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Posts posted by Zonnet

  1. The HMR line looks very good indeed. Probably takes a long time before they roll out the VF-4, VF-0A, VF-2SS etc. that haven't been announced earlier.

  2. I could not get into Frontier, too cliche anime for my tastes compared to SDFM. This looks....worse? SDFM was a great war story that was relatable and had characters who weren't magical teens in high-school (yet somehow also on the front line as fighter pilots) who were the chosen ones. I'm in the camp that Plus was the last great Macross property (which wasn't even really Macross anyway). Guess we will see, not excited for this sadly.

    This. I'm too old to watch this kiddie stuff that just rolls out of Anime-factory with different labels. I want clever plots, interesting adult characters, dialogue that isn't just repeating each others names or "listen to my song" over and over, actual intelligent "bad guys" (not some weird space monsters) and then some mechs to boot :)

  3. So the Macross Delta is another show with 12-16 year old main characters and massive weird hairdos. I hate it that Macross is really going off the anime deep end. It seems that Macross Plus was and will ever be the pinnacle of this series.

    VF-31 is YF-30 with better fighter mode and worse battroid mode. Not impressed, at all.

  4. I also think that VF-4 is one of the better and interesting designs in Macross universe. Yes, the gerwalk is weak, but I really love the fighter and battroid (except the flat feet). Yamatos design looks solid, so I'm looking forward to this one. I just hope that Arcadia doesn't over price it.

  5. VF-0A looks so good :)

    I was considering getting it, but I won't risk getting a defective product for that huge price. I don't like the lack of tampo either. Beautiful valkyrie, not worth the price unfortunately until Arcadia fixes the hip problem (unless you can fix it yourself). I'm actually kind of mad if they already had the issue on VF-0D and didn't fix it. The problem will then probably persist on to 0S aswell. Bad way to do business.

  6. Rearranging my shelves, and realized I had all of my 19's in battroid.



    I really like Yamato VF-19's battroid mode and overall 19P is my favourite (well, the head). Unfortunately Macross 7 colors look really bad to me.

    This custom would be insta-buy. Such a beautiful valk and color scheme:


  7. I'd like to see well made Macross II valks (not really assured that Evolution Toys versions will be that great). Not my favourite series, but the designs are pretty nice looking.

    Especially after YF-30, I know Bandai have people who can design a great looking valkyrie with awesome paint finish and tampo to boot.


    Love those shapes ^^

  8. Yamato/Arcadia already nailed that one down even though I don't like it since it looks 'clown-ish' and more like 'boxing gloves' for me. I really still prefer the DYRL hands over the TV series hands. ;)

    I know what you mean :) It's a little bit about the rest of the proportions as well. This (or something close to this) is what I'd really like to see someday as a fully transforming toy, even if it meant couple swappable parts:


    One can dream. Meanwhile Hi-Metal R will do nicely.

  9. imo, the yamato v2 was able to get the proportion close in all mode. It is far by the best compromise. The real problem is actually caused by Anime magic, it is real bad that in order to have perfect transformation, manufacturer will need the real over technology

    This is very true. Anime magic is hard (or impossible) to translate into real world and I think Yamato v2 is pretty nice overall. I like the idea of having some optional swappable parts though - like smaller wings and bigger hands for example - to make the Battroid mode look more anime accurate and dynamic.

  10. interesting to see the use of part swapping for the wings in battroid on this second release unlike the 1J GBP


    So this is definitely not part of the transformation? Shame. I've been waiting for someone to figure out how to do that.

    The thing about VF-1 is that no manufacturer (that I know of) have gotten the VF-1 Battroid proportions right on a full transformation toy. Shoulders, head, forearms, hands, lower legs, feet (ankle rotation), chest, wings: all or some of these are always so far off the mark that the Battroid mode ends up looking bulky, clumsy and not very dynamic or heroic, no matter how cool the toy looks otherwise. That's why I haven't bothered getting any VF-1 toys (after Toynami masterpiece Max), even though it's THE valkyrie and one of my favourites.

    Anyway, I'll take swappable parts over bulky wings any day and will probably get this one and other Hi-Metals, if they turn out good.

  11. Sounds like you may benefit from a walk on over to anymoon.com to see all my toy reviews :)

    I'll take this opportunity to thank you for your great and detailed reviews. Helped me so much when I had to get a lot of info fast. Much appreciated!


  12. I recently bought the Bandai DX YF-30 as my first premium Macross toy. Well, I have a Toynami Max VF-1J from back in the day and it was cool and all, but, I belive, not premium even back then.

    I did a lot of research on what Valkyrie I'd like to get to display on my bookshelf, and (although I'm a fan of original Macross [Robotech] and Macross Plus is the pinnacle of the whole series in my opinion), I ended up with what I thought to be the best overall design/quality. And, after watching all the reviews several times and looking at all the pictures I could find, I was still stunned how beautiful the YF-30 is. The quality of engineering and materials, the finishing (gorgeous matte paint and tampo), the colour scheme and especially the desing of the battroid mode are amazing, not to mention the articulation on the toy. I'm not an expert, but to me YF-30 is very close to a model kit quality which is huge for a transformable toy.

    I know many people don't like the braces for gerwalk and battroid mode, and I do understant that it diminishes the idea of absolutely perfect transformation, but they don't bother me much. The little of them that shows don't really show as detachable pieces when you display the valk. And you don't even have to use them.

    Anyway, the toy design and quality have come a long way since I last checked the world of Macross toys (or toys in general), and I can't wait for the future releases. I'm propably gonna get Arcadia's VF-0A next. I'm kinda sucker for the more "realistic", not over the top, visual look on Valkyries.

  13. Did Guld and Myuung actually have sex?

    Can't believe this is my first post to this forum, but yes, they most obviously had sex (although we can't be but 99.9% sure, since they didn't actually show it). :D

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