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Posts posted by FerGonzo27

  1. I agree and that's why this kind of topics shouldn't be on here. Staying on topic means staying on a hot political issue right now. Don't shoot the messenger folks, it is what it is and the site should remain consistent. This poll defines members as right and left right down the ideology line and its not right.

    Oh, yeah. I had forgotten why I stopped going to message boards. Because there was always someone who had to tell me my very existence was "politics."

    Geril, thanks for creating a thread that made me feel welcome and included for at least 27 hours. Omnichannel, thanks for the wake up call.

  2. With the human race being so widespread across the galaxy I don't get the feeling that extinction is considered much of a problem anymore.

    I'd love to see a love triangle where the lead (male or female) finds themselves drawn to both a man and a woman, but that's just me. ;)

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