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Posts posted by capt.actionjackson

  1. I'm a latecomer... plus when The Downward Spiral came out I was only 6 years old.

    I suddenly feel ancient. Like I should have be looking for my AARP card ancient. Damn you whippersnapper and your rock and roll!!!

  2. What's MW's take on Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Looks like it's definitely a light gun on rails type of shooter.


    I know it's an unpopular opinion among the other places I visit on the web *cough 4chan /v/ cough cough*, but I think it could be fun. I used to love going to the arcades and playing shooting games, so this could be the best of both worlds: Resident Evil and a light gun game. Of course, Capcom has tried this before on the PS2 (?) I believe, and failed miserably. I think Capcom sees an opportunity to get casual gamers who like the shooting range from Wii Play into one of their products, hopefully leading them to the main RE games.

    Hell, my wife likes the shooting game in Wii Play and horror movies (she like the Resident Evil movies :ph34r: ) so this is at least a rental in my house.

  3. The Wii is ridiculously popular. I moved in with a girl who doesn't play video games ever and we were deciding who would buy what furniture. I told her I would take care of everything in the entertainment center and she was like "ooh can we get a Wii??" Then, my brother calls me a bit later, "My wifey doesn't want me to get any more video game systems but she told me she'd be okay with a Wii." So apparently, chicks dig Wii. PS3 on the other hand? "Hell no, who would spend that much money on a toy??"

    LOL, Macross collectors should never answer that last question.

    I can definitely vouch for fact that females love the Wii. That doesn't sound right, does it? Anyway, almost every night my wife asks "Are we going to bowl? How about some tennis? Find the Mii?" It's like she is cracked out on it.

  4. Just checked my address book and so far I only see your name bolded. Guess I have to wait for the other MW Wii owners to add me to their address book. Got any of my Mii's running around your Mii parade yet? I've set around 16 of the Mii's on my console to mingle.

    Actually, I've got three of your Miis Mike, Jen,and Ken. I wonder when your other Miis will migrate over? Hopefully, the other MW Wii owners will get around to updating their address books.

    As far as MySims goes, I like the way it looks. But I have a feeling that Animal Crossing Mii /Wii is coming down the pike pretty soon, so unless this is just amazing, I'll hold out until then.

  5. It's been 4 months since the Wii came out and I still have not physically seen a system that I could actually go buy.

    This news is posted at numerous blogs and news sites, but there is talk going around that Saturn games could be hitting the Virtual Console.

    Now if they could just find a way to sneak in DYRL on to the VC I'd be very happy.

    Or some sort of firmware upgrade that allows me to play my Saturn games on my Wii. :p

  6. http://www.comingsoon.net/news.php?id=19052

    WB Eyeing Justice League Movie

    Source:Variety February 23, 2007

    Warner Bros. Pictures is looking to make a feature based on super team the Justice League of America, hiring writing duo Kiernan and Michele Mulroney to write the script, reports Variety. It's the first major action the studio has taken on the project.

    The feature film is bound to include some combination of DC's most iconic superheroes, although the studio wouldn't confirm which ones they might be. It's unlikely that the studio and DC Comics, a division of Warner, would opt to feature second-tier characters.

    Since its inception in 1960, JLA has featured almost every major hero in the DC Comics universe, although the core team has largely remained the same: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter.

    The heroes typically band together to fight alien menaces or groups of supervillains.

    "The Justice League of America has been a perennial favorite for generations of fans, and we believe their appeal to film audiences will be as strong and diverse as the characters themselves," Warner president of production Jeff Robinov said in announcing the hiring of the Mulroneys.

    The trade says that in taking on the ambitious project, Warner faces several conundrums.

    Now that the Batman and Superman film franchises have been revived, does the studio go after Christian Bale (Batman Begins) and Brandon Routh (Superman Returns) to star in a Justice League pic? The studio is also trying hard to bring Wonder Woman to the big screen.

    To a large degree, casting will depend upon the story arc for the JLA feature and at what point in the superheroes' lives the plot takes place.

    Unless this is all CGI, I'll have to go with Darth Vader on this one "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

  7. I can't believe your having that much trouble finding one. I've bought 7 now for myself and friends and have had the opportunity to buy at least another 5.

    Just out of curiousity, where do you live? I live in Florida and people are still camping out on expected delivery dates around here. I happened to get extremely lucky and walked into a wally world on an early lunch break where they just shelved three units. While I was in line buying mine, the lady got a call asking about them ("yeah, well I've got 2 now, I just sold one..").

    Since then friends have been asking them to get one and I haven't seen one anywhere.

    So, who picked up Wii Play? My wife loves Wii Sports bowling and tennis, I'm kinda wondering if the pool and the duck hunt clone are worth it.

  8. OK, I'm sitting here watching Macross TV and I just had a thought....if Big West decided that they did want to go ahead with a Macross TV redux for the 25th anniversary, would that eliminate all the legal problems with HG stateside?

    I know I've already stated I don't want a remake, but maybe BW would like one so that they could finally send their products (Mac 0, Yammie products) to the states without HG beating the drums with their lawyers.

    Too much wishful thinking? :wacko:

  9. SSF requires a fair bit of processor, though. Official requirements are a 3GHz P4, or an Athlon64 3200+

    Wow. I guess my 5 yr old desktop won't be running that anytime soon (P4 1.8GHz). I guess I'd better break out my Saturn if I want some DYRL action.

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