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Posts posted by Dermeister

  1. Nice im happy to see this mod got updates this month for soem reson seams liek al lthe macross mods for diferant games die out :( i dunno why prolyl cause its alot of work to make transforming vfs.... all i know is if this makes it to a release imma be a happy camper :) specially with transforming vfs and all.

    I do have a question though... how do u plan to make the VF squadrons... do u plans to make available 4 VFS in a wing and calculate that a full combat sqadron is 20? so 5 slots in a carrier each slot has 4 fighters therefore 1 sqadron needs 5 slot space in the hangar bays?. then again usually whne ufly u fly in pairs so it couled also be a good idea to have 2 planes grouped together as 1 unit but that wouled take more slots but the number of slots dosent really matter slong as the total aircraft number is right that way in a 2ship u cna split up in pairs if your a 4 ship but really u got 2 units with 2 fighters each that makes 4 ... u can split up and be more tactical... any how i guess im gettign in the detaisl of things.. thatswhat flyging falcon 4 online does to u LOL :p! yes im a fighter jockey. >_>

    And also do u plan to make 1 model for each like Variants of a Fighter liek the A model B model D ect and make the player build add ons for the load out,or do u plan to make a VF - 11 with AA misles and another 1 air to ground version ect i guess my question is will the Vfs be truly Multi role? liek toodays fighters or will we have a vf that does AA another anti ship ect.

    Pardon if i have bad english :(.

  2. Hey guys,dont stop the work your almost there and all macross mods ive seen so far for hw2 have ben abandoned for some reson ... i got high hopes for this 1 sounds like its on tracks too with all the models in games and stuff. ive seen alot of good things going on for this sexy mod.

    I was wonmdering if u guys will do 1 VF1A and then make it so u build add ons for the weapons it carries?? or u will build a bunch of the same VF with diff load outs?

  3. And I agree that better ENGLISH would be cool.

    DAMN, man, you gotta work on that.

    People who hear me bag on lurkers, you see why I dislike them now?

    Moving on, Falcon 4 Open Falcon? Heh?

    yea google it :)

  4. yea i agree better grafics woueld bwe cool buti dotn really mind those grafics its fun anny how im just looking for peopel to fly with plus any of you herd of falcon 4 open falcon? i wish they wouled makea macross mod for that game.

    any how any of you have a server up let me know ill fly with u guys

  5. Yeah dude, I was using the handle SuperOstrich.

    I've been leaving the server on as often as I can with a 3 hour reset. What I can't figure out is how to record network flights, I enabled the server record option, but I can't figure out of the life of me where it outputs to.

    hey what server do u fly in i flew thiso nline with a friend its awsoem we ran an intercept mission its so much fun

  6. I guess Shadow already figured out how to do a transforming unit. From what i've know they are already playing matchs online with the beta. (they= developers team)

    well thats cool so theyr pretty much finished?just working out the kinks? cant wait to see new screenshots and updates.

    weve seen alot of capital ships what im mostly intrested in seing is the VFS for the UNspacy and theyr transformation and animations and how are you guys going to make them launch.. those are often overlooked things... the way they take of from the caps and howmany capital ships in theyr stats says they can carry a certain number of VFS then ingame that ship cant... im curious on the details of that sort.

    Will theyr be custom VFS? they dont need to be in any macross animes but it wouled be cool for the user to decide wich VF he/she wants as a custom VF so they can immers like am i the only person to do this but i often put a Fighter in group 0 and i use it as if i was personally in it, it makes huge battles immersive that much more because your not only concerned about the tactics... but i try to make that fighter in group 0 survive....

    Im sorry if the quetions i asked have allready ben answered or asked but ive ben readign previous posts as much as i couled but i went trough fast so if i missed some answers sorry.

  7. Seams liek theyrs alot u can do with HW2 you just have to get creative and this mod seams to be progressign well what stage are you guys at? just tryign to get the valks to transform or have u got some working allready in a beta? im quite optimistic about this mod im curious to when we may get to play the first opened beta or such.

  8. As of now, I don't think that it is possible to have transformations behave like that, mainly due to the fact, that the triggers for the animations are very limited. I am looking into ways to code around this problem, but so far have not had any success.

    ahhh sad i hope u figure somthign out for the transformation thats what was lacking in the HW 1 mod.. they only had 2 modes for each fighters.. battledriod or fighter or fighter and gerwalk.

    unlessu make a VF-11 fighter and battle droid only and a second VF 11 fighter and gerwalk... so on the battle feild theyrssome variaty in modes used...or hey in the gundam seed mod i seen the gundamns have multiple modes acording to what add on pod u build on it u couled build sheilds.. certain weapons and it woueld apear on the 3 d model..... coulent u use that for the transformation modes?

  9. Hey im just curious for the VF transformation... cant you make the mode it is in defien what it transforms into? like i dotn rember if in HW u got Passive,normal,and agresive modes but lets say u switched to agressive mode cant you make the VF go into battledriod,then normal into gerwalk,Defensive wich is gunna try not to engage to much and doge alot into a fighter?

    or stwich the mecha modes al lyou want but you get the general tought i had.... wouled it be posible?

    Beacause id love to be able to change the load outs of the VFs and decidewhat mode you want your vfs to engage in in fighter or battledriod ect it wouled be really nice... now i know the engin may limit you but so farm an i love what your doing dont give up and if uthink u cna have them fully transformable and havethe player decide when they shift then you know what go for it :)

  10. Make your own squadron logo? What is this, Robotech: Crystal Dreams?

    No but does it mean just because its macross it has to be always skull squadron? in the anime its verry focused around skull only place idont rember seing the skull squadron is in macross plus.

    How ever because i dont rember seign it in there dosent mean its not.All i am sayign is it wouled be cool to see a custom tail Logo for a squadron other than the skulls wich was based of a real life F-14 squadron The jolly rogers wich now the f14 is retired from the us Navy.

    it was just a sugestion of what i wouled personaly like to see on a VF hopefully your not offended because its not meant to critisise or offend your work i think its an awsome model.

  11. Hey guys i have a request for the skinmakers for those VFS....all i see on those tails is the SKull Squadron logo... cant you invent your own squadrons?? and make versions of the skin for 2 or 3 diferant squadron than skull.Yes skull looks cool but its always always the same old skull squadron logo it gets boring.What about the grim reapers? or i dont know The crazy eights? or Zeus squadron you know theyrs alot of room for originality for tail art...

  12. love the art work.. only thing that anoys me more than ever is every 1 always uses Skull Squadron for all theyr VF-1's theyr must of ben 100s of Vf-1's in service no? i dont know about macross but for fighter squadrons in real life they have about 24 aircraft per squadrons 12 to 24 depends what branch what country ect therefore theyr must be loads of squadron logos you can find from macross Lore on the net if not make your own. i sound like im criticising im sorry if i do its just a sugestion of what wouled make those awsome peices of art even more attractive to me.

    Pardon my english its not my first language.

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