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Posts posted by farmer_yohei

  1. basically, it's like this:

    1. Macross 7 TV series (49 Episodes)

    2. Macross 7 Movie: The Galaxy Is Calling Me (released after the series, but set sometime during the last quarter of it)

    3. Macross 7 Encore (2 episodes, plus "Fleet of the Strongest Women," which you can watch before or after the other two episodes, since "FotSW" ends with a preview for Encore episode 1, but Encore episode 2 ends with a preview for "FotSW." All of them are set sometime during the series as well.)

    4. Macross Dynamite 7 (Set more than a year after the series)

    Thank you very much. I hope I can get through this series. I really want to. Its the only thing Macross I haven't seen. Must complete the set.

  2. I grew up watching Robotech. Loved it. Forgot about it until they started reshowing it on Toonami. Read the novels. An interesting aside is that I never really watched any of robotech after the macross saga. I remember renting both Macross Plus and Macross II from the local blockbuster on VHS. Both dubbed ofcourse. I remember being thrown off by hearing the Zentradi language the first time.

    Never cared much about Macross until Animeigo was talking up their remastered version. That for some reason blew my mind and made me have to watch the japanese Macross. Went from watching Macross to DYRL to trying to watch Macross 7 (it never really clicked with me, but that might have just been my bootleg copy with Japanese to Chinese to English translated subtitles). Though now that I have finished Macross Frontier, I am very much gonna go back and see a properly subtitled version.

    God I love this series. I just wish I could go to the local Best Buy and buy it. It really is a shame we must be pirates.

  3. So I was bored and I rewatched episode 4 and saw something I don't know if anyone has pointed out. So the guy who says "deculture" in episode 5 (the one every says will become Ranka's manager), he is sitting behind Alto in the Miss Macross pageant with a huge grin on his face when he sees Ranka.

    Thats it. Not important, but I saw him and thought it was cool. Like looking for the creature in Lost.

  4. So I didn't know where to ask this so I made a new topic. Does anyone have scans of the goldbook? I keep hearing about this mythical book of greatness and want to check it out. So I figured some one might have scanned their copy for the good of the community. So, did anyone?

  5. I'll tell you what will really piss me off if it happens in the next episode. Ozma says to Alto "hey want to know the secret of the Vajra?" "sure do," says Alto. Cut to another scene or a muted reaction shot of Alto as he (and not the audience) hears the secret, and then 22 episodes later we hear. If he tells Alto, we better find out. If not, it'll piss me off just like Lost does, and I could only watch 2 seasons of that before I just said screw it.

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