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Posts posted by asianed

  1. 22 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Macross cels?  Do you have the name of the shop or web address?

    I don't remember, to be honest. It's one of the few storefronts on the top floor of Nakano Broadway (a shopping center) that isn't owned by Mandarake. I know they've been there for at least 6 years and has a huge pile of various cells and douga that you can dig through. 

    It's physically located in one of the corners of the building and opens before anything else (around 10am?) so it shouldn't be difficult to find. It really is off by itself and is across from the Mandarake storefront that sells scripts and other production collectables. 

    I don't know if they have a site or not, it doesn't seem like they'd be sophisticated enough to have a site (or a site that shows invsntory). 

  2. My collection at this point is more of a character shrine to the modern songstresses... ^^


    Sheryl and Ranka are in Idolmaster outfits at the moment... Sheryl is Miki while Ranka is Yukiho. XD

  3. A few more pictures of Freyja posted on Volks's blog!


    I can't say I'm a particular fan of the faceup on this one. If pricing holds from the previous Macross DD release, she'll probably come in at 65k-70k jpy. I would venture to guess that the stage outfit will be the default with the travel/casual outfit to be an add-on (both Sheryl and Ranka shipped with stage outfits).

  4. Since I know most people here probably don't follow doll news, I wanted to share the news that Volks Japan published via Twitter today. They'll be releasing Freyja Wion as one of their upcoming dolls! Not much detail is available aside from the one picture so far, but we will definitely see more (pricing, availability, ordering, etc.) in the coming weeks.


    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/volks_dd/status/793732822422867968

    If they follow past pricing, expect the base doll and outfit to be around 70k jpy with additional outfits to be around 15k-20k (depending on complexity). Their previous two entries into the Macross universe, Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee were hugely popular.

  5. Thanks for the info. I did buy a stain remover that is sold from their site, as well as some care product stuff for the hair and a styler brush. LOL, never thought I'd be buying this stuff, but between the VMF Minmay and these Volks figures, I've become a fan.

    For inexpensive hair styling tools, toothbrushes (unused, preferably) work well. If you need something coarser, look for flea/tick combs at your local pet store.

    ...sorry for turning the last page into doll care discussion... XD

  6. Nice collection then. I only have 3 4 figures this size. 2 Sheryl Nome Dolfies, 1 Ranka Lee, and then 1 Lynn Minmay version from Yamato VMF line. I need two single stands now, so I'll be sure to look for them at the sites provided. As for the double stand, I'm probably gonna go with the first one posted. It looks a little nicer, however, depending on time, I may end up getting the cats one, once it's in stock.

    In regards to the body stockings, what color are Ranka and Sheryl? Are they the normal color, or the lighter version?

    Both Sheryl and Ranka are Volks normal skin. I have a mix of the partial body stockings from Volks as well the full suit from Cool Cats.

    I'm uncertain if standard 1/6th clothing tips and tricks would apply here but for 1/6th scale you can soak clothing in vinegar to set the dyes.

    Yeah, the same tricks apply. :)

    If the doll gets stained, you can use a little pimple cream (the higher the percentage of Benzoyl Peroxide the better) to fade the stain over time. Just apply some to the stain and put it in the sun for a day, clean, then repeat.

    For those interested in care and ownership of Dollfie Dreams, I'd recommend checking out the Dollfie Dream forum (www.dollfiedreams.com). Very good community over there!

  7. Thanks! I currently have both Sheryl and Ranka in their alt stage outfits. I'm a little disappointed in the quality though, both of the default outfits were very well lined with white fabric, reducing the chance of staining the vinyl. The alt stage outfits aren't fully lined, so body stockings may be necessary to keep staining to a minimum.

    Sheryl is also wearing a custom earring that someone made for me out of some thin gauge wire and beads. It actually moves and swings, unlike the plastic one Volks included. :(

    On the stands, I'm guessing the other styles are out of stock. I mostly have round stands, but also have one of the square-shaped. I actually prefer the square style since the base is a bit thinner than the round puck. I think Sheryl and Ranka have put me over 10 DDs...

  8. Hi! First time poster, but I wanted to share my Sheryl and Ranka collection. :)



    Even dolls like to have fun!



    Another alternate outfit for Ranka: https://www.instagram.com/p/-hAQ81t27P/

    Sheryl and Ranka collection


    I really haven't had an opportunity to take Ranka out for many pictures just yet. So many BJDs, so little time. :(

    On the topic of Doll Stands, Volks themselves have several options. I also have several stands made by Cool Cat, they even sell a "couples" stand with 2 holders on one sheet of acrylic.

    All stands: http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=acc11&Category=185699

    DD thigh stand couple: http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=sta_dd_03

    Ranka is actually a DDS (50cm doll vs 60cm for Sheryl), but generally the shoes will lift her high enough to use a DD-sized stand. Flatfooted, she will float a bit over the base. presumably you can use DDS stands for both, as the stand is adjustable.

    I prefer the thigh stands from Cool Cat, largely because I can hide the stand itself behind the leg in photos. You can't really do that with a saddle or waist-hold style.

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