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Posts posted by joonbug

  1. Which might be one of the best parts of the story.

    Post Frontier note: PMC OPed, nerf. Delta: PMC nerfed.

    It's a backwater PMC, run around *singers*. And this sort of character is what singers can be notorious for. Yeah, not Mikumo, because she is whatever she is. But Mikumo and Messer were the people trying to beat some form of order into Chaos. Now Messer is dead and Mikumo, even when not unconscious, seems to be going through an identity crisis. So it's a bunch of lads and a bunch of singers. And that's all there is to it, apparently.

    Isamu would love this org. He'd fly the way he wants to (while teaching rookies in a very confusing way) and strike it up with more than one Walkure member - perhaps he'd aim for Makina AND Reina? Oh, also he'd kick Keith out of the sky just for the sheer fun. Whether he saves him then depends on Isamu's mood at the moment (assuredly not on politics). But in general this org seems like it's run on Isamu's principles. After this, I do wonder how Isamu fit into the stricter SMS.

    Oh and on that topic, it would really be great if Lady M was Myung. Because I'd totally love seeing her KICK ASS for once. She has the brains and she has the guts. She can do much more than just save one loose cannon pilot from her own Vocaloid. (As an aside I still think Sharon was more misguided and confused than malicious).

    Lady M, my speculation would be Grace from the Frontiers series...

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