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Posts posted by scottrossi

  1. No, actually.

    Except he wasn't only concerned with his own personal gain or any such thing. Rather, he was an idealist that wanted everyone to get along and see the bigger picture. He was rather extreme in the pursuit of that ideal, which is why he needed characters like Ray and Max to temper him, and point him in the right direction where he'd do the most good towards those ends. He actually put up with quite a lot that went against his own personal interests to follow his ideals. He was against the whole idea of working with the military, Sound Force and all that.

    Single minded? Yes. Missing what's right in front of him while looking at the "bigger picture"? Certainly. Poor people skills? You bet.

    Selfish? I'm not so sure.

    As for the arguments about the events of M0 being declassified, all Duke is saying, Zinjo, is that you seem to be coming out of left field with these statements about things happening, such as:

    He pointed out that nowhere is it ever stated anywhere that this is the case. What you quoted in return only says that the events of Macross Zero remained classified for at least 50 years. Which means it could have been 100, or a thousand years for all we know.The only thing we know for certain is that it was not declassified within that 50 year span. Past that, we don't know. It does not say. So, to say definitively that events were declassified in 2058, the burden of proof lies on the person making that statement.

    maybe the information is still classified, but a select group could be in a "need to know" situation, or possibly they could have high enough security clearances to see this. we don't really know what all permissions the mayors get, and this SMS, maybe it is Special Military Squad/Service and they are a higher security. we really don't have anywhere near enough information for anyone to have a firm stance on this yet.

  2. omg i have watched the episode three times now, and then i went back and watched macross zero again.

    i really really think that SK is going to connect the two series. i will admit, it is more of a feeling than anything, but there is something so similar about the AFOS and the "bugs." I am not sure what the connection will be, but I think it is going to be significant.

    I would love love love to see Megaroad 01 come back into the limelight, as would so many of us, however I would be afraid that SK would take revenge on us and show the ruins of the M01 or something equally horrible. ;_;

  3. To be fair, taking both of things together, I think it's an indication they are doing something slightly different here. No, the main defenses don't seem to be a match for the invading enemies, but the invading enemies appear to be superior even to the ace pilots of the fleet. It doesn't seem like this is one of those typical things where everyone else in the fleet sucks and there's a handful of aces who can beat them; it seems like this is a really really dangerous vastly superior and advanced enemy.

    I don't think it's an indication the rest of the fleet is incompetent cannon-fodder.

    At least, that's the impression I get so far.

    i totally agree with you on this one. i think these guys are going to be real baddies and not your typical space enemies. i look forward to more episodes!

  4. Some more thoughts:

    I see the Macross Galaxy now in the "Immigration Fleet" sequence... is it just me, or are they fairly close to the Galaxy core?

    Watching it again, in the HD release, the NUNS insignia does indeed look like the Zentradi one, but in UNS colors (and rounded).

    Is it just me, or did the VF-25 fire homing lasers?

    And the Ghosts! Very sweet!

    i am sure they are closer to the galactic core than earth is, however the galaxy is HUGE. until we see some legend/key/scale on the map, we won't really know for sure. i think i have read somewhere that they are heading "towards the core" or "near the core" but i doubt we will ever clearly know. prolly just some vague "near the core" statement.

    i am hoping this isn't the same region megaroad 1 went in before disappearing. ;_;

  5. i really liked this episode! a++++

    i saw several scenes that seemed to be inspired by the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. The combat scenes had the same fluidity that BSG has and what really resonated as BSG inspired was when the enemy went in amongst the fleet ships. AMAZING.

    i can't wait for April and fansubs.

    my japanese is very barbaric so i am not going to fool myself that i understood even a fraction of the dialogue, haha.

    this has me tearing my hair out (well, maybe just one single hair) though because i am working on a fanfic project and now i have to change some things around because SK decided to make the Megaroad 04 discover Eden, when previously, the compendium had the Megaroads as super long distance fleets, not short range.

    oh well, his universe, haha.

  6. after watching M0 and M7, i always imagined the stealth properties of the mecha and spacecraft to be similar to the "no-ships" and "no-globes" from Frank Herbert's Dune Universe. I am not sure why, but I guess the little part of me that listened in physics class in high school figured it would be <s>better</s> EASIER/CHEAPER to have a mechanism that matches and cancels out radar and sensor waves, as opposed to bending them. of course, back then, we didn't cover quantum physics and all that, so who knows ... this is a good debate, on the stealth and whatnot, but it might just be a moot point. SK might have just said to himself, "ok, Overtechnology just allows active stealth." and left it at that, lol.

    that's my 2 cents anyway.

  7. hello friend, i am a long time lurker, first time poster and am glad to be a part of an actual live and functioning macross message board. it looks to be a great place!

    anyway, i am working on a macross fanfiction and rpg supplement, to complement the UN SPACY DATABASE at unsd.macrossroleplay.org

    i don't even have a domain or anything yet, i am working on compiling materials and such first. anyways, here is the premise:

    The year is 2048 and the UN Spacy is recuperating from the devastating Varauta War, while continuing to settle new worlds and explore the galaxy. Increasing anti-UN attacks have been devastating colonies and convoys across Human space, causing the UN Spacy to increase its military presence and numbers on every front.

    The story is set in the Palmyra Sector, which was settled by the Megaroad 9 mission starting in 2021, and continuing to this day, with additional colonial missions being undertaken by the UN Government and various corporations and pioneer groups. Of late, the anti-UN has made itself known in the sector and attacks are increasing at an alarming rate, and to top it off, Zentraedi attacks are on the rise in this sector as well.

    Cue the arrival of the Galaxy Patrol and the Macross 18 mission and the battle lines are being drawn. Here is where you come in:

    I am looking for some fan created spaceships and mecha designs for this effort for the following groups:


    1 x "Battleship" design (featuring heavy weapons over mecha)

    2 x "Colony ship designs" (think Macross 7 type colony ships ... i would like one 'military base' which is different than the Aberdeen/Beginhill training vessels, and i would also like one Zoological/Livestock ship, similar to the Sunnyflower but with little domes on it for various terrain types)


    1 x "Heavy Battleship" (flying wing shaped if possible)


    1 x "Flagship" ( Similar to Bodolza TV Series Command Base, but 'different' )

    1 x "Battleship" Class

    2 x "Carrier" Classes

    2 x "Destroyer/Corvette" Classes (not including ASS-1/SDF-1 Macross Class ship)

    1 x "Scout Ship/Picket" Classes

    1 x Space fighter

    1 x Powered Armor


    1 x "Battleship"

    1 x "Destroyer" ( not including the "Untamed Class" )

    1 x "Carrier"

    (for the anti-UN i was thinking of going for a "gothic" feel to it, with very dark and grim looking spacecraft, think 'cathedrals in space')

    All efforts will be fully credited, but as I am obviously not out to make financial gains from this effort, the most I can offer is that, as I am a middle class individual, lol.

    I am thinking of using a livejournal as a temporary database, so if anyone is interested in following along and submitting, if i choose to pursue that option, i will provide a link.

    THANKS in advance, i look forward to any submits.

    If you want to upload it here, that is cool, or if you want to email it to me, scott.rossi@gmail.com

    either way, i am cool with it. thanks so much!

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