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Posts posted by Vision33r

  1. Mirage seemed a bit embarrassed about revealing to Hayate that she's not as talented. I don't think there's any subtle love triangle yet, she's just not comfortable revealing that with Freyja being there. She even asked why she is hiding. She just seem very overwhelmed with the responsibility at hand that Messer's journal mentioned her weakness.

  2. If anyone's a traitor, it's Mikumo. (she keeps not dying from the attacks, despite taking circuses to the face...)

    Mikumo = Basara. She's not interested in fighting, more interested in power of music like Basara. She's also a bit stubborn like Sara Nome. Basara often disappears to find music challenges in the galaxy. He's interested in hearing others sing and challenges them. Basara is unafraid of being in the middle of combat. Just like the scene that Hayate thought Mikumo is crazy jumping in front of combat, we all know that Basara was the 1st to do that.

    Freyja = Her design is sort of like Elma from Macross 7 Dynamite, she is sort of like Mylene now that she has Fold Receptors. Maybe like Ranka in some other ways.

    Hayate is a bit like younger version of Isamu, hot shot but not ready for prime time yet.

    Messer = Gamlin. Determined and stubborn.

  3. I get the feeling Messer is finally going to have to be put down and it'll be by Hayate. That will drive him to fly harder to make up for Messer's absence (Hayate has already marveled at what a good pilot he is) because he feels compelled to fill that role.

    Maybe, I don't get that feeling yet. It's unlike Macross to delete a character in the series so early on. If Messer is gone, there won't be enough support to protect Walkure and Keith will be really bored of fighting lesser capable pilots. I don't think Hayate will ever become the ace pilot in the series. His purpose is to be support of Walkure and use his fold receptors to amplify their song power. So he is more like Basara, he'll fly around and dodge stuff and protect Freyja but don't expect him to take on all of the Windmere fighters. Same goes for Mirage, she's just not that good.

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