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Posts posted by unodi2

  1. 19 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Hello Marco and once again congratulations on your acquisition!  As you probably know, the Henkei Super VF-1S is the rarest of all the vintage Macross toys.  It also represent one of the last toys released during the SDFM/DYRL with any affiliation to the  original Takatoku Macross line.  Again, congrats and welcome to the club! :friends:

    So is the Takatoku Valkyrie 4-pack the only other vintage Takatoku Macross toy you are missing?  You have everything else from the Macross Takatoku line?  I will keep an eye out for it and let you know if I spot it for sale or auction.  Also, I know I have spares of the Mecha 4-pack of the same set, but not sure if I have a spare of the Valkyrie set.  If I do I will let you know.

    In terms of Japanese collectibles, I only collect Macross these days.  Not sure if you have taken a look at some of the items in my Macross collection....I ususally post them here:  http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/42-collectors/

    In terms of Takatoku Macross.....since I already have all of the toys and collectibles from the original line, I now mostly focus on items such as the Takatoku Macross promotional materials.  You can see some of the images here:  



    Again, congrats of your rare find and if you have any questions regarding vintage Macross toys, feel free to reach out.



    Thanks ... sorry but I don't know your name ... thanks, I'm really happy to have found it. I was resigned to not having it but one should never despair. Now I have to decide if to sell the 1/100 and 1/76 that I already have but it is always difficult to sell a Valkyrie. I knew it was one of the last toys produced by Takatoku and this has increased my desire even more, Takatoku is my favorite brand and I have another toy that marked the end of this graeat company, the Galvion, distributed when Takatoku was already closed, without external packaging, only inside a fruit bag, hanging in the toy kiosks, do you know the toy?
    You ask me if I have everything from Takatoku? I'm very afraid to say such a thing, I learned that the word everything is very relative because something new is discovered every day. For example, I don't have the small sofubi distributed in an envelope because they are the same as my 2 cubes, maybe I don't have other small and unknown toys to me but the most beautiful and important ones I think I have them all in my collection. Furthermore, I am only looking for toys, all the merchandising that revolves around Macross I appreciate it but I do not have the economic possibilities to broaden my interests as much.
    Thanks for your availability, it is nice to share this passion with someone who loves it like me, in Italy Macross is known as Robotech but it is not a series much followed by collectors of vintage toys.

    Please, can you explain the meaning of the acronyms that I have often read in posts such as SDFM / DYRL?
    Thanks again.

  2. 19 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Takatoku (?) rubber figurines.......26,500 JPY


    These figurines, which appear to be the same as the figurines included in a couple of the Bandai HCM releases, supposedly were created for/by Takatoku to be included in a Takatoku branded "Super" VF-1S DYRL Hikaru-Type that was planned for release to coincide with the release of the Macross film DYRL.  Unfortunately, Takatoku went BK before that happened and their molds and plans for this DYRL-tied release eventually were acquired by Bandai.


    Vintage Takatoku Macross VF-1 toy bundle....73,999

    The bundle final auction price is arguably driven by the inclusion of the once mythical Takatoku Super VF-1S Henkei Valkyrie Series # 6.

    This Henkei represents one of the last Takatoku Macross Toys of the SDFM/DYRL era....the toy was most likely released after Takatoku went BK and is actually branded as a Mark Toys/Takatoku...fully licensed by BigWest.  The same can be said for the planned DYRL Hikaru Super (Strike) VF-1S...conceived by Takatoku, but eventually was released by another company, this time by Bandai.

    No Takatoku Macross collection can be considered complete without it.  It is arguably the rarest Macross toy collectible from the SDFM/DYRL era.

    Congrats to the new owner...and welcome to the club! :drinks:



    Hi, my name is Marco and I live in Italy. I am a collector of Japanese vintage toys but my biggest passion is Macross. Like you I have spent about 30 years (since 1991) looking for the toys that I wanted and the Valkyrie of Macross have been the toys that I have searched most intensely. I do not limit myself to Takatoku but to everything vintage exists. I'm still looking for your box of Macross 4 Valkyrie Set sofubi but luckily yesterday ... I took off my most painful thorn in my side and I won the Henkey type N ° 6 VF-1S Super. I am very happy and I believe you can understand me. Unfortunately I rarely follow this magnificent site but when I need information I am always sure to find it here. Thanks for being so active in sharing your information, they are always very valuable.

    I would like to insert some photos of my toys but I don't know where and how? can you help me? Can I insert them here or is there a more specific page?
    Thanks again .
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