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Posts posted by NYD3030

  1. Got mine yesterday! This is my first Arcadia valk and I gotta say, overall I'm not overly impressed with the construction compared to Bandai Frontier valks I own. The wrist joints on the poseable hands are floppy as crap and the gaps around the shoulders and neck seem a little large and are slightly asymmetrical.

    Also the left "head laser" (forgive my newbness, don't know the technical term) is completely locked in place, to the point where I accidentally broke the damn thing before I even tried to re-position it. Curse my clumsy nerd hands!

    So with all that said, it is still pretty damn cool and I'm glad I ordered one. I'm just not quite as thrilled with it as I thought I'd be.

  2. I've done a lot of searching the forum to get bits of noob info but I figured I'd toss in a few questions here as well. I have wanted to get into this hobby FOREVER but until recently I lacked a key ingredient: money.

    I recently picked up the YF-30 Chronos and YF - 25 Prophecy because they were reasonably priced and I like the Frontier valks quite a bit. I also preordered the Arcadia VF-0A. Super pumped for that!

    Anyway, my questions...

    1) Generally speaking, how do you manage this hobby? Jumping in as a noob everything is either discontinued or the preorder is sold out, so what is your strategy for getting the mecha you want?

    2) Some of the prices on the secondary market seem bananas and I have no experience to know whether prices for something like the Arcadia YF-19 return to a more reasonable level after a while.

    3) Let's say you had $350 bucks to drop this afternoon on a valk - what would you buy? Arcadia VF-0D? YF-29?

    Finally, any general advice you might offer, if a given release was either exceptional or awful, would be awesome!

    And yes, I did learn enough on my own to pick up a yetistand!

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