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Posts posted by kaznove

  1. Is the VF-27 your first Frontier Valk? If so, I feel your mileage will vary.

    I personally found him to be difficult to transform, and even more unwieldy with the Super Pack on. I got so fed up trying to transform him that I've left him in Fighter mode permanently.

    If anything, I'd recommend any of the VF-25 renewals (or the newer ones based on the retooled Renewal designs) over the VF-27 as your first foray into Frontier.

    Nippon Yasan are okay. They're great for getting web exclusive, demand payment immediately for in-stock items, though they do delay shipping stuff a little. But so far, I have no issues receiving stuff from them.

    Can't comment on after-sales services, though I believe generally if you have any breakage for Bandai stuff, you're pretty much out of luck regardless, as they (Bandai) don't do replacements.

    Yup its first frontier..its the best deal at the moment and I feel you get most for your money(don`t want to pay over 300/400$ for ozma), plus i realy love the designe! Transformation I can deal with, I collect transformers and few other transforming mech

    I plan to display super parts only in batteroid and gerwalk mods, so no big worry there for me. In plane mod its more streamline and better on his one

    I watched and read reviews of 25 and 27 many times, and only thing to me that is noticably better on 25 is that arms can swing to the side normally, other things are preaty much the same, or am i wrong? Ofcourse, I don`t count designe of valk itself

    I had worrys about plastic, joints, overall durability opose to 25 etc..? if its on par than ok.

    And thanx all for your thougths!

  2. Hi, I`m new here,

    I have 2 VF1s and trying to go for couple of frontier valks :), and want to ask about Nippon Yasan and are they reliable? How good is customer service and all of that stuff?

    Reading this thred i`ve got concerned about them, cuz the breakage of @twitchs VF 27...

    Obviuslly I`m very interested in brera designe and all, but have a little bit of concern about durability? I saw that it is available on Nippon, HLJ, Hobby search, which of the retailers is best? I only had buisness with HLJ and they are excellent, but this valk is 1000 jpy cheeper on Nippon, and they have more shipping methods to chose from, i wanted to try them but for the first time its no small amount of money..

    Please help?


    P.S. Sorry if my english is not great, its not my nativ language, and sorry if this question is not for this thred, I thought to put it here cuz I`m interested in this VF 27 and need opinions about it

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