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Posts posted by niomosy

  1. I've always sort of wondered if the live action movie thing didn't fall through because WB found out they couldn't use the Macross designs the movie would inevitably depend on to drive mecha fan interest in the movie. Sure, you would think that they did their due diligence before signing any contracts, but the movie industry is filled with decades of stories where productions imploded because of legal problems that weren't adequately researched or covered ahead of time.

    I have to imagine when Tobey Maguire first went after the Robotech property he had visions of Valkyries and the SDF-1 dancing in his head.

    I'm curious about the whole Macross designs thing.

    Really, they could modify the existing Macross stuff just enough to pass legal and call it a day. It's not like companies don't try for the "minimum required by legal" route on a regular basis so I'm failing to see why it wouldn't be done here. If WB is stalling, they've hopefully got better reasons than that.

    Really, though, companies buy rights to movies all the time. Hell, Azimov's Foundation movie rights were sold some time ago and I doubt anything will be done with it. It's just a regular thing in Hollywood.

  2. It was fun chasing the rabbit into the rabbit hole.

    Alas, for Robotech and it's fans, the damage is already done. The brand needs a new, younger, and more diverse audience to survive. Nothing has been shown that proves HG has the tools or the passion to move in that radical direction.

    It's a pity things are as they are. Were the Robotech IP in the hands of a competent company, we'd be having much different discussions right now. Then again, Robotech might not exist as-is anyway. I'd love for it to end up in the hands of a company that was able to do more than the misguided and lackluster efforts of HG but I'm not going to hold my breath.

  3. I think this is what Seto was getting at before. The introduction to Macross by way of Robotech was an influence that ended with the conclusion of SDFM for many of us. I also didn't go looking for more Robotech stories after Rick and Lisa took off into the sunset. I went looking for more Macross stories, more Macross merchandise and more Macross art. I was surprised to learn years later that Robotech was something completely different and included two series that were unrelated to SDFM..

    That confused me for the longest time. Yeah, I was more of a mild-mannered anime fan in the beginning. ^_^

    When I first watched Robotech, I was upset with the transition from Macross into Southern Cross. I couldn't initially get into Southern Cross as I really wanted more of Rick and Lisa since they'd planned on visiting Tirol and I wanted to see that. My mom, who was also watching with us, convinced me to start watching again during the New Generation. I was hooked back in.

    Lately, I've been going through the Robotech series with my girls. They liked Macross but were particularly interested in Southern Cross, particularly due to the increase in prominent females in the action. New Generation, though, has them hooked. Never have I had them go through 6 straight episodes and still ask for more until this point.

    For me, Robotech was really never a transition into the Macross world as Macross became a secondary importance to me. I was much more a fan of New Generation and enjoyed the mecha more; both the REF mecha and the Invid mecha. I still want to go back and see the continuation of Rick and Lisa because it's something of the Robotech story line I've wanted to see done since the 80s but it's less because I'm a Macross fan, more because I'm a Robotech fan.

  4. So... you want exactly what I just described in the post you quoted? The sequel Harmony Gold can never make... in which they've got the Macross characters as the focus of the story, out in space doing Macross-y things like establishing colonies and teaching new aliens about humanity's culture, just without the word "Macross" in the title. Sentinels is what a lot of Robotech fans want, for reasons that are fairly obvious... it's basically Carl Macek's Macross-MOSPEADA crossover fic, and it's far more Macross than it is MOSPEADA.

    There are so many problems with the very idea of producing it that you're pretty much hosed even if you DO become rich enough to independently finance a new animated series.

    I'm personally interested because it brings the four groups together - Humans, Zentraedi, Tirolians, and Invid - in a huge conflict that isn't around Earth for a change. I really have no interest in how Macrossy it is; I preferred New Generation to Macross within the Robotech series anyway. I'm interested in the progression of the Robotech storyline which I like.

    As for becoming rich enough, I'd do it if I could ;) Though, in all honesty, a full reboot to put everything in order and better tell the Robotech story would likely be the way to go.

  5. simply because it's easier than admitting to themselves that they've wasted thirty-odd years hoping for a clueless but (originally) well-meaning company (Harmony Gold) to produce the impossible sequel of their dreams... something that is all about the Macross characters, doing Macross-y things, but without the word Macross in the title.

    Actually, what I'm wanting is the Sentinels series which is more the Macross characters dealing with the Invid and Robotech Masters on Tirol while using New Generation mecha.

