4. 1 minute ago, jenius said:

    Can you two just stop 'talking'. It's a circle of zero value add conversation. There's a listing, you've pointed to it, if someone wants to pursue it great.

    If you're someone who doesn't want to pursue it, a simple "no thanks" will suffice. If you think it's a scam, alert an admin that they should probably remove the link. 


    That's what I've been trying to do for some time now, so thank you.

    My apologies to the rest of you here for having to endure that. Good luck with your preorders.

  5. 1 minute ago, vladykins said:

    Why would you come back to defend yourself? Maybe because you desperately want people to believe you are not the seller and that you found this "amazing deal" that you want people to go back and click so that you get people to buy from you?


    How about this: you come back *after* PO madness and let us know you are selling for $225 and then we'll think likely you've scored an amazing deal. Right now all you've offered is something that is waaaay above what the current price is, If you spent half the time lurking as you pretend to, you would not be coming here with fake indignation, because you'd already know what the reaction would be. If you persist, you will likely find your account banned and your posts deleted. And that *definitely* won't drive any traffic to your site....er, I mean your totally unrelated seller's site.


    If I really was the seller, this forum would be a lost cause to me by now as far as hawking overpriced valks to gullible collectors is concerned. At this point I'm just sitting here, kind of amused that some people can be so completely wrong, yet so utterly confident they've caught me out.

    And If I really was the seller, I doubt I'd need to resort to these cheap selling tactics you're accusing me of. I'd make a killing anyway on the days and weeks after launch day.

    Man, I kinda wish I was the seller though. Would be nice to have the kind of hook-up that lets you secure that many preorders.

    Also, I never said that page I shared was an "amazing deal". I specifically said I don't know how it's going to compare to the eventual scalper prices. It's just one of the first available options.

    Lastly, I'm fine if my account gets banned for some mistake I made in sharing that post. But it would be unfair if the perceived mistake was me trying to sell something - because I'm not :)


  6. 1 minute ago, vladykins said:

    Nobody believes you because the facts don't match. If you've been following along for a year, it is amazing that your account says this:




    Add to it that if you had followed along for any time, the only reasonable price postings in this or similar threads is when someone finds a deal *better* than the prevailing price. Given this hasn't hit PO yet, the prevailing price is 19800 yen. Your post is waaaay above prevailing price.

    You tried to post your listing and you got called out on it.




    Firstly, you can follow a forum without signing up for it. That's precisely what I've been doing, so your screenshot proves absolutely nothing. And I joined specifically to share that post, because...

    Secondly, nobody (as far as I can tell) has opened up any orders for this release yet. And it's obviously going to be a mess on PO day. So this was newsworthy to me, because how many of us will manage to secure a retail PO anyway?

    Again, why on earth would I keep coming back to defend myself, if I really got "called out"? Why not just scrap this account and start a new one, since it's a brand new one anyway?





  7. 10 minutes ago, Guyffon said:

    Bro, you say you are not defending this shop yet you say “So I can't imagine sites like Nippon Yasan offering it for THAT much less than the shop I shared, especially once you factor in shipping and possible tax.” which is sort of defending them for their price point, so .......

    Anyway whatever floats your boat and I do hope you get to offload Roy fokker at that price. Even if you are not the “seller”.

    Bro, I have an opinion about their price and why buying from them isn't much different from paying aftermarket elsewhere - especially if you're in this region. That doesn't mean I am somehow affiliated with them or endorsing them. I'm just another collector sharing an opinion.

    Feel free to disagree with my opinion, but can you please stop attacking me as some kind of undercover seller?

    11 minutes ago, technoblue said:

    @Octopus Prime Whether or not you are the seller, the subtext to what other members are trying to tell you is this: it is bad form to come to the forum and use your first 9 or 10 posts to plug a sale. It is even worse to do so on the day of a pre-order in the dedicate toy thread. Not only is the toy forum the wrong place for this sort of thing, it also looks like you are trying to subvert forum rules. MW limits new accounts to the buy/sell forum until they contribute to the site with a set number of social posts.

