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Posts posted by darthmayhugh

  1. On 3/2/2018 at 1:03 PM, Sandman said:

    A little too rich for my blood. No offense to you as you are justified selling at market price. I'm just annoyed that I can't easily secure one at retail price and don't feel like I should have to pay the crazy mark up because I couldn't win a lottery. It's really souring me on the hobby right now. Imagine if they did that for frontier with the yf-29. That would have sucked.

    A year ago I probably would have just paid the mark up (i paid $300 for the focker yf-29 back when it first came out - way overpriced for even now) but since then my disposable income has been greatly swallowed up by my kid's needs. Also, the USD to CAD exchange is so bad that it's not worth ordering from US sellers. So I can't justify doing this anymore. If I can't even complete delta squad I will probably use this as an excuse to quit collecting. After at least 8 years of these crazy per-order nights and now this lottery scheme, I'm tired. I hate having to plan my life around pre-order nights. I'm so busy I can't even remember what day a preorder night is or even that there was a preorder. 

    The situation with the Kai really bums me out. I know it's just a toy but it has negatively affected me in regards to how I feel about this hobby. Last night I realized I probably won't ever own a kai unless I pay close to ($450-500 CAD) with it only getting worse the longer I wait. I find that I'm coming to the forum less and less these days because subconsciously I don't want to be reminded about missing out on the kai. Anyway sorry about the rant. Just need to vent I guess. Feels kind of good to get it off my chest.

    Dude I absolutely feel the same way....... I had 6 1/60 of my valks in my collection stolen... Now I only have 2 the kit kinds and 2 HMR I want to collect Dx Chogokin Delta figures so bad but with the prices and the fact they don't sell them here in America im over it!

  2. On 9/22/2017 at 12:05 AM, Graham said:

    Although I'd like 2 of each Delta VF, current finances are restricting me to 1 of each :(

    At least you're able to get one I have none and it sucks because by the time I'll be able to afford one they will be up in the 400 500 dollar range.......

  3. On 7/21/2011 at 10:35 AM, Mommar said:

    My argument for why the Destroids should be cheaper is as follows: I own the old Exo Squad versions of the toys from the mid 90's. They weren't fantastic but they're durable and move about like you'd expect any of the Destroids to move. It cost $10. You would think at + $40 more they could make a $50 toy with better plastic/joints. They added that goofy torso that allows the body to shift up and down but it also makes the toys a floppy mess so that added engineering "marvel" is a waste of time and money.

    The Regult is different and would take more work. The large body and skinny legs necessitates some fancier mechanisms in order to make sure the legs don't become floppy/loose. Plus the Regults were far more dynamic in their movements compared to the stiff, lumbering Destroids. Also, I absolutely don't care about a figure being included or opening hatches either.

    Yes but yamato macross toys are more than toys. Is that not why we are all so obsessed with them?


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