    At this point, really, I'm more likely to become rich enough to buy Harmony Gold and pay for that series to be produced myself than to see HG produce it.

  6. nice bass! my band mate has four fodera's and one of them in particular is very unforgiving, it'll expose a lesser player who can't play with precision. it's a pro's pro bass.

    maybe ESP will make more

    Mine is generally very forgiving and makes me sound better than I normally am. I've had a few other people play it when I was looking at heads and cabinets and would bring the Fodera along for testing. All seemed to like mine. I have played the type of bass you're describing though. I found one Ritter that would just not work with me. Switched to a Benavente and was much better off.

    I'm sure ESP will make more. I've enjoyed their instruments since the 80's. They do good work.

  7. Discussed many times. I was told a Toymani rep at one of the hobby/toy shows said that if Beagle are finished with the 1/10 Ride Armors then so are they.

    Beagle underwent liquidation a while ago.

    Makes sense given Beagle did the work and Toynami was reaping the benefit. Sad that Beagle was liquidated. Anyone know what happened to the molds?

  8. Well, there are less and less retro game shops here nowadays... I remember just a few years ago there were many, many more. Prices on a lot of items are dirt cheap for the most part, though. Occasionally you will come across expensive things but rarely do prices escalate beyond the original MSRP.

    At least that's what I find, though I only concentrate on Gameboy and SNES stuff, and sometimes PS1. A lot of these games may have depreciated due to Virtual Console etc. downloadable re-releases.

    As for the Konami Hyper Boy -- yeah, that thing is not rare, like, at all. I see tons of them everywhere... So goofy. :p

    Not bad. I still want to get an NEC PC-FX and a Supergrafx. Some day. Too many things to buy. Nowhere near enough money.

    One of these days I should pull my Atari 5200 and TurboGrafx out of hiding and play with the kids.

  9. How many signature ESP's do you own? lol

    yep, i agree it makes sense to go with a Japanese Brand. makes the most sense..

    but to your last comment:

    of all the artists mentioned, i guarantee you every single owns a fender or has owned at one time or another, they are iconic.

    lastly, doubt you ever owned a custom shop fender that's master built or heard of about quality control issues with one, that's an irrelevant point.

    it's not good to assume bc a company offers better quality control in the lower end and mid end range, their custom shop is more likely to give a better quality product over another company's high end line.

    They are made in separate places by built with a different set of standards for different markets, materials and craftsmanship.

    I'm sure many people own Fenders. Yes, they're iconic. I play both bass and guitar. None of my instruments are Fenders. If I'm ordering a custom shop item, Fender isn't even in the equation. If they can't get it right elsewhere, why the hell would I trust them with thousands? Though I was able to try one (Jazz bass). Instead, I ordered a bass from Fodera via Bass Northwest and have been quite pleased with it. Better than what I'd experienced with the Fender.


  10. (Fender

    was just an example of a recognized brand prior to seeing it's ESP) ESP has low end stuff (USA made) and high end(Japan) similar to Ibanez

    (made in Korea vs. the high end Japan made stuff) Fender is no different, offering low end and high end gear. so unless you own an ESP

    or Fender Master Class at that price point, there's no point in discussing quality control.

    ESP is a recognized brand. They were pretty tops on my list back in the 80's and have continued to do well since then. For a Japanese band, it probably makes more sense to go with ESP's custom shop than Fender's.

    As to Fender, I'd be more likely to go with ESP's custom shop based simply on the fact that since ESP shows better quality control than Fender at the low and middle end of the price spectrum, they're more likely to give me a better product from their custom shop. As some might say, the shop hasn't been the same since Leo left to work with Music Man, then form G&L.

  11. Its 350,000 yen actually. ...

    Basara: Listen to my songs from my 350,000 yrn guitar!!

    yup, it's 350,000 yen. it won't be surprising for guitar pros. super top grade musical instruments can cost many times more.

    I was replying to someone claiming it 35,000 so I was simply going with their number. But, yes, instruments can go for much more than that. I know. I have a bass that ran me a lot more than $3400 though my PRS cost less. I suspected the price was for the guitars but wasn't positive.

