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Posts posted by Razor

  1. Looks cool, Love the Black Aces scheme going on.

    About the panel lines - don't be too scared to do it, I only tried it myself lately after trolling through the forums here, and found some great tips.

    I done a Cannon Fodder Valk with a gray Gundam marker, and wiped off the excess with rubbing alcohol, worked a treat!

    Not sure if the Stealth Valks really need panel lining done though!

    Although some light gray lines against the black might look well.

  2. As this is my first post, please bear with me!

    I have two 1/48 scale Valks, with almost no stickers applied.

    I started on the VF-1S, and happened across this forum.

    Because of the overwhelming preference to Takatoys aftermarket stickers by other site users, I've just ordered 2 sets of the stickers.

    Now, my problem!

    I have already applied some of the Yamato stickers, and I'm wondering, will it be difficult to remove them without marking the fuselage?

    They have been on the Valk for about 3 months now!

    Plus, as you have to cut out the Takatoys versions, should I purchase a circle template for cutting out the Macross roundels, or will a compass/dividers do?

    Many thanks!

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