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Posts posted by Boss

  1. Cheers one and all.

    I recall a friend having a terrible time back in 1995 getting the two hull segments to fit together properly. (I've got my own a few decades late, waiting in my build pile.)

    Tip for model dusting: Drop by the dollar store and grab a couple of makeup brushes for powdered makeup in different sizes from the HBA isle. They're soft but have a lot of very flexible bristles and make excellent dusting tools, getting into tight areas without tearing away paint or small parts. A little work will get all the dust out of those areas. :-)

    Believe it or not I actually gave it a big dusting a little while before taking these pics, that gives you an indication of how bad it was before!

    Thanks for that advice though, I may just do that.

    On getting the two sections of the ship to fit, there was actually a horrible accident when putting the two bits together again ( I think I had them separated for some reason)...anyway I had had a lot to drink and I used too much force and the front section went up under the back a little and snapped one of the antennae- you'll notice it's a little messy on one of them where I glued it back :o

    Also a flatmate broke one of the two antennae on the back off and didn't say anything about it or retrieve the part- I had to make a crude replacement out of a toothpick :angry:

  2. I built and painted this about 5 years ago now (and only just finished the Macross), I know these models are regarded as pretty horrible but I'm rather fond of this one and a sucker for all things Zentreadi really.post-30014-0-44667700-1420020051_thumb.jpg

    The little SDF could probably use a watered down black wash and a re-application of the grey as it looks a bit simplistic (though it's not so bad in the flesh)


    I refrained from using any of the transfers as I didn't see any of those markings in the series


  3. Besides a 1:20000 scale ARII Queadol-Magdomilla and walking Minmay doll, this is my first attempt at a "proper" model kit.

    It's more than a bit rough in a few places ( and there was a mix up with the arms) but overall I'm pretty happy.


    I'm a seasoned 28mm miniature painter but big kits are a new area for me.

    I used Citadel Paints ( Eshin Grey, Administratum Grey, Mechrite Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet) and think they did the job nicely.


  4. I'm not going to win modeller of the year with her, but here she is.


    Unfortunately (my one big mistake) in a moment of doubt while assembling I managed to mix the arms up, so the model's arms hang floppily at it's side.

    There are also a few unsightly gaps (and a couple of sprue notches that I hadn't anticipated being visible) in places that I will do my best to cover up, and I decided not to use all of the transfers as the yellow stripes were just falling apart and making me un-necessarily angry!

    I am pleased to report that I had no problems with the quality of the plastic when attaching the arms though.

    I'm a seasoned 28mm miniature painter but a kit of this size was something new for me, I painted the kit with Citadel paints and I think they fit the bill nicely.

  5. oh dear god...I remember that kit. Here's a tip---the small round pegs that attach the arms to the body are sh*t plastic. Be super careful when trying to attach the arms to the body. One of mine sheared in half and it was only through the miracle of Pro-Weld that the kit sits completed on my shelf.

    Thanks for that, it is duly noted!

    I'm next to an absolute novice when it comes to building large models too, so I need all the help I can get :p

  6. In the 80's I used to have a fair few of the ARII model kits which I built, never painted and eventually snapped all the head lasers etc off and then threw out.

    Also in 93 or so (?) K-Mart here in Australia had what I can only assume was reissued Matchbox "YouKnowWhat" toys for an absolute pittance and I picked up what worthwhile stuff they had- Battle Pod and pilot figure, an "Officer's Pod", the Tomohawk Destroid, the two Nousjadeul-Gers, and the small SDF in the humanoid configuration...anyways, it all got thrown out a few years later, along with the Matchbox Shock Trooper and large Zentreadi figures I had.

  7. Hi everybody, I'm from Australia and grew up in the 80's head over heels in love with Robotech:The Macross Saga.

    I discovered Macross proper via the Palladium Robotech RPGs and by that point already had a handful of the palm sized DYRL Valkyrie kits available here (without fully understanding what they were and why they had different colours and loadouts) - needless to say once I saw the subtitled series and movie I left Robotech far behind.

    I have a small but respectable collection of kits and toys, I am lost as to who makes what and what scale it is in and I hope to learn what is what here.

    I have a predilection for the Zentradi and their Mecha.

  8. Greetings all, longtime SDF Macross/DYRL fan here and I thought this might be a nice post to introduce with.

    I have a small but nice collection and this is one of my more beloved pieces, I painted her with Citadel paints


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