    As to the guitar talk, why would they bother commissioning Fender when they've got ESP? ESP does a lot of customs in Japan. Not sure what the case of Fender in Japan is, they could well be limited like ESP USA. Also, the ESP Japan costs should be higher. ESP Japan seems to do far more in their custom shop. Just check out ESP Japan's custom gallery: http://www.espguitars.co.jp/ordermade/gallery/index.html

    Personally, I wouldn't bother with Fender either. ESP's quality control is a bit better while Fender loves to ride on name recognition.

  12. I think there was an error in the price of the guitar given by Cybergundam.


    I do not read Japanese, but the price that would be 35,000 yen instead?

    35,000 yen would be $341. That seems an unlikely price for the Valk.

    Looking at this add more, the 1/60 info is up by the 6590 yen price so that's likely the price. Additionally, 1250mm is a bit huge for a valk at 49.21 inches.

    As an aside, I want more info on those guitars :D

  13. Hmmm, that pic is on a site blocked at work so I'll have to take a look tonight at home.

    I'm mildly optimistic for now. Not sure yet how much I really want to delve into 1/60's given a very tight budget and other things higher in priority. Still, it's good starting news. Hopefully there's more from there.

  14. I would not give that, or any other toy outside of a low end TF to a 3 yo. I thought it was cute to let my daughter play around my Brave Max once, she stuffed it with food. Aside from that she could break something off and hurt herself.

    "Give" being a relative thing here. The transforming/grown-up toys all reside in the office out of the reach of my little ones. It would likely stay there and they'd play with them only when supervised. They'd get full access later once older.

  15. I don't think so, at least not with the movie we got - the background felt so "different" between Pitch Black and Chronicles. It was hard to believe the two movies took place in the same universe. Unlike Alien/Aliens (which did make the leap from Horror to Action).

    Right. That's where a 2nd movie would be important. Build the universe some more in a 2nd movie, then put in a reworked Chronicles that has them jumping all over the place. Expanding the universe is likely going to move it from horror to action. I think they just did a poor job of transition.

  16. That is on my watch list. I've already got the blue Alpha so I'd have an extra. Funny thing is, the 3yo would love a blue Alpha. Every time she sees the Robotech opening credits she chimes in that it's her favorite toy. She hasn't asked to play with mine yet, though. Might pick her up a morpher and leave it at that. She's been decent with the Valkyrie morphers.

  17. I liked it too, it was a decent film (not great but decent). The problem was taking a little movie like Pitch Black and trying to turn it into a Tent Pole action adventure franchise movie.

    It could be done but they tried to do it too quickly. Build in Pitch Black in the 2nd movie. Then put Chronicles 3rd (and probably give it a bit more work).

  18. What's funny is that it's not that much worse than the Toynami version.

    But I can at least afford the Toynami version ;)

    I'll be picking one up soon but I'd heard pretty good comments about the Beta.

  19. http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/tread_toy.htm an old article on the legacy page i think. it's from carl hoff's amazing collection of stuff.

    i saw that auction yesterday and teared up. oh if i was wealthy......

    Saw this as well. Didn't they used to go for around double that price a decade or so ago?
  20. So I did some digging...

    It seems most of all the former Yamato employees are working

    At Arcadia as most of the former prototype vinyl type half naked

    Figures are now showing up basically identical aside from box art and

    The Arcadia logo...

    Plus I asked HLJ what's up with the order stopped Yamato custom

    Figures and got a reply..

    As the joker said " it's all part of the plan"

    I think we just need to sit on our wallets and wait.

    I'm good with this. My wallet is being focused elsewhere at the moment so a delay in seeing new Valks is just fine by me.

    Now on to finally snag a Beta/Tread and eventually the new Metroplex :D Hopefully.

  21. i had a feeling the ostrich would've been next in line for a reissue before yamato went under.

    what will kill me is if Arcadia put out a new mold for the vf-1 line as a new company,

    aside from panic buys, i think there will be some backlash if there's a redesign so soon after releasing all the option part valks for their 30th anniversary.

    if a renewal/redesign does comes out it, should be for a line that hasn't been touched in a while such as the zero line.

    i don't know if i can handle a vf-1s v3.0/2.5 right after buying their option part versions.

    So leave the 1/60's as-is and give us v2 1/48's :D

  22. I've done a transaction with MaidenJapan, and he came through with flying colors. I ordered the prototype VF-1 gunpod for 1/48s.

    Good to know. With the way things are going with Arcadia, he should look into the 1/48 market ;)

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