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Posts posted by Loner

  1. I went to the IMAX yesterday. I liked Rorschach. I thought it was spot on with the comic, for the most part and was amazed at how close they got so many details that jumped to mind (from the newspaper scene to others). Bunch of little details I think could be spotted when the Blu-ray comes out.

    I disagree on Rorschach being an "anti-hero" though. He is the hero. And he loses. Part of Watchmen's underlying point (somewhere between cynicism and relativism).

    I disagree. Rorschach

    might have died at the end, however the ending shows that he pulled off his own masterstroke


  2. One of Alan Moore's longstanding laments was precisely this reaction of the fans--that the majority of them identified most with Rorschach, the moral absolutist ultra right-winger with the goofy face.

    That he bears more than a passing resemblance to Alfred E. Neuman has got to be some kind of an in-joke, or a reference at least to the oversimplified nature of his moral barometer.

    Personally, I found him to be one of the creepier (in the sexually repressed, manically violent sense) characters in the comic, which is saying a lot.

    Anyway, from dailygazette.com:

    “Rorschach is clearly the most compelling character in the book in many ways,” said Matthew Costello, a professor of political science at St. Xavier University in Chicago and a comic book aficionado. “Alan Moore has said on a couple of occasions that Rorschach is a psychotic killer, and he doesn’t understand why everybody likes him so much. Yet Rorschach is clearly the character he gives depth to.

    Well, maybe Moore shouldn't have made Rorschach so f'ing awesome.

    Anyway, I enjoyed the movie, though the friends I went with debated the change in the ending.

    I felt the change with Manhattan being the enemy, instead of the squid was fine. One of my friends disagreed and preferred if they used the squid as in the original story. The other friend, who didn't read the book enjoyed the film.

  3. Yeah, that's bothersome. I remember seeing a print advertisement once for "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 0083," which just made me facepalm.

    I've also noticed (pure anecdotal evidence, not tryin' to make a blanket statement) that it seems like a lot of people who prefer Robotech to Macross also prefer Wing to U.C. Not sure why, though.

    It might have to do with what they saw first.

  4. Marvel might be in the credits for production, however Marvel themselves sold the rights to the Punisher movie to Artisan way back when they began to get into films. Artisan made the 2004 Punisher movie, and was then bought out by Lionsgate which released the film against Kill Bill 2. They also were the main force behind Warzone. In both films Marvel was not in control of the films as they were for the Iron Man movie. If we ever want to see a good Punisher movie, Marvel needs to have creative control of it, and have a script written by Garth Ennis; as he is the definitive writer for Frank Castle.

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