    A link to the forum rules:


    And in case this was an innocent misunderstanding, a link to the correct where to buy thread:



    I appreciate that at the very least, you're not being rude or incessantly accusing me of being "the seller".

    I have been following this thread for about a year now, and I'm pretty sure I regularly see people posting sales links in the toy threads. 

    Not their own sales of course. Shop sales. That's precisely what I did, because that was the first sale post I've seen for this release, and I figured it would be of interest for people to see what it's going for. Perhaps the fact that I placed an order with them is what got some thinking it's my shop. It's not. I wouldn't be wasting my time here correcting people, if I really was some kind of slimy scalper who just got caught.

    If my original post is still in violation of some kind of rule - despite me having no affiliation whatsoever to this shop - then I apologize and will remove it if everyone thinks that's best.

    Can we move on already? 



  8. Just now, chyll2 said:

    @Octopus Prime

    You said you are new to the forum. The folks here actually knows that and know how much it cost to get one if you fail to secure a PO. And NO, that is not one pay if they missed a PO.

    I recently paid around $240USD for a DX Kakizaki on the secondary PO market (I missed the retail PO).

    It's safe to say the VF-1S RF will cost significantly more than that on the secondary PO market, for anyone who misses the retail PO.

    So I can't imagine sites like Nippon Yasan offering it for THAT much less than the shop I shared, especially once you factor in shipping and possible tax.

    And I'm just sharing my thought process. Not desperately trying to promote that shop. I have no emotional or financial attachment to wherever you get your valks, lol.

    Because no, I'm not the seller ;)


  9. 31 minutes ago, Guyffon said:

    Yeah, that pricing feels criminal out of the gate, maybe malaysian pay high premiums for their toys, but more power to those whom feel that at that price its a steal. I know I don’t.

    A lot of Malaysian sellers tend to charge based on the sum of the prevailing Japanese resale market price, plus shipping, plus import tax.

    Nobody thinks it's a steal though. That's just what you grudgingly pay if don't get your PO from one of the usual sites.

    There are some sellers though that charge based on the actual PO price. Unfortunately they can't always fulfill their orders.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Guyffon said:

    I suspect you are right sqidd, looking at the post count. 

    Like I acknowledged in my first post: I'm new here.

    Is there a rule somewhere here that sharing a shop link in your first post makes you a scammer/scummy marketer?

    If so, my bad.

    Guess I'll just need to stick around here then, to prove you're both wrong :)





  11. Just now, sqidd said:

    I don't believe that you're not the seller. Your first post is spam? Yeah, not a ton of trust and credibility there.

    And you offer is no bargain. Nor does it offer any "features". I can skip the PO and pick them up on release day from established sellers (like Amazon JP for instance) for what you're offering.

    Wow, are you having a bad day or something? Why the hostility? 

    I'm not the seller, I just figured I'd share a shop link and give people some options, like countless people do around here.

    I don't have a way to prove I'm not the seller, nor do I have the desire. The page has a decent number of likes and reviews though - would they really need to resort to such cheap tactics as posting up fake accounts in forums? 

    And I didn't say it's a good deal or a bargain either. Although it could be a decent option for anyone in Southeast Asia who doesn't want to pay the shipping and import tax from Japanese sellers. 


  12. Just now, Guyffon said:

    Hi, I am from Singapore and at that price it definitely is scalper price, but if some one is willing to pay, more power to them. The actual retail price is around 19000 yen, so you do the math.

    Scalper price is moot to me, because that's not far from the price most people will be paying anyway, when they don't get their PO. Plus it'll be worth that much or more in the aftermarket.

    I'll still try to PO but this is my backup.

  13. Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums, but thanks to you guys' intel I've secured quite a few valks during PO madness season.

    So just sharing this here in case it helps anyone: 

    A local seller in my home country (Malaysia) has posted up an early preorder for the VF-1S Roy Focker Special. The price after conversion is around $310 USD (shipping not included).

    Not sure how that will stack up to the scalper prices, but I've gone ahead and preordered one. Their page is here:


    (Just FYI, I'm not affiliated with this shop and have never bought from them before - but their feedback seems solid.)

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